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Package balscm
[Package Group bal]

Provide versioning information for library components in bal. More...


 Component balscm_version

Provide source control management (versioning) information.

 Component balscm_versiontag

Provide versioning information for the bal package group.

Detailed Description

Provide versioning information for library components in bal.
MNEMONIC: Basic Application Library Source Control Management (balscm):
See also:
This package is for use only by the BDE library. Components in the bal package group include this component in order to generate versioning information. Developers use this versioning information to track releases of individual components when diagnosing problems using the bal library.
This component is only used within the bal package group. Each BDE package group contains a similar component that provides the same functionality for components in that package group. Thus separate package groups can be deployed independently from one another.
In normal usage, developers should not need to refer to this component.
Hierarchical Synopsis:
The balscm package currently has 2 components having 2 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components.
  2. balscm_version

  1. balscm_versiontag
Component Synopsis:
Provide source control management (versioning) information.
Provide versioning information for the bal package group.