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Component bdlbb_blobstreambuf
[Package bdlbb]

Provide blob implementing the streambuf interface. More...


namespace  bdlbb

Detailed Description

Provide blob implementing the streambuf interface.
bdlbb::InBlobStreamBuf bdlbb::Blob input streambuf
bdlbb::OutBlobStreamBuf bdlbb::Blob output streambuf
See also:
Component bdlbb_blob
This component implements the input and output bsl::basic_streambuf protocol using a user-supplied bdlbb::Blob. Method names necessarily correspond to the protocol-specified method names. Refer to the C++ Standard, Section 27.5.2, for a full specification of the interface.
A bdlbb::Blob is an indexed sequence of bdlbb::BlobBuffer of potentially different sizes. The number of buffers in the sequence can increase or decrease, but the order of the buffers cannot change. Therefore, the blob behaves logically as a single indexed buffer. bdlbb::InBlobStreamBuf and bdlbb::OutBlobStreamBuf can therefore respectively read from and write to this buffer as if there were a single continuous index.