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Component bdldfp_decimalformatconfig
[Package bdldfp]

Provide an attribute class to configure decimal formatting. More...


namespace  bdldfp

Detailed Description

Provide an attribute class to configure decimal formatting.
bdldfp::DecimalFormatConfig configuration for formatting functions
See also:
Component bdldfp_decimalutil
This component provides a single, simply constrained (value-semantic) attribute class, bdldfp::DecimalFormatConfig, that is used to configure various aspects of decimal value formatting.
  Name        Type      Default          Simple Constraints
  ---------   ------    ---------------  ------------------
  style       Style     e_NATURAL        none
  precision   int       0                >= 0
  sign        Sign      e_NEGATIVE_ONLY  none
  infinity    string    "inf"            none
  nan         string    "nan"            none
  snan        string    "snan"           none
  point       char      '.'              none
  exponent    char      'e'              none
  showpoint   bool      false            none
  expwidth    int       2                >= 1, <= 4
  • style: control how the decimal number is written. If style is e_SCIENTIFIC, the number is written as its sign, then a single digit, then the decimal point, then precision digits, then the exponent character, then a - or +, then an exponent with no leading zeroes (with a zero exponent written as 0). If style is e_FIXED, the number is written as its sign, then one or more digits, then the decimal point, then precision digits. If the precision value equals 0 then precision digits and the decimal point are not written. If style is e_NATURAL, the number is written according to the description of to-scientific-string found in http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decarith.pdf (and no other specified formatting values are used, including precision).
  • precision: control how many digits are written after the decimal point if the decimal number is rendered in e_FIXED and e_SCIENTIFIC formats. Note that precision attribute is ignored in e_NATURAL format.
  • sign: control how the sign is output. If a decimal value has its sign bit set, a - is always written. Otherwise, if sign is e_NEGATIVE_ONLY, no sign is written. If it is e_ALWAYS, a + is written.
  • infinity: specify a string to output infinity value.
  • nan: specify a string to output NaN value.
  • snan: specify a string to output signaling NaN value.
  • point: specify the character to use for decimal points.
  • exponent: specify the character to use for exponent when style is e_SCIENTIFIC or e_NATURAL.
  • showpoint: specify whether a decimal point is always displayed.
  • expwidth: control the minimum number of digits used to write the exponent.