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Here is a table of all package groups (a.k.a., groups), packages, and components:


  Group   Package Mnemonic/Component Purpose
bal  Basic Application LibraryProvide application-level support services
  balbBasic Application Library BasisProvide common application-level facilities
    balb_controlmanagerProvide a mechanism for mapping control messages to callbacks
    balb_filecleanerconfigurationProvide an attribute class for file cleaner configuration
    balb_filecleanerutilProvide a utility class for configuration-based file removal
    balb_leakybucketProvide a mechanism to monitor the consumption rate of a resource
    balb_performancemonitorProvide a mechanism to collect process performance measures
    balb_pipecontrolchannelProvide a mechanism for reading control messages from a named pipe
    balb_ratelimiterProvide a mechanism to limit peak and sustained consumption rates
    balb_reservationguardProvide a generic proctor for rate controlling objects
    balb_testmessagesProvide value-semantic attribute classes
  balberBasic Application Library BERProvide encoding/decoding of data per the (binary) BER rules
    balber_berconstantsProvide namespace for BER-related constants
    balber_berdecoderProvide a BER decoder class
    balber_berdecoderoptionsProvide an attribute class for specifying BER decoding options
    balber_berencoderProvide a BER encoder class
    balber_berencoderoptionsProvide value-semantic attribute classes
    balber_beruniversaltagnumberEnumerate the set of BER universal tag numbers
    balber_berutilProvide functions to encode and decode simple types in BER format
  balclBasic Application Library Command LineProvide facility to parse process command-line arguments
    balcl_commandlineProvide command line parsing, validation, and access
    balcl_constraintDefine constraint function signatures for supported value types
    balcl_occurrenceinfoProvide a type describing requirement and default value of option
    balcl_optionProvide an allocator-aware command-line-option descriptor class
    balcl_optioninfoProvide a POD command-line-option descriptor struct
    balcl_optiontypeEnumerate the types supported for command-line-option values
    balcl_optionvalueProvide a variant type for command-line-option values
    balcl_typeinfoProvide a class describing an option's type and other attributes
  baljsnBasic Application Library JSoNProvide components for encoding/decoding in the JSON format
    baljsn_datumdecoderoptionsProvide options for decoding JSON into a Datum object
    baljsn_datumencoderoptionsProvide an attribute class for specifying Datum<->JSON options
    baljsn_datumutilProvide utilities converting between bdld::Datum and JSON data
    baljsn_decoderProvide a JSON decoder for bdeat compatible types
    baljsn_decoderoptionsProvide an attribute class for specifying JSON decoding options
    baljsn_encoderProvide a JSON encoder for bdlat-compatible types
    baljsn_encoder_testtypesPRIVATE: Provide value-semantic attribute classes
    baljsn_encoderoptionsProvide an attribute class for specifying JSON encoding options
    baljsn_encodingstyleProvide value-semantic attribute classes
    baljsn_formatterProvide a formatter for encoding data in the JSON format
    baljsn_parserutilProvide a utility for decoding JSON data into simple types
    baljsn_printutilProvide a utility for encoding simple types in the JSON format
    baljsn_simpleformatterProvide a simple formatter for encoding data in the JSON format
    baljsn_tokenizerProvide a tokenizer for extracting JSON data from a streambuf
  ballBasic Application Library LoggingProvide thread-safe logging toolkit suitable for all platforms
    ball_administrationProvide a suite of utility functions for logging administration
    ball_asyncfileobserverProvide an asynchronous observer that logs to a file and stdout
    ball_attributeProvide a representation of (literal) name/value pairs
    ball_attributecollectorregistryProvide a registry for attribute collector functors
    ball_attributecontainerProvide a protocol for containers holding logging attributes
    ball_attributecontainerlistProvide a list of attribute container addresses
    ball_attributecontextProvide a container for storing attributes and caching results
    ball_broadcastobserverProvide a broadcast observer that forwards to other observers
    ball_categoryProvide a container for a name and associated thresholds
    ball_categorymanagerProvide a manager of named categories each having "thresholds"
    ball_contextProvide a container for the context of a transmitted log record
    ball_countingallocatorProvide a concrete allocator that keeps count of allocated bytes
    ball_defaultattributecontainerProvide a default container for storing attribute name/value pairs
    ball_fileobserverProvide a thread-safe observer that logs to a file and to stdout
    ball_fileobserver2Provide a thread-safe observer that emits log records to a file
    ball_filteringobserverProvide an observer that filters log records
    ball_fixedsizerecordbufferProvide a thread-safe fixed-size buffer of record handles
    ball_logProvide macros and utility functions to facilitate logging
    ball_logfilecleanerutilProvide a utility class for removing log files
    ball_loggercategoryutilProvide a suite of utility functions for category management
    ball_loggerfunctorpayloadsProvide a suite of logger manager singleton functor payloads
    ball_loggermanagerProvide a manager of core logging functionality
    ball_loggermanagerconfigurationProvide a constrained-attribute class for the logger manager
    ball_loggermanagerdefaultsProvide constrained default attributes for the logger manager
    ball_logthrottleProvide throttling equivalents of some of the ball_log macros
    ball_managedattributeProvide a wrapper for ball::Attribute with managed name storage
    ball_managedattributesetProvide a container for managed attributes
    ball_multiplexobserverDEPRECATED: Provide a multiplexing observer that forwards to other observers
    ball_observerDefine a protocol for receiving and processing log records
    ball_observeradapterProvide a helper for implementing the ball::Observer protocol
    ball_patternutilProvide a utility class for string pattern matching
    ball_predicateDEPRECATED: Provide a predicate object that consists of a name/value pair
    ball_predicatesetDEPRECATED: Provide a container for managed attributes
    ball_recordProvide a container for the fields and attributes of a log record
    ball_recordattributesProvide a container for a fixed set of fields suitable for logging
    ball_recordbufferProvide a protocol for managing log record handles
    ball_recordjsonformatterProvide a formatter for log records that renders output in JSON
    ball_recordstringformatterProvide a record formatter that uses a printf-style format spec
    ball_ruleProvide an object having a pattern, thresholds, and attributes
    ball_rulesetProvide a set of unique rules
    ball_scopedattributeProvide a scoped guard for a single BALL attribute
    ball_scopedattributesProvide a class to add and remove attributes automatically
    ball_severityEnumerate a set of logging severity levels
    ball_severityutilProvide a suite of utility functions on ball::Severity levels
    ball_streamobserverProvide an observer that emits log records to a stream
    ball_testobserverProvide an instrumented observer for testing
    ball_thresholdaggregateProvide an aggregate of the four logging threshold levels
    ball_transmissionEnumerate the set of states for log record transmission
    ball_userfieldsProvide a container of user supplied field values
    ball_userfieldtypeEnumerate the set of data types for a user supplied attribute
    ball_userfieldvalueProvide a type for the value of a user supplied field
  balmBasic Application Library MetricsProvide thread-safe collection and publishing of metrics
    balm_categoryProvide a representation of a metric category
    balm_collectorProvide a container for collecting and aggregating metric values
    balm_collectorrepositoryProvide a repository for collectors
    balm_configurationutilProvide a namespace for metrics configuration utilities
    balm_defaultmetricsmanagerProvide for a default instance of the metrics manager
    balm_integercollectorProvide a container for collecting integral metric values
    balm_integermetricProvide helper classes for recording int metric values
    balm_metricProvide helper classes for recording metric values
    balm_metricdescriptionProvide a description for a metric
    balm_metricformatProvide a formatting specification for a metric
    balm_metricidProvide an identifier for a metric
    balm_metricrecordProvide an aggregated record of the value of a metric
    balm_metricregistryProvide a registry for metrics
    balm_metricsProvide a suite of operations for recording metric values
    balm_metricsampleProvide a container for a sample of collected metric records
    balm_metricsmanagerProvide a manager for recording and publishing metric data
    balm_publicationschedulerProvide a scheduler for publishing metrics
    balm_publicationtypeProvide an enumeration of aggregate types used to publish metrics
    balm_publisherProvide a protocol to publish recorded metric values
    balm_stopwatchscopedguardProvide a scoped guard for recording elapsed time
    balm_streampublisherProvide a balm::Publisher implementation that writes to a stream
  balscmBasic Application Library Source Control ManagementProvide versioning information for library components in bal
    balscm_versionProvide source control management (versioning) information
    balscm_versiontagProvide versioning information for the bal package group
  balstBasic Application Library Stack Trace utilitiesProvide a portable facility for obtaining & printing a stack trace
    balst_objectfileformatProvide platform-dependent object file format trait definitions
    balst_stacktraceProvide a description of a function-call stack
    balst_stacktraceconfigurationutilProvide utility for global configuration of stack trace
    balst_stacktraceframeProvide an attribute class describing an execution stack frame
    balst_stacktraceprinterProvide an object for streaming the current stack trace
    balst_stacktraceprintutilProvide a single function to perform and print a stack trace
    balst_stacktraceresolver_dwarfreaderPRIVATE: Provide mechanism for reading DWARF information from object files
    balst_stacktraceresolver_filehelperPRIVATE: Provide platform-independent file input for stack trace resolvers
    balst_stacktraceresolverimpl_dladdrPRIVATE: Provide functions for resolving a stack trace using dladdr
    balst_stacktraceresolverimpl_elfPRIVATE: Provide a utility to resolve ELF symbols in a stack trace
