BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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Package bslmf


 Provide a meta-function for adding a top-level const-qualifier.
 Provide a meta-function for adding top-level cv-qualifiers.
 Provide a compile-time type transformation to lvalue reference.
 Provide meta-function to transform a type to pointer to that type.
 Provide a meta-function for adding "reference-ness" to a type.
 Provide a compile-time type transformation to rvalue reference.
 Provide a meta-function for adding a volatile-qualifier.
 Provide a tag type to precede allocator arguments.
 Provide a meta-function to convert array types to pointer types.
 Provide a compile-time assertion facility.
 Provide an exposition-only concept boolean-testable.
 Provide a compile-time conditional type selector.
 Provide the logical conjunction (AND) for type traits.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_conjunction.h.
 Convert a type to the type used for pass-by-value.
 Provide a facility for defining traits and detecting legacy traits.
 Provide the logical disjunction (OR) for type traits.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_disjunction.h.
 Provide a utility to set up SFINAE conditions in type deduction.
 Provide a meta-function for determining a forwarding type.
 Provide a meta-function for determining an optimal forwarding type.
 Provide a meta-function for determining function pointer traits.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_functionpointertraits.h.
 Provide a type trait for pointer semantics.
 Provide a compile-time if/else (conditional) meta-function.
 Provide a template parameter pack of integers.
 Provide a mapping from integral constants to unique types.
 Determine the result type of an invocable expression.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_invokeresult.h.
 Provide a compile-time check for derived classes.
 Provide a compile-time check for determining arithmetic types.
 Provide a compile-time check for array types.
 Provide a meta-function for determining bitwise copyable types.
 Provide a type trait for bitwise equality.
 Provide a primitive type trait for bitwise moveable classes.
 Provide a compile-time check for determining class types.
 Provide a compile-time check for const-qualified types.
 Provide a compile-time check for type conversion.
 Provide a compile-time check for types convertible to any type.
 Provide a meta-function to report if a type is copy constructible.
 Provide a compile-time check for detecting an empty class type.
 Provide compile-time check for determining enumerated types.
 Provide a compile-time check for floating-point types.
 Provide a compile-time check for determining function types.
 Provide a compile-time check for determining fundamental types.
 Provide a compile-time check for integral types.
 Provide a compile-time check for lvalue reference types.
 Provide a compile-time check for member function pointer types.
 Provide a compile-time check for member object pointer types.
 Provide a compile-time check for non-static member pointer types.
 Provide metafunction to identify no-throw move-constructible types.
 Provide metafunction to identify nothrow swappable types.
 Provide a compile-time check for the bsl::pair type.
 Provide a compile-time check for pointer types.
 Provide a compile-time check for determining polymorphic types.
 Provide a meta-function to test reference types.
 Provide a trait to detect reference-wrapper specializations.
 Provide a compile-time check for rvalue reference types.
 Provide a meta-function for testing if two types are the same.
 Provide metafunction to identify swappable types.
 Support detection of whether a predicate functor is transparent.
 Provide a meta-function for determining trivially copyable types.
 Provide a compile-time check for trivially default-constructible.
 Provide a compile-time check for void types.
 Provide a compile-time check for volatile-qualified types.
 Provide a template parameter pack of integers.
 Provide a generic type to which any type can be converted.
 Provide a class supporting "do-the-right-thing clause" dispatch.
 Provide meta-functions to detect member function pointer traits.
 Provide meta-function to detect pointer to member traits.
 Provide a meta-function to map integral constants to unique types.
 Provide a vocabulary type to enable move semantics.
 Provide the logical negation (NOT) for type traits.
 Provide a nested declaration to associate a class with a trait.
 Provide a nil type.
 Metafunction to return the Nth type parameter in a parameter pack.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_nthparameter.h.
 Provide a meta-function for removing top-level const-qualifier.
 Provide a meta-function for removing top-level cv-qualifiers.
 Provide a meta-function for removing const/volatile qualifiers.
 Provide a meta-func for removing reference-ness and cv-qualifiers.
 Provide a metafunction to return an array type's element type.
 Provide a meta-function to transform pointer type to referent type.
 Provide a meta-function for stripping reference-ness from types.
 Provide a meta-function for removing volatile-qualifier.
 Provide access to result_type or ResultType nested type.
 Provide clean compile-time dispatch based on multiple traits.
 Provide a compile-time switch meta-function.
 Provide an integral-constant-to-type conversion.
 Provide a template metafunction that returns its argument.
 Provide a typelist component.
 Provide a meta-function to determine if a type uses an allocator.
 Provide a metafunction for allocator_arg_t construction.
 Provide low-level functions on bslmf types.
 Provide a helper for implementing SFINAE-based metafunctions.

Detailed Description


Provide meta-function versions of useful coding constructs.


