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Component bdlb_nullopt
[Package bdlb]

Provide a tag type and constant indicating an empty nullable value. More...


namespace  bdlb

Detailed Description

Provide a tag type and constant indicating an empty nullable value.
NullOptType tag type representing an empty nullable value
nullOpt literal value of type NullOptType
See also:
Component bdlb_nullablevalue
This component provides a class, bdlb::NullOptType, that defines a vocabulary to be used in functions that want to indicate an empty nullable value.
In addition to the NullOptType class type, this component defines a constant, bdlb::nullOpt, of type NullOptType, to act as a literal of this type, much as nullptr is a (built in) literal for null pointers.
In this section we show intended use of this component.
Example 1: ...:
Suppose we are implementing a type that has an optional null (empty) state, such as NullableValue. First we declare the class template.
  namespace xyza {
  template <class TYPE>
  class NullableValue {
      // This class can hold a value of (the template parameter) 'TYPE' or be
      // in an empty "null" state.
Then, we privide a buffer than can be uninitialized or hold a valid object, and a bool variable to indicate whether an object is stored in the buffer.
      bsls::ObjectBuffer<TYPE> d_value;
      bool                     d_isNull;
Next, we provide a constructor that makes a copy of an argument of the given TYPE.
      // CREATORS
      explicit NullableValue(const TYPE& value);
          // Create an object having the specified 'value'.
Then, we provide an implicit constructor using bdlb::NullOptType to allow our users to explicitly create a nullable object in the null state.
      NullableValue(bdlb::NullOptType);                           // IMPLICIT
          // Create a null object.  Note that the passed argument is used
          // only to select this constructor overload, the actual value is
          // not used.
Next we provide accessors to indicate whether the object is in the null state, and to return the wrapped value if one is avaialble.
      // ACCESSORS
      const TYPE& getValue() const;
          // Return a reference to the non-modifiable object held by this
          // 'NullableValue'.  The behavior is undefined if this object is
          // null.

      bool isNull() const;
          // Return 'false' if this object holds a value, and 'true'
          // otherwise.  Note that a 'NullableValue' that does not hold an
          // object is said to be "null".

  }  // close namespace xyza
Now, we can write a function that consumes a nullable value.
  namespace xyzb {

  struct Utility {
      static int unwrap(const xyza::NullableValue<int>& optionalValue);
          // Return the value of the specified 'optionalValue' if it holds a
          // value; otherwise, return 0.

  int Utility::unwrap(const xyza::NullableValue<int>& optionalValue) {
      if (optionalValue.isNull()) {
          return 0;                                                 // RETURN

      return optionalValue.getValue();

  }  // close namespace xyzb
Finally, our clients can call xyza::Utility::unwrap with either a nullable value of their own, or with bdlb::nullOpt to indicate a null object.
  int xyz_main() {
      return xyzb::Utility::unwrap(bdlb::nullOpt);