    balst_stacktraceresolverimpl_windowsPRIVATE: Provide resolution of symbols in stack trace for Windows objects
    balst_stacktraceresolverimpl_xcoffPRIVATE: Provide a mechanism to resolve xcoff symbols in a stack trace
    balst_stacktracetestallocatorProvide a test allocator that reports the call stack for leaks
    balst_stacktraceutilProvide low-level utilities for obtaining & printing a stack-trace
  baltzoBasic Application Library TimeZone (Olson)Provide timezone data for use with timezone-enabled vocabulary types
    baltzo_datafileloaderProvide a concrete baltzo::Loader for Zoneinfo binary files
    baltzo_defaultzoneinfocacheProvide facilities to manage a default Zoneinfo cache object
    baltzo_dstpolicyEnumerate the set of daylight-saving time (DST) policy values
    baltzo_errorcodeEnumerate the set of named errors for the baltzo package
    baltzo_loaderProvide a protocol for obtaining information about a time zone
    baltzo_localdatetimeProvide an attribute class for time-zone-aware datetime values
    baltzo_localtimedescriptorProvide an attribute class for characterizing local time values
    baltzo_localtimeoffsetutilProvide utilities for a bdlt_localtimeoffset local time callback
    baltzo_localtimeperiodProvide a type describing local time over a time period
    baltzo_localtimevalidityEnumerate the set of local time validity codes
    baltzo_testloaderProvide a test implementation of the baltzo::Loader protocol
    baltzo_timezoneutilProvide utilities for converting times among different time zones
    baltzo_timezoneutilimpImplement utilities for converting times between time zones
    baltzo_windowstimezoneutilProvide utilities to map Zoneinfo identifiers to other systems
    baltzo_zoneinfoProvide a value type to represent a time zone
    baltzo_zoneinfobinaryheaderProvide an attribute class for Zoneinfo binary-file header data
    baltzo_zoneinfobinaryreaderProvide utilities for reading the Zoneinfo binary data format
    baltzo_zoneinfocacheProvide a cache for time-zone information
    baltzo_zoneinfoutilProvide utility operations on baltzo::Zoneinfo objects
  balxmlBasic Application Library XMLProvide utility components for using XML and XSD
    balxml_base64parserDEPRECATED: Provide push parser for Base64 types
    balxml_configschemaProvide the service configuration schema
    balxml_decoderProvide a generic translation from XML into C++ objects
    balxml_decoderoptionsProvide value-semantic attribute classes
    balxml_elementattributeProvide the properties of an attribute in an XML element tag
    balxml_encoderProvide an XML encoder utility
    balxml_encoderoptionsProvide value-semantic attribute classes
    balxml_encodingstyleProvide value-semantic attribute classes
    balxml_errorinfoProvide common error information for XML components
    balxml_formatterProvide a simple interface for writing formatted XML
    balxml_formatter_compactimplPRIVATE: Provide a minimal-whitespace implementation for balxml_formatter
    balxml_formatter_prettyimplPRIVATE: Provide pretty-printing implementation for balxml_formatter
    balxml_formatterwhitespacetypeEnumerate the set of whitespace options for balxml_formatter
    balxml_hexparserProvide push parser for hex types
    balxml_listparserProvide push parser for lists
    balxml_minireaderProvide light-weight implementation of balxml::Reader protocol
    balxml_namespaceregistryProvide a unique integer ID for each XML namespace
    balxml_prefixstackProvide a unique integer ID for each XML namespace
    balxml_readerProvide common reader protocol for parsing XML documents
    balxml_typesparserutilProvide a utility for parsing types using XML formatting
    balxml_typesprintutilProvide a utility for printing types using XML formatting
    balxml_utf8readerwrapperProvide wrapper for Reader to check input UTF-8 validity
    balxml_utilProvide a suite of common XML utilities
    balxml_validatingreaderProvide a common reader protocol for parsing and validating XML
bbl  Basic Business LibraryProvide a foundation for component-based business logic development
  bblbBasic Business Library BasicProvide basic computations
    bblb_schedulegenerationutilProvide functions for generating schedules of dates
  bbldcBasic Business Library Day-CountProvide day-count convention implementations
    bbldc_basicactual360Provide stateless functions for the Actual/360 convention
    bbldc_basicactual36525Provide stateless functions for the Actual/365.25 convention
    bbldc_basicactual365fixedProvide stateless functions for the Actual/365 (fixed) convention
    bbldc_basicbasicdaycountadapterProvide a parameterized day-count convention implementation
    bbldc_basicdaterangedaycountadapterProvide a parameterized day-count convention implementation
    bbldc_basicdaycountProvide a protocol for basic day-count calculations
    bbldc_basicdaycountutilSupport for day-count calculations of enum-specified conventions
    bbldc_basicisdaactualactualProvide stateless functions for the ISDA Actual/Actual convention
    bbldc_basicisma30360Provide stateless functions for the ISMA 30/360 convention
    bbldc_basicnl365Provide stateless functions for the NL/365 convention
    bbldc_basicpsa30360eomProvide stateless functions for PSA 30/360 end-of-month convention
    bbldc_basicsia30360eomProvide stateless functions for SIA 30/360 end-of-month convention
    bbldc_basicsia30360neomProvide stateless functions for the SIA-30/360-neom convention
    bbldc_calendarbus252Provide stateless functions for calendar-based BUS-252
    bbldc_calendardaterangedaycountadapterProvide a parameterized day-count convention implementation
    bbldc_calendardaycountutilSupport for day-count calculations of enum-specified conventions
    bbldc_daterangedaycountProvide a protocol for date-range limited day-count calculations
    bbldc_daycountconventionProvide an enumeration of bbldc day-count conventions
    bbldc_perioddaterangedaycountadapterProvide a parameterized day-count convention implementation
    bbldc_perioddaycountutilSupport for day-count calculations of enum-specified conventions
    bbldc_periodicmaactualactualProvide stateless functions for period-based ICMA Actual/Actual
    bbldc_terminatedbasicdaycountadapterProvide a parameterized day-count convention implementation
    bbldc_terminateddaterangedaycountadapterProvide a parameterized day-count convention implementation
    bbldc_terminateddaycountutilSupport for day-count calculations of enum-specified conventions
    bbldc_terminatedisda30360eomProvide stateless functions for ISDA 30/360 eom convention
  bblscmBasic Business Library Source Control ManagementProvide versioning information for BDE library components
    bblscm_versionProvide source control management (versioning) information
    bblscm_versiontagProvide versioning information for the bbl package group
bdl  Basic Development LibraryProvide vocabulary types, messaging, containers, and parsers
  bdlatBasic Development Library Attribute TypesProvide generic functions to manipulate attribute types
    bdlat_arrayfunctionsProvide a namespace defining "array" functions
    bdlat_arrayiteratorsProvide iterator support for bdlat_ArrayFunction-conformant types
    bdlat_arrayutilProvide utilities for operating on bdlat "array" types
    bdlat_attributeinfoProvide a container for attribute information
    bdlat_bdeatoverridesProvide macros to map bdeat names to bdlat names
    bdlat_choicefunctionsProvide a namespace defining choice functions
    bdlat_customizedtypefunctionsProvide a namespace defining customized type functions
    bdlat_enumeratorinfoProvide a container for enumerator information
    bdlat_enumfunctionsProvide a namespace defining enumeration functions
    bdlat_formattingmodeProvide formatting mode constants
    bdlat_nullablevaluefunctionsProvide a namespace defining nullable value functions
    bdlat_nullablevalueutilProvide utilities for operating on bdlat "nullable value" types
    bdlat_selectioninfoProvide a container for selection information
    bdlat_sequencefunctionsProvide a namespace defining sequence functions
    bdlat_symbolicconverterProvide a utility for convert types with matching member symbols
    bdlat_typecategoryProvide type category tags and a tag selection meta-function
    bdlat_typenameProvide string representations for data type names
    bdlat_typetraitsProvide compile-time traits for generated types
    bdlat_valuetypefunctionsProvide a namespace for "value type" functions
  bdlbBasic Development Library BasisProvide basic types and utilities
    bdlb_algorithmworkaroundutilProvide a namespace for workarounds for faulty standard algorithms
    bdlb_arrayutilProvide utilities to determine properties of fixed-sized arrays
    bdlb_bigendianProvide big-endian integer types
    bdlb_bitmaskutilProvide simple mask values of uint32_t and uint64_t types
    bdlb_bitstringimputilProvide functional bit-manipulation of uint64_t values
    bdlb_bitstringutilProvide efficient operations on a multi-word sequence of bits
    bdlb_bitutilProvide efficient bit-manipulation of uint32_t/uint64_t values
    bdlb_caselessstringviewequaltoProvide a case-insensitive equality predicate for string views
    bdlb_caselessstringviewhashProvide a case-insensitive hash functor for string views
    bdlb_caselessstringviewlessProvide a case-insensitive less-than predicate for string views
    bdlb_chartypeSupply locale-independent version of <ctype.h> functionality
    bdlb_cstringequaltoProvide a standard compatible equality predicate for C-strings
    bdlb_cstringhashProvide a functor enabling C-strings as unordered-container keys
    bdlb_cstringlessProvide a standard compatible less-than predicate for C-strings
    bdlb_floatProvide floating-point classification types and functions
    bdlb_functionoutputiteratorProvides an output iterator for a client-supplied functor
    bdlb_guidProvide a value-semantic type for Globally Unique Identifiers
    bdlb_guidutilProvide functions that produce Globally Unique Identifiers
    bdlb_hashutilProvide a utility of hash functions
    bdlb_indexspanProvide a value-semantic attribute type for position and length
    bdlb_indexspanstringutilProvide functions that operate on IndexSpan and string objects
    bdlb_indexspanutilProvide functions that operate on IndexSpan objects
    bdlb_literalutilProvide utility routines for programming language literals
    bdlb_nullableallocatedvalueProvide a template for nullable allocated (out-of-place) objects
    bdlb_nullablevalueProvide a template for nullable (in-place) objects
    bdlb_nullablevalue_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bdlb_nullablevalue.h
    bdlb_nulloptProvide a tag type and constant indicating an empty nullable value
    bdlb_nulloutputiteratorProvide an output iterator type that discards output
    bdlb_numericparseutilProvide conversions from text into fundamental numeric types