Basic Standard Library Meta-Functions (bslmf)


The 'bslmf' package provides meta-function equivalents of certain useful coding constructs. A meta-function is a template-based, compile-time construct that behaves like a (runtime) function in that it "evaluates" arguments and does something different based on the input it is passed (in the case of templates, the input it is instantiated with). 'bslmf' provides metafunctions to evaluate (at compile time) constructs such as the following: an 'if'-statement equivalent, whether a (template) argument is a fundamental type, whether an argument is an 'enum' type, whether two arguments have the same type, and more.

The "return value" of that function is generally a compile-time constant under the form of a nested 'enum' 'VALUE', or in some cases a nested 'Type', or both. For instance, in order to evaluate whether two types are the same, one could write a meta-function predicate (evaluating to 0 or 1) as follows:

template <class U, class V>
struct IsSame {
// This 'struct' provides a meta function parameterized by two types 'U'
// and 'V', that takes 'VALUE == 0' unless 'U' and 'V' are the same type,
// in which case it takes 'VALUE == 1'.
enum { VALUE = 0 };
typedef bslmf_MetaInt<VALUE> Type;
template <class T>
struct IsSame<T, T> {
// This specialization of the 'IsSame' meta function is parameterized by
// a single type 'T' and is selected if the two parameters of 'IsSame',
// 'U' and 'V', are both equal to 'T'. It takes 'VALUE == 1'.
enum { VALUE = 1 };
typedef bslmf_MetaInt<VALUE> Type;

Note the use of a 'bslmf_MetaInt' nested type usually employed for function dispatching. See the bslmf_issame component-level documentation for a more thorough usage example.

Other meta-functions don't have a 'VALUE', but apply some type of transformation (e.g., removing top-level 'const' qualifiers, decaying array and function types to pointer types). Those usually have a nested 'Type'.

Hierarchical Synopsis

The 'bslmf' package currently has 95 components having 21 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components. The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.

21. bslmf_isnothrowswappable
20. bslmf_isswappable
19. bslmf_forwardingreftype
18. bslmf_movableref
17. bslmf_isbitwisemoveable
16. bslmf_isbitwisecopyable
15. bslmf_haspointersemantics
14. bslmf_detectnestedtrait
13. bslmf_isaccessiblebaseof
12. bslmf_isconvertible
11. bslmf_isfundamental
10. bslmf_isarithmetic
9. bslmf_isintegral
8. bslmf_addcv
7. bslmf_addconst
6. bslmf_isclass
5. bslmf_addpointer
bslmf_if !DEPRECATED!
bslmf_metaint !DEPRECATED!
4. bslmf_addlvaluereference
3. bslmf_assert
2. bslmf_allocatorargt
1. bslmf_conjunction_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslmf_disjunction_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslmf_functionpointertraits_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslmf_invokeresult_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslmf_nthparameter_cpp03 !PRIVATE!

Component Synopsis

bslmf_addconst : Provide a meta-function for adding a top-level const-qualifier.

bslmf_addcv : Provide a meta-function for adding top-level cv-qualifiers.

bslmf_addlvaluereference : Provide a compile-time type transformation to lvalue reference.

bslmf_addpointer : Provide meta-function to transform a type to pointer to that type.

bslmf_addreference : Provide a meta-function for adding "reference-ness" to a type.

bslmf_addrvaluereference : Provide a compile-time type transformation to rvalue reference.

bslmf_addvolatile : Provide a meta-function for adding a volatile-qualifier.

bslmf_allocatorargt : Provide a tag type to precede allocator arguments.

bslmf_arraytopointer : Provide a meta-function to convert array types to pointer types.

bslmf_assert : Provide a compile-time assertion facility.

bslmf_booleantestable : Provide an exposition-only concept boolean-testable.

bslmf_conditional : Provide a compile-time conditional type selector.

bslmf_conjunction : Provide the logical conjunction (AND) for type traits.

'bslmf_conjunction_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_conjunction.h

bslmf_decay : Convert a type to the type used for pass-by-value.

bslmf_detectnestedtrait : Provide a facility for defining traits and detecting legacy traits.

bslmf_disjunction : Provide the logical disjunction (OR) for type traits.

'bslmf_disjunction_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_disjunction.h

bslmf_enableif : Provide a utility to set up SFINAE conditions in type deduction.

bslmf_forwardingreftype : Provide a meta-function for determining a forwarding type.

bslmf_forwardingtype : Provide a meta-function for determining an optimal forwarding type.

bslmf_functionpointertraits : Provide a meta-function for determining function pointer traits.

'bslmf_functionpointertraits_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_functionpointertraits.h

bslmf_haspointersemantics : Provide a type trait for pointer semantics.

'bslmf_if': !DEPRECATED! Provide a compile-time if/else (conditional) meta-function.

bslmf_integersequence : Provide a template parameter pack of integers.

bslmf_integralconstant : Provide a mapping from integral constants to unique types.

bslmf_invokeresult : Determine the result type of an invocable expression.

