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Component bdlb_caselessstringviewequalto
[Package bdlb]

Provide a case-insensitive equality predicate for string views. More...


namespace  bdlb

Detailed Description

Provide a case-insensitive equality predicate for string views.
bdlb::CaselessStringViewEqualTo case-insensitive string view comparison.
See also:
Component bdlb_caselessstringviewhash, Component bdlb_caselessstringviewless
This component provides a struct, bdlb::CaselessStringViewEqualTo, that defines a functor that checks two string views for equality using a case-insensitive string comparison. This comparison functor is suitable for supporting bsl::strings or bsl::string_views as keys in unordered associative containers.
Note that using this component to do comparisons of keys in a container is less efficient than converting all the keys to the same case prior to insertion and then just doing straight string comparisons.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Basic Use of bdlb::CaselessStringViewEqualTo:
Suppose we have some strings that compare equal, some that don't, and some of which are equal except for the cases of some of the letters.
  const bsl::string_view a = "To be or not to be, that is the question.";
  const bsl::string_view b = "To be or not to be, THAT IS THE QUESTION.";
  const bsl::string_view c = "Sein oder nicht sein, das ist die frage.";
Now, we create an object of type bdlb::CaselessStringViewEqualTo to do the comparisons: Finally, we observe that a matches b, but neither matches c:
  assert( equals(a, b));
  assert( equals(b, a));
  assert(!equals(a, c));
  assert(!equals(c, a));
  assert(!equals(b, c));
  assert(!equals(c, b));