    bdlb_optionalprinterProvide a suite of helper classes for printing bsl::optional
    bdlb_pairutilProvide a function that creates a pair of references
    bdlb_pcgrandomgeneratorProvide a class to generate random numbers using the PCG algorithm
    bdlb_printProvide platform-independent stream utilities
    bdlb_printadapterProvide object for streaming objects using bdlb::PrintMethods
    bdlb_printmethodsProvide methods for uniform printing of value-semantic types
    bdlb_randomProvide a suite of procedures for random-number generation
    bdlb_randomdeviceProvide a common interface to a system's random number generator
    bdlb_scopeexitProvide a general-purpose proctor object for scope-exit logic
    bdlb_stringProvide utility functions on STL-style and C-style strings
    bdlb_stringrefutilDEPRECATED: Provide utility functions on bslstl::StringRef-erenced strings
    bdlb_stringviewutilProvide utility functions on bsl::string_view containers
    bdlb_testinputiteratorDEPRECATED: Provide a pure input iterator for an empty range
    bdlb_tokenizerProvide access to user-described tokens via string references
    bdlb_topologicalsortutilProvide a utility to topologically sort a collection of inputs
    bdlb_transformiteratorProvide a wrapping iterator that invokes a functor on dereference
    bdlb_transparentequaltoProvide a transparent equality predicate
    bdlb_transparenthashProvide a transparent hash functor
    bdlb_transparentlessProvide a transparent less-than predicate
    bdlb_variantProvide a variant (discriminated union-like) type
  bdlbbBasic Development Library BlobsProvide flexible, efficient management of message buffers
    bdlbb_blobProvide an indexed set of buffers from multiple sources
    bdlbb_blobstreambufProvide blob implementing the streambuf interface
    bdlbb_blobutilProvide a suite of utilities for I/O operations on bdlbb::Blob
    bdlbb_pooledblobbufferfactoryProvide a concrete implementation of bdlbb::BlobBufferFactory
    bdlbb_simpleblobbufferfactoryProvide a simple implementation of bdlbb::BlobBufferFactory
  bdlcBasic Development Library ContainerProvide container vocabulary types
    bdlc_bitarrayProvide a space-efficient, sequential container of boolean values
    bdlc_compactedarrayProvide a compacted array of const user-defined objects
    bdlc_flathashmapProvide an open-addressed unordered map container
    bdlc_flathashsetProvide an open-addressed unordered set container
    bdlc_flathashtableProvide an open-addressed hash table like Abseil flat_hash_map
    bdlc_flathashtable_groupcontrolPRIVATE: Provide inquiries to a flat hash table group of control values
    bdlc_hashtableProvide a double-hashed table with utility
    bdlc_indexclerkProvide a manager of reusable, non-negative integer indices
    bdlc_packedintarrayProvide an extensible, packed array of integral values
    bdlc_packedintarrayutilProvide common non-primitive operations on bdlc::PackedIntArray
    bdlc_queueDEPRECATED: Provide an in-place double-ended queue of T values
  bdlccBasic Development Library Concurrency ContainersProvide containers that support concurrent (multi-thread) access
    bdlcc_boundedqueueProvide a thread-aware bounded queue of values
    bdlcc_cacheProvide a in-process cache with configurable eviction policy
    bdlcc_dequeProvide a fully thread-safe deque container
    bdlcc_fixedqueueProvide a thread-aware fixed-size queue of values
    bdlcc_fixedqueueindexmanagerProvide thread-enabled state management for a fixed-size queue
    bdlcc_multipriorityqueueProvide a thread-enabled parameterized multi-priority queue
    bdlcc_objectcatalogProvide an efficient indexed, thread-safe object container
    bdlcc_objectpoolProvide a thread-safe object pool
    bdlcc_queueDEPRECATED: Provide a thread-enabled queue of items of parameterized TYPE
    bdlcc_sharedobjectpoolProvide a thread-safe pool of shared objects
    bdlcc_singleconsumerqueueProvide a thread-aware single consumer queue of values
    bdlcc_singleconsumerqueueimplProvide a testable thread-aware single consumer queue of values
    bdlcc_singleproducerqueueProvide a thread-aware single producer queue of values
    bdlcc_singleproducerqueueimplProvide a testable thread-aware single producer queue of values
    bdlcc_singleproducersingleconsumerboundedqueueProvide a thread-aware SPSC bounded queue of values
    bdlcc_skiplistProvide a generic thread-safe Skip List
    bdlcc_stripedunorderedcontainerimplProvide common implementation of striped un-ordered map/multimap
    bdlcc_stripedunorderedmapProvide a bucket-group locking (i.e., striped) unordered map
    bdlcc_stripedunorderedmultimapProvide a bucket-group locking (striped) unordered multimap
    bdlcc_timequeueProvide an efficient queue for time events
  bdldBasic Development Library DatumProvide a variant type (Datum) and supporting utilities
    bdld_datumProvide a discriminated variant type with a small footprint
    bdld_datumarraybuilderProvide a utility to build a Datum object holding an array
    bdld_datumbinaryrefProvide a type to represent binary data and its size
    bdld_datumerrorProvide a type for an error code with an optional error message
    bdld_datumintmapbuilderProvide a utility to build a Datum object holding an int-map
    bdld_datummakerProvide a mechanism for easily creating bdld::Datum objects
    bdld_datummapbuilderProvide a utility to build a Datum object holding a map
    bdld_datummapowningkeysbuilderProvide a utility to build a Datum object holding a map
    bdld_datumudtProvide a type to represent a user-defined type
    bdld_manageddatumProvide a smart-pointer-like manager for a Datum object
  bdldeBasic Development Library Data EncoderMechanisms for standard encodings and hashings, e.g., base64, md5
    bdlde_base64alphabetProvide an enumeration of the set of possible base 64 alphabets
    bdlde_base64decoderProvide automata for converting to and from Base64 encodings
    bdlde_base64decoderoptionsProvide value-semantic attribute class for decoder options
    bdlde_base64encoderProvide automata for converting to and from Base64 encodings
    bdlde_base64encoderoptionsProvide a value-semantic attribute class for encoder options
    bdlde_base64ignoremodeProvide an enumeration of the set of possible base64 ignore modes
    bdlde_byteorderProvide an enumeration of the set of possible byte orders
    bdlde_charconvertstatusProvide masks for interpreting status from charconvert functions
    bdlde_charconvertucs2Provide efficient conversions between UTF-8 and UCS-2 encodings
    bdlde_charconvertutf16Provide fast, safe conversion between UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings
    bdlde_charconvertutf32Provide fast, safe conversion between UTF-8 encoding and UTF-32
    bdlde_crc32Provide a mechanism for computing the CRC-32 checksum of a dataset
    bdlde_crc32cProvide utilities to calculate the CRC32-C checksum of a dataset
    bdlde_crc64Provide a mechanism for computing the CRC-64 checksum of a dataset
    bdlde_hexdecoderProvide automata converting from hex encodings
    bdlde_hexencoderProvide automata converting to hex encodings
    bdlde_md5Provide a value-semantic type encoding a message in an MD5 digest
    bdlde_quotedprintabledecoderProvide automata converting to and from Quoted-Printable encodings
    bdlde_quotedprintableencoderProvide automata converting to and from Quoted-Printable encodings
    bdlde_sha1Provide a value-semantic type encoding a message in a SHA-1 digest
    bdlde_sha2Provide a value-semantic type encoding a message in a SHA-2 digest
    bdlde_utf8checkinginstreambufwrapperProvide a stream buffer wrapper for validating UTF-8 input
    bdlde_utf8utilProvide basic utilities for UTF-8 encodings
  bdldfpBasic Development Library Decimal Floating-PointProvide IEEE-754 2008 decimal floating-point types and utilities
    bdldfp_decimalProvide IEEE-754 decimal floating-point types
    bdldfp_decimalconvertutilProvide decimal floating-point conversion functions
    bdldfp_decimalconvertutil_inteldfpPRIVATE: Provide decimal floating-point conversion functions for Intel DFP
    bdldfp_decimalformatconfigProvide an attribute class to configure decimal formatting
    bdldfp_decimalimputilProvide a unified low-level interface for decimal floating point
    bdldfp_decimalimputil_inteldfpPRIVATE: Provide utility to implement decimal floats on the Intel library
    bdldfp_decimalplatformProvide decimal floating-point platform information macros
    bdldfp_decimalstorageUtilities for working with Decimal Storage types
    bdldfp_decimalutilProvide utilities dealing with floating point decimal objects
    bdldfp_intelimpwrapperProvide a central mechanism to configure the Intel DFP library
    bdldfp_uint128Provide a representation of a 128-bit int for bitwise operations
  bdlfBasic Development Library FunctorsProvide signature-specific function objects (functors)
    bdlf_bindProvide a signature-specific function object (functor)
    bdlf_memfnProvide member function pointer wrapper classes and utility
    bdlf_placeholderProvide a parameterized placeholder and specialized placeholders
  bdljsnBasic Development Library JSoNProvide a value-semantic JSON type and supporting utilities
    bdljsn_errorProvide a description of an error processing a document
    bdljsn_jsonProvide an in-memory representation of a JSON document
    bdljsn_jsonliteralsProvide user-defined literals for bdljsn::Json objects
    bdljsn_jsonnullProvide a type that represents the JSON null value
    bdljsn_jsonnumberProvide a value-semantic type representing a JSON number
    bdljsn_jsontypeEnumerate the set of JSON value types
    bdljsn_jsonutilProvide common non-primitive operations on Json objects
    bdljsn_locationProvide a value-semantic type for location in a JSON document
    bdljsn_numberutilProvide utilities converting between JSON text and numeric types
    bdljsn_readoptionsProvide options for reading a JSON document
    bdljsn_stringutilProvide a utility functions for JSON strings
    bdljsn_tokenizerProvide a tokenizer for extracting JSON data from a streambuf
    bdljsn_writeoptionsProvide options for writing a JSON document
    bdljsn_writestyleEnumerate the formatting styles for a writing a JSON document
  bdlmaBasic Development Library Memory AllocatorsProvide allocators, pools, and other memory-management tools
    bdlma_alignedallocatorProvide a protocol for memory allocators that support alignment
    bdlma_aligningallocatorProvide an allocator-wrapper to allocate with a minimum alignment
    bdlma_autoreleaserRelease memory to a managed allocator or pool at destruction
    bdlma_blocklistProvide allocation and management of a sequence of memory blocks
    bdlma_bufferedsequentialallocatorProvide an efficient managed allocator using an external buffer
    bdlma_bufferedsequentialpoolProvide sequential memory using an external buffer and a fallback