'bslmf_invokeresult_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_invokeresult.h

bslmf_isaccessiblebaseof : Provide a compile-time check for derived classes.

bslmf_isarithmetic : Provide a compile-time check for determining arithmetic types.

bslmf_isarray : Provide a compile-time check for array types.

bslmf_isbitwisecopyable : Provide a meta-function for determining bitwise copyable types.

bslmf_isbitwiseequalitycomparable : Provide a type trait for bitwise equality.

bslmf_isbitwisemoveable : Provide a primitive type trait for bitwise moveable classes.

bslmf_isclass : Provide a compile-time check for determining class types.

bslmf_isconst : Provide a compile-time check for const-qualified types.

bslmf_isconvertible : Provide a compile-time check for type conversion.

bslmf_isconvertibletoany : Provide a compile-time check for types convertible to any type.

bslmf_iscopyconstructible : Provide a meta-function to report if a type is copy constructible.

bslmf_isempty : Provide a compile-time check for detecting an empty class type.

bslmf_isenum : Provide compile-time check for determining enumerated types.

bslmf_isfloatingpoint : Provide a compile-time check for floating-point types.

bslmf_isfunction : Provide a compile-time check for determining function types.

bslmf_isfundamental : Provide a compile-time check for determining fundamental types.

bslmf_isintegral : Provide a compile-time check for integral types.

bslmf_islvaluereference : Provide a compile-time check for lvalue reference types.

bslmf_ismemberfunctionpointer : Provide a compile-time check for member function pointer types.

bslmf_ismemberobjectpointer : Provide a compile-time check for member object pointer types.

bslmf_ismemberpointer : Provide a compile-time check for non-static member pointer types.

bslmf_isnothrowmoveconstructible : Provide metafunction to identify no-throw move-constructible types.

bslmf_isnothrowswappable : Provide metafunction to identify nothrow swappable types.

bslmf_ispair : Provide a compile-time check for the bsl::pair type.

bslmf_ispointer : Provide a compile-time check for pointer types.

bslmf_ispolymorphic : Provide a compile-time check for determining polymorphic types.

bslmf_isreference : Provide a meta-function to test reference types.

bslmf_isreferencewrapper : Provide a trait to detect reference-wrapper specializations.

bslmf_isrvaluereference : Provide a compile-time check for rvalue reference types.

bslmf_issame : Provide a meta-function for testing if two types are the same.

bslmf_isswappable : Provide metafunction to identify swappable types.

bslmf_istransparentpredicate : Support detection of whether a predicate functor is transparent.

bslmf_istriviallycopyable : Provide a meta-function for determining trivially copyable types.

bslmf_istriviallydefaultconstructible : Provide a compile-time check for trivially default-constructible.

bslmf_isvoid : Provide a compile-time check for void types.

bslmf_isvolatile : Provide a compile-time check for volatile-qualified types.

bslmf_makeintegersequence : Provide a template parameter pack of integers.

bslmf_matchanytype : Provide a generic type to which any type can be converted.

bslmf_matcharithmetictype : Provide a class supporting "do-the-right-thing clause" dispatch.

bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraits : Provide meta-functions to detect member function pointer traits.

bslmf_memberpointertraits : Provide meta-function to detect pointer to member traits.

bslmf_metaint : !DEPRECATED! Provide a meta-function to map integral constants to unique types.

bslmf_movableref : Provide a vocabulary type to enable move semantics.

bslmf_negation : Provide the logical negation (NOT) for type traits.

bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration : Provide a nested declaration to associate a class with a trait.

'bslmf_nil': Provide a nil type.

bslmf_nthparameter : Metafunction to return the Nth type parameter in a parameter pack

'bslmf_nthparameter_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslmf_nthparameter.h

bslmf_removeconst : Provide a meta-function for removing top-level const-qualifier.

bslmf_removecv : Provide a meta-function for removing top-level cv-qualifiers.

bslmf_removecvq : Provide a meta-function for removing const/volatile qualifiers.

bslmf_removecvref : Provide a meta-func for removing reference-ness and cv-qualifiers.

bslmf_removeextent : Provide a metafunction to return an array type's element type.

bslmf_removepointer : Provide a meta-function to transform pointer type to referent type.

bslmf_removereference : Provide a meta-function for stripping reference-ness from types.

bslmf_removevolatile : Provide a meta-function for removing volatile-qualifier.

bslmf_resulttype : Provide access to result_type or ResultType nested type.

bslmf_selecttrait : Provide clean compile-time dispatch based on multiple traits

bslmf_switch : Provide a compile-time switch meta-function.

'bslmf_tag': Provide an integral-constant-to-type conversion.

bslmf_typeidentity : Provide a template metafunction that returns its argument.

bslmf_typelist : Provide a typelist component.

bslmf_usesallocator : Provide a meta-function to determine if a type uses an allocator.

bslmf_usesallocatorargt : Provide a metafunction for allocator_arg_t construction

bslmf_util : Provide low-level functions on bslmf types.

bslmf_voidtype : Provide a helper for implementing SFINAE-based metafunctions.