    bdlma_bufferimputilProvide pure procedures for allocating memory from a buffer
    bdlma_buffermanagerProvide a memory manager that manages an external buffer
    bdlma_concurrentallocatoradapterProvide a thread-enabled adapter for the allocator protocol
    bdlma_concurrentfixedpoolProvide thread-safe pool of limited # of blocks of uniform size
    bdlma_concurrentmultipoolProvide a memory manager to manage pools of varying block sizes
    bdlma_concurrentmultipoolallocatorProvide an allocator to manage pools of varying object sizes
    bdlma_concurrentpoolProvide thread-safe allocation of memory blocks of uniform size
    bdlma_concurrentpoolallocatorProvide thread-safe memory-pooling allocator of fixed-size blocks
    bdlma_countingallocatorProvide a memory allocator that counts allocated bytes
    bdlma_defaultdeleterProvide a concrete default deleter w/optionally-supplied allocator
    bdlma_deleterProvide a protocol for deleting objects of parameterized type
    bdlma_factoryProvide a protocol for creator/deleter of parameterized objects
    bdlma_guardingallocatorProvide a memory allocator that guards against buffer overruns
    bdlma_heapbypassallocatorSupport memory allocation directly from virtual memory
    bdlma_infrequentdeleteblocklistProvide allocation and management of infrequently deleted blocks
    bdlma_localsequentialallocatorProvide an efficient managed allocator using a local buffer
    bdlma_managedallocatorProvide a protocol for memory allocators that support release
    bdlma_memoryblockdescriptorProvide a class describing a block of memory
    bdlma_multipoolProvide a memory manager to manage pools of varying block sizes
    bdlma_multipoolallocatorProvide a memory-pooling allocator of heterogeneous block sizes
    bdlma_poolProvide efficient allocation of memory blocks of uniform size
    bdlma_sequentialallocatorProvide a managed allocator using dynamically-allocated buffers
    bdlma_sequentialpoolProvide sequential memory using dynamically-allocated buffers
  bdlmtBasic Development Library Multi ThreadProvides thread pools and event schedulers
    bdlmt_eventschedulerProvide a thread-safe recurring and one-time event scheduler
    bdlmt_fixedthreadpoolProvide portable implementation for a fixed-size pool of threads
    bdlmt_multiprioritythreadpoolProvide a mechanism to parallelize a prioritized sequence of jobs
    bdlmt_multiqueuethreadpoolProvide a pool of queues, each processed serially by a thread pool
    bdlmt_signalerProvide an implementation of a managed signals and slots system
    bdlmt_threadmultiplexorProvide a mechanism for partitioning a collection of threads
    bdlmt_threadpoolProvide portable implementation for a dynamic pool of threads
    bdlmt_throttleProvide mechanism for limiting the rate at which actions may occur
    bdlmt_timereventschedulerProvide a thread-safe recurring and non-recurring event scheduler
  bdlpcreBasic Development Library PCREProvide a mechanism to process Perl-compatible regular expressions
    bdlpcre_regexProvide a mechanism for regular expression pattern matching
  bdlsBasic Development Library System-level utilitiesProvide platform-independent system-level utilities
    bdls_fdstreambufProvide a stream buffer initialized with a file descriptor
    bdls_filedescriptorguardProvide a RAII guard class used to close files
    bdls_filesystemutilProvide methods for filesystem access with multi-language names
    bdls_filesystemutil_transitionaluniximputilPRIVATE: Provide testable bdls::FilesystemUtil operations for some Unixes
    bdls_filesystemutil_uniximputilPRIVATE: Provide testable bdls::FilesystemUtil operations for some Unixes
    bdls_filesystemutil_unixplatformPRIVATE: Provide Unix timstamp and offset type width detection macros
    bdls_filesystemutil_windowsimputilPRIVATE: Provide testable bdls::FilesystemUtil operations on Windows
    bdls_memoryutilProvide a set of portable utilities for memory manipulation
    bdls_osutilProvide utilities related to the operating system
    bdls_pathutilProvide portable file path manipulation
    bdls_pipeutilProvide basic portable named-pipe utilities
    bdls_processutilProvide basic platform-independent utilities related to processes
    bdls_tempdirectoryguardProvide a scoped guard that creates a unique temporary directory
    bdls_testutilDEPRECATED: Provide test utilities for components in bdl and above
  bdlsbBasic Development Library Stream BuffersProvide concrete streambuf implementations
    bdlsb_fixedmeminputProvide a basic input stream buffer using a client buffer
    bdlsb_fixedmeminstreambufProvide an input basic_streambuf using a client buffer
    bdlsb_fixedmemoutputProvide a basic output stream buffer using a client buffer
    bdlsb_fixedmemoutstreambufProvide an output basic_streambuf using a client buffer
    bdlsb_memoutstreambufProvide an output basic_streambuf using managed memory
    bdlsb_overflowmemoutputProvide an overflowable output streambuf using a client buffer
    bdlsb_overflowmemoutstreambufProvide an overflowable output streambuf using a client buffer
  bdlscmBasic Development Library Source Control ManagementProvide versioning information for BDE library components
    bdlscm_versionProvide source control management (versioning) information
    bdlscm_versiontagProvide versioning information for the bdl package group
  bdlstaBasic Development Library STAtisticsProvide basic statistical computations
    bdlsta_linefitOnline algorithm for computing the least squares regression line
    bdlsta_momentOnline algorithm for mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis
  bdltBasic Development Library TimeProvide date and time vocabulary types, and related utilities
    bdlt_calendarProvide fast repository for accessing weekend/holiday information
    bdlt_calendarcacheProvide an efficient cache for read-only bdlt::Calendar objects
    bdlt_calendarloaderProvide a protocol (or pure interface) for loading calendars
    bdlt_calendarreverseiteratoradapterProvide reverse iterator adapter for calendar iterators
    bdlt_calendarutilProvide common date manipulations requiring a calendar
    bdlt_currenttimeProvide utilities to retrieve the current time
    bdlt_dateProvide a value-semantic type to represent dates
    bdlt_datetimeProvide a value-semantic type representing both date and time
    bdlt_datetimeimputilProvide constants useful for encoding datetimes
    bdlt_datetimeintervalProvide a representation of an interval of time
    bdlt_datetimeintervalutilProvide non-primitive operations on bdlt::DatetimeInterval
    bdlt_datetimetzProvide a representation of a date and time with time zone offset
    bdlt_datetimeutilProvide common non-primitive operations on bdlt::Datetime
    bdlt_datetzProvide a representation of a date with time zone offset
    bdlt_dateutilProvide common non-primitive operations on date objects
    bdlt_dayofweekProvide an enumeration of the set of days of the week
    bdlt_dayofweeksetProvide an ordered set of (unique) bdlt::DayOfWeek::Enum values
    bdlt_dayofweekutilProvide common non-primitive operations on bdlt::DayOfWeek::Enum
    bdlt_defaultcalendarcacheProvide a process-wide default bdlt::CalendarCache object
    bdlt_defaulttimetablecacheProvide a process-wide default bdlt::TimetableCache object
    bdlt_epochutilConversion between absolute/relative time with respect to epoch
    bdlt_fixutilProvide conversions between date/time objects and FIX strings
    bdlt_fixutilconfigurationProvide an attribute class to configure FIX string generation
    bdlt_fuzzutilProvide creation of bdlt data types from fuzz data
    bdlt_intervalconversionutilProvide functions to convert between time-interval representations
    bdlt_iso8601utilProvide conversions between date/time objects and ISO 8601 strings
    bdlt_iso8601utilconfigurationProvide an attribute class to configure ISO 8601 string generation
    bdlt_localtimeoffsetProvide utilities to retrieve the local time offset
    bdlt_monthofyearEnumerate the set of month-of-year values
    bdlt_packedcalendarProvide a compact repository for weekend/holiday information
    bdlt_posixdateimputilProvide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation
    bdlt_prolepticdateimputilProvide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation
    bdlt_serialdateimputilProvide low-level support functions for date-value manipulation
    bdlt_timeProvide a value-semantic type representing time-of-day
    bdlt_timetableProvide a repository for accessing timetable information
    bdlt_timetablecacheProvide an efficient cache for read-only bdlt::Timetable objects
    bdlt_timetableloaderProvide a protocol (or pure interface) for loading timetables
    bdlt_timetzProvide a representation of a time with time zone offset
    bdlt_timeunitratioProvide constants characterizing ratios between common time units
    bdlt_timeutilProvide common non-primitive operations on bdlt::Time
bsl  Basic Standard LibraryProvide a comprehensive foundation for component-based development
  bslaBasic Standard Library AnnotationsProvide macros for portable use of compiler annotations
    bsla_annotationsProvide support for compiler annotations for compile-time safety
    bsla_deprecatedProvide compiler-hint macros to indicate deprecated entities
    bsla_errorProvide a macro to emit an error message when a function is called
    bsla_fallthroughProvide a macro to suppress warnings on switch fall-throughs
    bsla_formatProvide a macro to indicate that a return value is a format string
    bsla_maybeunusedProvide a macro to suppress "unused" warnings
    bsla_nodiscardProvide a macro for warning about ignored function results
    bsla_nonnullargProvide macros to hint at null arguments to functions
    bsla_noreturnProvide a macro to issue a compiler warning if a function returns
    bsla_nullterminatedProvide macros for use with NULL-terminated variadic functions
    bsla_printfProvide a macro to indicate printf-style arguments
    bsla_scanfProvide a macro for checking scanf-style format strings
    bsla_unreachableProvide a compiler-hint macro to indicate unreachable code
    bsla_unusedDEPRECATED: Provide a macro to suppress "unused" warnings
    bsla_usedProvide a macro to prevent elision of unused entities
    bsla_warningProvide a macro to emit a warning when a function is called
  bslalgBasic Standard Library ALgorithmsProvide algorithms and traits used by the BDE STL implementation
    bslalg_arraydestructionprimitivesProvide primitive algorithms that destroy arrays
    bslalg_arrayprimitivesProvide primitive algorithms that operate on arrays
    bslalg_arrayprimitives_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslalg_arrayprimitives.h
    bslalg_autoarraydestructorProvide a proctor for destroying arrays
    bslalg_autoarraymovedestructorProvide a proctor for destroying arrays
    bslalg_autoscalardestructorProvide a proctor for destroying an object
    bslalg_bidirectionallinkProvide a basic link type for building doubly-linked lists
    bslalg_bidirectionallinklistutilProvide utilities to maintain bidirectional list data structures
    bslalg_bidirectionalnodeProvide a node holding a value in a doubly-linked list
    bslalg_constructorproxyProvide a proxy for constructing and destroying objects
    bslalg_containerbaseProvide a wrapper for STL allocators, respecting bslma semantics
    bslalg_dequeimputilProvide basic parameters and primitive data structures for deques
    bslalg_dequeiteratorProvide a primitive iterator over deque data structures
    bslalg_dequeprimitivesProvide primitive algorithms that operate on deques
    bslalg_dequeprimitives_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslalg_dequeprimitives.h
    bslalg_functoradapterProvide an utility that adapts callable objects to functors
    bslalg_hashtableanchorProvide a type holding the constituent parts of a hash table
    bslalg_hashtablebucketProvide a bucket representation for hash table data structures
    bslalg_hashtableimputilProvide algorithms for implementing a hash table
    bslalg_hashutilProvide a utility of hash functions
    bslalg_hasstliteratorsProvide a tag type used to detect STL-like iterators traits
    bslalg_hastraitDEPRECATED: Provide a meta-function to detect if a type has a given trait
    bslalg_nothrowmovableutilProvide a wrapper that asserts a noexcept move constructor
    bslalg_nothrowmovablewrapperProvide a wrapper that asserts a noexcept move constructor
    bslalg_numericformatterutilProvide a utility for formatting numbers into strings
    bslalg_rangecompareProvide algorithms to compare iterator-ranges of elements
    bslalg_rbtreeanchorEncapsulate root, first, and last nodes of a tree with a count
    bslalg_rbtreenodeProvide a base class for a red-black binary tree node
    bslalg_rbtreeutilProvide a suite of primitive algorithms on red-black trees
    bslalg_scalardestructionprimitivesDEPRECATED: Provide primitive algorithms that destroy scalars
    bslalg_scalarprimitivesProvide primitive algorithms that operate on single elements
    bslalg_selecttraitDEPRECATED: Provide a meta-function to select a suitable trait on a type
    bslalg_swaputilProvide a simple to use swap algorithm
    bslalg_typetraitbitwisecopyableDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise copyable
    bslalg_typetraitbitwiseequalitycomparableDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise eq.-comparable
    bslalg_typetraitbitwisemoveableDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise moveable
    bslalg_typetraithaspointersemanticsDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark classes as having pointer semantics
    bslalg_typetraithasstliteratorsDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark classes as having STL-like iterators
    bslalg_typetraithastrivialdefaultconstructorDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark classes as having a trivial default ctor
    bslalg_typetraitnilDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark classes as having no other traits
    bslalg_typetraitpairDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark classes as similar to std::pair
    bslalg_typetraitsDEPRECATED: Provide compile-time traits that can be associated with types
    bslalg_typetraitusesbslmaallocatorDEPRECATED: Provide a trait to mark types that use bslma allocators
  bsldocBasic Standard Library DOCumentationProvide documentation of terms and concepts used throughout BDE
    bsldoc_glossaryProvide definitions for terms used throughout BDE documentation
  bslfwdBasic Standard Library System ForWarding DeclarationsDEPRECATED: Provide compatibility for clients using single-level namespace
    bslfwd_bslma_allocatorDEPRECATED: Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type
    bslfwd_bslma_defaultDEPRECATED: Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type
    bslfwd_bslma_defaultallocatorguardDEPRECATED: Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type
    bslfwd_bslmf_nilDEPRECATED: Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type
    bslfwd_bsls_asserttestexceptionDEPRECATED: Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type
    bslfwd_bsls_stopwatchDEPRECATED: Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type
    bslfwd_bsls_typesDEPRECATED: Provide a forward-declaration for the corresponding BDE type
    bslfwd_buildtargetDEPRECATED/PRIVATE: Supply a compile-time indicator of whether BSL uses C++ namespaces
  bslhBasic Standard Library HashingProvide a framework for hashing types using swappable algorithms
    bslh_defaulthashalgorithmProvide a reasonable hashing algorithm for default use
    bslh_defaultseededhashalgorithmProvide a reasonable seeded hashing algorithm for default use
    bslh_fibonaccibadhashwrapperProvide a wrapper to improve "bad" hash algorithms
    bslh_filesystemProvide hash for std::filesystem::path
    bslh_hashProvide a struct to run bslh hash algorithms on supported types
    bslh_hashoptionalProvide hashAppend for std::optional
    bslh_hashpairProvide hashAppend for std::pair
    bslh_hashtupleProvide hashAppend for std::tuple
    bslh_hashvariantProvide hashAppend for std::variant
    bslh_seededhashProvide a struct to run seeded bslh hash algorithms on types
    bslh_seedgeneratorProvide a class to generate arbitrary length seeds for algorithms
    bslh_siphashalgorithmProvide an implementation of the SipHash algorithm
    bslh_spookyhashalgorithmProvide an implementation of the SpookyHash algorithm
    bslh_spookyhashalgorithmimpProvide BDE style encapsulation of 3rd party SpookyHash code
    bslh_wyhashincrementalalgorithmProvide an implementation of the WyHash algorithm final v3
  bslimBasic Standard Library Implementation MechanismsProvide implementation mechanisms
    bslim_bslstandardheadertestProvide a location for testing bsl standard library headers
    bslim_formatguardProvide a guard for saving the state of a stream object
    bslim_fuzzdataviewProvide a view of a buffer of fuzz data bytes
    bslim_fuzzutilProvide fuzz test utilities for basic types
    bslim_gtestutilProvide facilities for debugging BDE with gtest
    bslim_printerProvide a mechanism to implement standard print methods
    bslim_testutilProvide test utilities for components above bsl
  bslmaBasic Standard Library Memory AllocatorsProvide allocators, guards, and other memory-management tools
    bslma_allocatorProvide a pure abstract interface for memory-allocation mechanisms
    bslma_allocatoradaptorProvide a polymorphic adaptor for STL-style allocators
    bslma_allocatortraitsProvide a uniform interface to standard allocator types
    bslma_allocatortraits_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_allocatortraits.h
    bslma_autodeallocatorProvide a range proctor to managed a block of memory
    bslma_autodestructorProvide a range proctor to manage an array of objects
    bslma_autorawdeleterProvide a range proctor to manage a sequence objects
    bslma_bufferallocatorDEPRECATED: Support efficient memory allocations from a user-supplied buffer
    bslma_constructionutilProvide methods to construct arbitrarily-typed objects uniformly
    bslma_constructionutil_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_constructionutil.h
    bslma_deallocatorguardProvide a guard to unconditionally manage a block of memory
    bslma_deallocatorproctorProvide a proctor to conditionally manage a block memory
    bslma_defaultProvide utilities to set/fetch the default and global allocators
    bslma_defaultallocatorguardProvide scoped guard to temporarily change the default allocator
    bslma_deleterhelperProvide namespace for functions used to delete objects
    bslma_destructionutilProvide routines that destroy objects efficiently
    bslma_destructorguardProvide a guard to unconditionally manage an object
    bslma_destructorproctorProvide a proctor to conditionally manage an object
    bslma_exceptionguardProvide a check that objects throwing exceptions do not change
    bslma_infrequentdeleteblocklistDEPRECATED: Provide allocation and management of a sequence of memory blocks
    bslma_isstdallocatorProvide a compile-time check for determining allocator types
    bslma_mallocfreeallocatorProvide malloc/free adaptor to bslma::Allocator protocol
    bslma_managedallocatorDEPRECATED: Provide a protocol for memory allocators that support release
    bslma_managedptrProvide a managed pointer class
    bslma_managedptr_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_managedptr.h
    bslma_managedptr_factorydeleterPRIVATE: Provide a factory-based deleter for the managed pointer class
    bslma_managedptr_membersPRIVATE: Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class
    bslma_managedptr_pairproxyPRIVATE: Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class
    bslma_managedptrdeleterProvide an in-core value-semantic class to call a delete function
    bslma_newdeleteallocatorProvide singleton new/delete adaptor to bslma::Allocator protocol
    bslma_rawdeleterguardProvide a guard to unconditionally manage an object
    bslma_rawdeleterproctorProvide a proctor to conditionally manage an object
    bslma_sequentialallocatorDEPRECATED: Support fast memory allocation for objects of varying sizes
    bslma_sequentialpoolDEPRECATED: Provide fast variable-size memory pool with allocation methods
    bslma_sharedptrinplacerepProvide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep
    bslma_sharedptrinplacerep_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_sharedptrinplacerep.h
    bslma_sharedptroutofplacerepProvide an out-of-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep
    bslma_sharedptrrepProvide an abstract class for a shared object manager
    bslma_stdallocatorProvide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects
    bslma_stdallocator_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_stdallocator.h
    bslma_stdtestallocatorProvide stl-compatible, bslma-style allocator to track usage
    bslma_testallocatorProvide instrumented malloc/free allocator to track memory usage
    bslma_testallocatorexceptionProvide an exception class for memory allocation operations
    bslma_testallocatormonitorProvide a mechanism to summarize bslma::TestAllocator object use
    bslma_usesbslmaallocatorProvide a metafunction to indicate the use of bslma allocators
  bslmfBasic Standard Library Meta-FunctionsProvide meta-function versions of useful coding constructs
    bslmf_addconstProvide a meta-function for adding a top-level const-qualifier
    bslmf_addcvProvide a meta-function for adding top-level cv-qualifiers
    bslmf_addlvaluereferenceProvide a compile-time type transformation to lvalue reference
    bslmf_addpointerProvide meta-function to transform a type to pointer to that type
    bslmf_addreferenceProvide a meta-function for adding "reference-ness" to a type
    bslmf_addrvaluereferenceProvide a compile-time type transformation to rvalue reference
    bslmf_addvolatileProvide a meta-function for adding a volatile-qualifier
    bslmf_allocatorargtProvide a tag type to precede allocator arguments
    bslmf_arraytopointerProvide a meta-function to convert array types to pointer types
    bslmf_assertProvide a compile-time assertion facility
    bslmf_conditionalProvide a compile-time conditional type selector
    bslmf_decayConvert a type to the type used for pass-by-value
    bslmf_detectnestedtraitProvide a facility for defining traits and detecting legacy traits
    bslmf_enableifProvide a utility to set up SFINAE conditions in type deduction
    bslmf_forwardingreftypeProvide a meta-function for determining a forwarding type
    bslmf_forwardingtypeProvide a meta-function for determining an optimal forwarding type
    bslmf_functionpointertraitsProvide a meta-function for determining function pointer traits
    bslmf_functionpointertraits_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_functionpointertraits.h
    bslmf_haspointersemanticsProvide a type trait for pointer semantics
    bslmf_ifDEPRECATED: Provide a compile-time if/else (conditional) meta-function
    bslmf_integersequenceProvide a template parameter pack of integers
    bslmf_integralconstantProvide a mapping from integral constants to unique types
    bslmf_invokeresultDetermine the result type of an invocable expression
    bslmf_invokeresult_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_invokeresult.h
    bslmf_isaccessiblebaseofProvide a compile-time check for derived classes
    bslmf_isarithmeticProvide a compile-time check for determining arithmetic types
    bslmf_isarrayProvide a compile-time check for array types
    bslmf_isbitwiseequalitycomparableProvide a type trait for bitwise equality
    bslmf_isbitwisemoveableProvide a primitive type trait for bitwise moveable classes
    bslmf_isclassProvide a compile-time check for determining class types
    bslmf_isconstProvide a compile-time check for const-qualified types
    bslmf_isconvertibleProvide a compile-time check for type conversion
    bslmf_isconvertibletoanyProvide a compile-time check for types convertible to any type
    bslmf_iscopyconstructibleProvide a meta-function to report if a type is copy constructible
    bslmf_isemptyProvide a compile-time check for detecting an empty class type
    bslmf_isenumProvide compile-time check for determining enumerated types
    bslmf_isfloatingpointProvide a compile-time check for floating-point types
    bslmf_isfunctionProvide a compile-time check for determining function types
    bslmf_isfundamentalProvide a compile-time check for determining fundamental types
    bslmf_isintegralProvide a compile-time check for integral types
    bslmf_islvaluereferenceProvide a compile-time check for lvalue reference types
    bslmf_ismemberfunctionpointerProvide a compile-time check for member function pointer types
    bslmf_ismemberobjectpointerProvide a compile-time check for member object pointer types
    bslmf_ismemberpointerProvide a compile-time check for non-static member pointer types
    bslmf_isnothrowmoveconstructibleProvide metafunction to identify no-throw move-constructible types
    bslmf_isnothrowswappableProvide metafunction to identify nothrow swappable types
    bslmf_ispairProvide a compile-time check for the bsl::pair type
    bslmf_ispointerProvide a compile-time check for pointer types
    bslmf_ispolymorphicProvide a compile-time check for determining polymorphic types
    bslmf_isreferenceProvide a meta-function to test reference types
    bslmf_isreferencewrapperProvide a trait to detect reference-wrapper specializations
    bslmf_isrvaluereferenceProvide a compile-time check for rvalue reference types
    bslmf_issameProvide a meta-function for testing if two types are the same
    bslmf_isswappableProvide metafunction to identify swappable types
    bslmf_istransparentpredicateSupport detection of whether a predicate functor is transparent
    bslmf_istriviallycopyableProvide a meta-function for determining trivially copyable types
    bslmf_istriviallydefaultconstructibleProvide a compile-time check for trivially default-constructible
    bslmf_isvoidProvide a compile-time check for void types
    bslmf_isvolatileProvide a compile-time check for volatile-qualified types
    bslmf_makeintegersequenceProvide a template parameter pack of integers
    bslmf_matchanytypeProvide a generic type to which any type can be converted
    bslmf_matcharithmetictypeProvide a class supporting "do-the-right-thing clause" dispatch
    bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraitsProvide meta-functions to detect member function pointer traits
    bslmf_memberpointertraitsProvide meta-function to detect pointer to member traits
    bslmf_metaintDEPRECATED: Provide a meta-function to map integral constants to unique types
    bslmf_movablerefProvide a vocabulary type to enable move semantics
    bslmf_nestedtraitdeclarationProvide a nested declaration to associate a class with a trait
    bslmf_nilProvide a nil type
    bslmf_nthparameterMetafunction to return the Nth type parameter in a parameter pack
    bslmf_nthparameter_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_nthparameter.h
    bslmf_removeconstProvide a meta-function for removing top-level const-qualifier
    bslmf_removecvProvide a meta-function for removing top-level cv-qualifiers
    bslmf_removecvqProvide a meta-function for removing const/volatile qualifiers
    bslmf_removecvrefProvide a meta-func for removing reference-ness and cv-qualifiers
    bslmf_removeextentProvide a metafunction to return an array type's element type
    bslmf_removepointerProvide a meta-function to transform pointer type to referent type
    bslmf_removereferenceProvide a meta-function for stripping reference-ness from types
    bslmf_removevolatileProvide a meta-function for removing volatile-qualifier
    bslmf_resulttypeProvide access to result_type or ResultType nested type
    bslmf_selecttraitProvide clean compile-time dispatch based on multiple traits
    bslmf_switchProvide a compile-time switch meta-function
    bslmf_tagProvide an integral-constant-to-type conversion
    bslmf_typeidentityProvide a template metafunction that returns its argument
    bslmf_typelistProvide a typelist component
    bslmf_usesallocatorProvide a meta-function to determine if a type uses an allocator
    bslmf_usesallocatorargtProvide a metafunction for allocator_arg_t construction
    bslmf_utilProvide low-level functions on bslmf types
    bslmf_voidtypeProvide a helper for implementing SFINAE-based metafunctions
  bslmtBasic Standard Library Multi-ThreadingSupport for multi-threading and thread-safe processes
    bslmt_barrierProvide a thread barrier component
    bslmt_chronoutilProvide utilities related to threading with C++11-style clocks
    bslmt_conditionProvide a portable, efficient condition variable
    bslmt_conditionimpl_pthreadPRIVATE: Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::Condition
    bslmt_conditionimpl_win32PRIVATE: Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::Condition
    bslmt_configurationProvide utilities to allow configuration of values for BCE
    bslmt_entrypointfunctoradapterProvide types and utilities to simplify thread creation
    bslmt_fastpostsemaphoreProvide a semaphore class optimizing post
    bslmt_fastpostsemaphoreimplProvide a testable semaphore class optimizing post
    bslmt_latchProvide a single-use mechanism for synchronizing on an event count
    bslmt_lockguardProvide generic scoped guards for synchronization objects
    bslmt_meteredmutexProvide a mutex capable of keeping track of wait and hold time
    bslmt_mutexProvide a platform-independent mutex
    bslmt_mutexassertProvide an assert macro for verifying that a mutex is locked
    bslmt_muteximpl_pthreadPRIVATE: Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::Mutex
    bslmt_muteximpl_win32PRIVATE: Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::Mutex
    bslmt_onceProvide a thread-safe way to execute code once per process
    bslmt_platformProvide platform-dependent thread-related trait definitions
    bslmt_qlockProvide small, statically-initializable mutex lock
    bslmt_readerwriterlockProvide a multi-reader/single-writer lock
    bslmt_readerwriterlockassertProvide an assert macro for verifying reader-writer lock status
    bslmt_readerwritermutexProvide a multi-reader/single-writer lock
    bslmt_readerwritermuteximplProvide a multi-reader/single-writer lock
    bslmt_readlockguardProvide generic scoped guards for read synchronization objects
    bslmt_recursivemutexProvide a platform-independent recursive mutex
    bslmt_recursivemuteximpl_pthreadPRIVATE: Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::RecursiveMutex
    bslmt_recursivemuteximpl_win32PRIVATE: Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::RecursiveMutex
    bslmt_rwmutexDEPRECATED: Provide a platform-independent RW mutex class
    bslmt_saturatedtimeconversionimputilProvide special narrowing conversions for time types
    bslmt_semaphoreProvide a semaphore class
    bslmt_semaphoreimpl_countedPRIVATE: Provide an implementation of bslmt::Semaphore with count
    bslmt_semaphoreimpl_darwinPRIVATE: Provide a Darwin implementation of bslmt::Semaphore
    bslmt_semaphoreimpl_pthreadPRIVATE: Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::Semaphore
    bslmt_semaphoreimpl_win32PRIVATE: Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::Semaphore
    bslmt_sluiceProvide a "sluice" class
    bslmt_testutilProvide thread-safe test utilities for multithreaded components
    bslmt_threadattributesProvide a description of the attributes of a thread
    bslmt_threadgroupProvide a container for managing a group of threads
    bslmt_threadlocalvariableProvide a macro to declare a thread-local variable
    bslmt_threadutilProvide platform-independent utilities related to threading
    bslmt_threadutilimpl_pthreadPRIVATE: Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::ThreadUtil
    bslmt_threadutilimpl_win32PRIVATE: Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::ThreadUtil
    bslmt_throughputbenchmarkProvide a performance test harness for multi-threaded components
    bslmt_throughputbenchmarkresultProvide result repository for throughput performance test harness
    bslmt_timedsemaphoreProvide a timed semaphore class
    bslmt_timedsemaphoreimpl_posixadvPRIVATE: Provide "advanced" POSIX implementation of bslmt::TimedSemaphore
    bslmt_timedsemaphoreimpl_pthreadPRIVATE: Provide a POSIX implementation of bslmt::TimedSemaphore
    bslmt_timedsemaphoreimpl_win32PRIVATE: Provide a win32 implementation of bslmt::TimedSemaphore
    bslmt_turnstileProvide a mechanism to meter time
    bslmt_writelockguardProvide generic scoped guards for write synchronization objects
  bslsBasic Standard Library System utilitiesProvide system-level utilities for bsl
    bsls_alignedbufferProvide raw buffers with user-specified size and alignment
    bsls_alignmentProvide a namespace for enumerating memory alignment strategies
    bsls_alignmentfromtypeProvide a meta-function that maps a TYPE to its alignment
    bsls_alignmentimpProvide implementation meta-functions for alignment computation
    bsls_alignmenttotypeProvide a meta-function mapping an ALIGNMENT to a primitive type
    bsls_alignmentutilProvide constants, types, and operations related to alignment
    bsls_annotationDEPRECATED: Provide support for compiler annotations for compile-time safety
    bsls_assertProvide build-specific, runtime-configurable assertion macros
    bsls_assert_macroresetPRIVATE: Undefine all macros from bsls_assert.h and bsls_review.h
    bsls_assertimputilProvide utilities to implement bsls_assert and bsls_review
    bsls_asserttestProvide a test facility for assertion macros
    bsls_asserttest_macroresetPRIVATE: Undefine macros related to bsls_asserttest.h
    bsls_asserttestexceptionProvide an exception type to support testing for failed assertions
    bsls_atomicProvide types with atomic operations
    bsls_atomicoperationsProvide platform-independent atomic operations
    bsls_atomicoperations_all_all_clangintrinsicsPRIVATE: Implement atomic operations using clang __c11_atomic_* intrinsics
    bsls_atomicoperations_all_all_gccintrinsicsPRIVATE: Implement atomic operations using gcc __atomic_* intrinsics
    bsls_atomicoperations_arm_all_gccPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for ARM/GCC
    bsls_atomicoperations_defaultPRIVATE: Provide default implementation for atomic operations
    bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc32_aix_xlcPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for PowerPC/AIX-32bit
    bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc64_aix_xlcPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for PowerPC/AIX-64bit
    bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc_aix_xlc_defaultPRIVATE: Provide default base implementations of atomics for PowerPC/AIX
    bsls_atomicoperations_powerpc_all_gccPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for gcc on PowerPC
    bsls_atomicoperations_sparc32_sun_ccPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for Sparc/Sun (32bit)
    bsls_atomicoperations_sparc64_sun_ccPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for Sparc/Sun (64bit)
    bsls_atomicoperations_sparc_sun_cc_defaultPRIVATE: Provide default base implementations of atomics for Sparc/Sun
    bsls_atomicoperations_x64_all_gccPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86_64/GCC
    bsls_atomicoperations_x64_win_msvcPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86_64/MSVC/Win64
    bsls_atomicoperations_x86_all_gccPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86/GCC
    bsls_atomicoperations_x86_win_msvcPRIVATE: Provide implementations of atomic operations for X86/MSVC/Windows
    bsls_blockgrowthProvide a namespace for memory block growth strategies
    bsls_bsldeprecationinformationProvide a macro to control bsl deprecations by release version
    bsls_bslexceptionutilProvide functions for use in bsl that throw standard exceptions
    bsls_bsllockProvide a platform-independent mutex for use below bslmt
    bsls_bsllockimpl_pthreadPRIVATE: Provide a mutex for use below bslmt
    bsls_bsllockimpl_win32PRIVATE: Provide a mutex for use below bslmt for windows platform
    bsls_bslonceProvide BSL a thread-safe way to execute code once per process
    bsls_bslsourcenameparserutilProvide low-level functions for parsing source file names
    bsls_bsltestutilProvide test utilities for bsl that do not use <iostream>
    bsls_buildtargetProvide build-target information in object files
    bsls_byteorderProvide byte-order manipulation macros
    bsls_byteorderutilProvide byte-order swapping functions
    bsls_byteorderutil_implPRIVATE: Provide implementation of byte-order manipulation functions
    bsls_compilerfeaturesProvide macros to identify compiler support for C++11 features
    bsls_constevalProvide macros related to compile-time evaluation
    bsls_cpp11DEPRECATED: Provide macros for C++11 forward compatibility
    bsls_deprecateProvide machinery to deprecate interfaces on a per-version basis
    bsls_deprecatefeatureProvide machinery to deprecate entities in C++ code
    bsls_exceptionutilProvide simplified exception constructs for non-exception builds
    bsls_fuzztestProvide macros for use in fuzz testing narrow-contract functions
    bsls_fuzztestpreconditionexceptionProvide an exception type for handling failed preconditions
    bsls_identProvide macros for inserting SCM Ids into source files
    bsls_int64DEPRECATED: Provide namespace for platform-dependent 64-bit integer types
    bsls_keywordProvide macros for forward language dialect compatibility
    bsls_libraryfeaturesProvide macros to identify native standard library features
    bsls_linkcoercionProvide a way to force a link-time dependency into an object
    bsls_logProvide a namespace for low-level logging functions
    bsls_logseverityEnumerate a set of logging severity levels
    bsls_macroincrementProvide a macro to increment preprocessor numbers
    bsls_macrorepeatRepeat a macro invocation with different numeric arguments
    bsls_nameofProvide a NameOf type for displaying template type at run-time
    bsls_nativestdDEPRECATED: Define the namespace native_std as an alias for ::std
    bsls_nullptrProvide a distinct type for null pointer literals
    bsls_objectbufferProvide raw buffer with size and alignment of user-specified type
    bsls_outputredirectorProvide a means for test drivers to redirect and inspect output
    bsls_performancehintProvide performance hints for code optimization
    bsls_platformProvide compile-time support for platform/attribute identification
    bsls_platformutilDEPRECATED: Provide consistent interface for platform-dependent functionality
    bsls_pointercastutilProvide function to cast between function and data pointers
    bsls_preconditionsProvide macros for use in fuzz testing narrow contract functions
    bsls_protocoltestProvide classes and macros for testing abstract protocols
    bsls_reviewProvide assertion macros to safely identify contract violations
    bsls_review_macroresetPRIVATE: Test driver utility to undefine all macros from bsls_review.h
    bsls_spinlockProvide a spin lock
    bsls_stackaddressutilProvide a utility for obtaining return addresses from the stack
    bsls_stopwatchProvide access to user, system, and wall times of current process
    bsls_systemclocktypeEnumerate the set of system clock types
    bsls_systemtimeProvide utilities to retrieve the system time
    bsls_timeintervalProvide a representation of a time interval
    bsls_timeutilProvide a platform-neutral functional interface to system clocks
    bsls_typesProvide a consistent interface for platform-dependent types
    bsls_unspecifiedboolProvide a class supporting the unspecified bool idiom
    bsls_utilProvide essential, low-level support for portable generic code
  bslscmBasic Standard Library Source Control ManagementProvide versioning information for BDE library components
    bslscm_patchversionProvide common patch versioning information
    bslscm_versionProvide source control management (versioning) information
    bslscm_versiontagProvide versioning information for the bsl package group
  bslstlBasic Standard Library STLProvide replacement classes for STL constructs
    bslstl_algorithmProvide implementations for algorithms not in the system library
    bslstl_algorithmworkaroundDEPRECATED: Provide a namespace for work arounds for the standard algorithms
    bslstl_allocatorDEPRECATED: Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects
    bslstl_arrayProvide an STL compliant array
    bslstl_badfunctioncallProvide an exception class thrown by bsl::function
    bslstl_badoptionalaccessProvide an exception class thrown by bsl::optional
    bslstl_badweakptrProvide an exception class to indicate a weak_ptr has expired
    bslstl_bidirectionaliteratorProvide a template to create STL-compliant bidirectional iterators
    bslstl_bidirectionalnodepoolProvide efficient creation of nodes used in a node-based container
    bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool.h
    bslstl_bitsetProvide an STL-compliant bitset class
    bslstl_boyermoorehorspoolsearcherProvide an STL-compliant boyer_moore_horspool_searcher class
    bslstl_charconvProvide implementations for functions not in the system library
    bslstl_chronoProvide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header
    bslstl_complexProvide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header
    bslstl_defaultsearcherProvide an STL-compliant default_searcher class
    bslstl_dequeProvide an STL-compliant deque class
    bslstl_deque_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_deque.h
    bslstl_equaltoProvide a binary functor conforming to the C++11 equal_to spec
    bslstl_errcProvide a standard compliant version of errc
    bslstl_errorProvide standard compliant versions of <system_error> classes
    bslstl_forwarditeratorProvide a template to create STL-compliant forward iterators
    bslstl_functionProvide a polymorphic function object with a specific prototype
    bslstl_function_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_function.h
    bslstl_function_invokerutilPRIVATE: Provide invoker adaptors for bsl::function
    bslstl_function_invokerutil_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_function_invokerutil.h
    bslstl_function_isreferencecompatiblePRIVATE: Provide a metafunction for substitutability of type references
    bslstl_function_repPRIVATE: Provide a non-template, common implementation for bsl::function
    bslstl_function_smallobjectoptimizationPRIVATE: Provide small-object optimization buffer for bsl::function
    bslstl_hashProvide a namespace for hash functions
    bslstl_hashtableProvide a hash-container with support for duplicate values
    bslstl_hashtable_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_hashtable.h
    bslstl_hashtable_test1PRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_hashtable.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_hashtable_test2PRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_hashtable.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_hashtablebucketiteratorProvide an STL compliant iterator over hash table buckets
    bslstl_hashtableiteratorProvide an STL compliant iterator for hash tables
    bslstl_inplaceProvide a standard-compliant in place construction tag types
    bslstl_iomanipProvide BSL implementations for standard <iomanip> features
    bslstl_iosProvide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header
    bslstl_iosfwdProvide forward declarations for Standard stream classes
    bslstl_iserrorcodeenumProvide a compliant standard is_error_code_enum trait
    bslstl_iserrorconditionenumProvide a compliant standard is_error_condition_enum trait
    bslstl_istringstreamProvide a C++03-compatible istringstream class
    bslstl_iteratorProvide basic iterator traits, adaptors, and utilities
    bslstl_iteratorutilProvide utilities operating on iterators and iterator ranges
    bslstl_listProvide an STL-compliant list class
    bslstl_list_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_list.h
    bslstl_mapProvide an STL-compliant map class
    bslstl_map_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_map.h
    bslstl_map_test1PRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_map_test2PRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_map_test3PRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_mapcomparatorProvide a comparator for TreeNode objects and a lookup key
    bslstl_multimapProvide an STL-compliant multimap class
    bslstl_multimap_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_multimap.h
    bslstl_multimap_testPRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_multimap.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_multisetProvide an STL-compliant multiset class
    bslstl_multiset_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_multiset.h
    bslstl_multiset_testPRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_multiset.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_optionalProvide a standard-compliant allocator aware optional type
    bslstl_optional_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_optional.h
    bslstl_ostringstreamProvide a C++03-compatible ostringstream class
    bslstl_ownerlessProvide an ordering for shared and weak pointers
    bslstl_pairProvide a simple struct with two members that may use allocators
    bslstl_priorityqueueProvide container adapter class template priority_queue
    bslstl_priorityqueue_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_priorityqueue.h
    bslstl_queueProvide container adapter class template queue
    bslstl_queue_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_queue.h
    bslstl_randomaccessiteratorProvide a template to create STL-compliant random access iterators
    bslstl_ratioProvide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header
    bslstl_referencewrapperProvide copyable, assignable object wrapper for references
    bslstl_setProvide an STL-compliant set class
    bslstl_set_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_set.h
    bslstl_set_testPRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_set.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_setcomparatorProvide a comparator for TreeNode objects and a lookup key
    bslstl_sharedptrProvide a generic reference-counted shared pointer wrapper
    bslstl_sharedptr_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_sharedptr.h
    bslstl_sharedptrallocateinplacerepProvide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep
    bslstl_sharedptrallocateoutofplacerepProvide an out-of-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep
    bslstl_simplepoolProvide efficient allocation of memory blocks for a specific type
    bslstl_spanProvide a (mostly) standard-compliant span class template
    bslstl_stackProvide an STL-compliant stack class
    bslstl_stack_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_stack.h
    bslstl_stdexceptutilProvide a utility to throw standard exceptions
    bslstl_stringProvide a standard-compliant basic_string class template
    bslstl_string_testPRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_string.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_stringbufProvide a C++03-compatible stringbuf class
    bslstl_stringrefProvide a reference to a const string
    bslstl_stringrefdataProvide a base class for bslstl::StringRef
    bslstl_stringstreamProvide a C++03-compatible stringstream class
    bslstl_stringviewProvide a standard-compliant basic_string_view class template
    bslstl_systemerrorProvide a standard compliant system_error class
    bslstl_treeiteratorProvide an STL compliant iterator for a tree of TreeNode objects
    bslstl_treenodeProvide a POD-like tree node type holding a parameterized value
    bslstl_treenodepoolProvide efficient creation of nodes used in tree-based container
    bslstl_treenodepool_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_treenodepool.h
    bslstl_typeindexProvide an value-semantic type to represent type_info objects
    bslstl_unorderedmapProvide an STL-compliant unordered_map container
    bslstl_unorderedmap_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmap.h
    bslstl_unorderedmap_testPRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmap.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_unorderedmapkeyconfigurationProvide a class template to extract keys as the first attribute
    bslstl_unorderedmultimapProvide an STL-compliant unordered_multimap container
    bslstl_unorderedmultimap_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmultimap.h
    bslstl_unorderedmultimap_testPRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmultimap.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_unorderedmultisetProvide an STL-compliant unordered_multiset container
    bslstl_unorderedmultiset_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmultiset.h
    bslstl_unorderedmultiset_testPRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmultiset.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_unorderedsetProvide an STL-compliant unordered_set container
    bslstl_unorderedset_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedset.h
    bslstl_unorderedset_testPRIVATE: Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedset.t.cpp test driver
    bslstl_unorderedsetkeyconfigurationProvide a configuration class to use a whole object as its own key
    bslstl_utilityProvide implementations for utilities not in the system library
    bslstl_vectorProvide an STL-compliant vector class
    bslstl_vector_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_vector.h
  bsltfBasic Standard Library Test FacilityProvide a set of utilities and types to help with testing
    bsltf_allocargumenttypeProvide an allocating test class to represent function arguments
    bsltf_allocbitwisemoveabletesttypeProvide a class that allocates memory and is bitwise-moveable
    bsltf_allocemplacabletesttypeProvide an allocating test class used to test emplace methods
    bsltf_alloctesttypeProvide a class for testing that allocates with bslma::Allocator
    bsltf_argumenttypeProvide a non-allocating class to test variadic function arguments
    bsltf_bitwisecopyabletesttypeProvide a bitwise-copyable test class
    bsltf_bitwisemoveabletesttypeProvide a bitwise-moveable test class
    bsltf_convertiblevaluewrapperProvide a wrapper class, convertible to a supplied value
    bsltf_degeneratefunctorProvide an awkward type to adapt a user-supplied functor
    bsltf_emplacabletesttypeProvide a non-allocating test class used to test emplace methods
    bsltf_enumeratedtesttypeProvide an enumerated test type
    bsltf_evilbooleantypeProvide the most awkward type that is convertible to bool
    bsltf_inputiteratorProvide a pure input iterator capable of traversing a range
    bsltf_movablealloctesttypeProvide an allocating test class that records when moved from
    bsltf_movabletesttypeProvide a non-allocating test class that records when moved from
    bsltf_moveonlyalloctesttypeProvide testing type that is move-only & uses bslma allocators
    bsltf_movestateProvide an enumeration of move-state, including unsupported
    bsltf_nonassignabletesttypeProvide an attribute class to which can not be assigned
    bsltf_noncopyconstructibletesttypeProvide an attribute class that is not copy constructible
    bsltf_nondefaultconstructibletesttypeProvide an attribute class that is not default constructible
    bsltf_nonequalcomparabletesttypeProvide an attribute class that is not equal comparable
    bsltf_nonoptionalalloctesttypeProvide a class for testing that allocates with bslma::Allocator
    bsltf_nontypicaloverloadstesttypeProvide a class that overloads the non-typical operators
    bsltf_simpletesttypeProvide a non-allocating test class without type traits
    bsltf_stdallocatoradaptorProvide a mechanism to propagate standard allocator state
    bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor.h
    bsltf_stdalloctesttypeProvide a class for testing that allocates with standard allocator
    bsltf_stdstatefulallocatorProvide a minimal standard compliant allocator
    bsltf_stdstatefulallocator_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdstatefulallocator.h
    bsltf_stdtestallocatorProvide a minimal standard compliant allocator
    bsltf_stdtestallocator_cpp03PRIVATE: Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdtestallocator.h
    bsltf_streamutilProvide streaming output operators for bsltf-defined types
    bsltf_templatetestfacilityProvide utilities to help with testing templates
    bsltf_testvaluesarrayProvide a container for values used for testing
    bsltf_uniontesttypeProvide an union test type
    bsltf_wellbehavedmoveonlyalloctesttypeProvide well-behaved move-only type using bslma allocators
  bslxBasic Standard Library eXternalizationDefine externalization protocols and provide implementations
    bslx_byteinstreamProvide a stream class for unexternalization of fundamental types
    bslx_byteoutstreamProvide a stream class for externalization of fundamental types
    bslx_genericinstreamUnexternalization of fundamental types from a parameterized stream
    bslx_genericoutstreamExternalization of fundamental types to a parameterized stream
    bslx_instreamfunctionsFacilitate uniform unexternalization of user and fundamental types
    bslx_marshallingutilSupport platform-independent marshalling of fundamental types
    bslx_outstreamfunctionsFacilitate uniform externalization of user and fundamental types
    bslx_streambufinstreamUnexternalization of fundamental types from a bsl::streambuf
    bslx_streambufoutstreamExternalization of fundamental types to a bsl::streambuf
    bslx_testinstreamEnable unexternalization of fundamental types with identification
    bslx_testinstreamexceptionProvide an exception class for unexternalization operations
    bslx_testoutstreamEnable externalization of fundamental types with identification
    bslx_typecodeEnumerate the fundamental types supported by BDEX
    bslx_versionfunctionsProvide functions to return BDEX version information for types