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Component bslx_instreamfunctions
[Package bslx]

Facilitate uniform unexternalization of user and fundamental types. More...


namespace  bslx

Detailed Description

Facilitate uniform unexternalization of user and fundamental types.
bslx::InStreamFunctions namespace for BDEX unexternalization functions
See also:
Component bslx_outstreamfunctions, Component bslx_versionfunctions
This component provides a namespace, bslx::InStreamFunctions, that facilitates uniform support for BDEX unexternalization across all BDEX-compliant user-defined types, including template types and containers, as well as those fundamental types (and bsl::string and bsl::vector) for which the BDEX protocol provides direct support.
The namespace bslx::InStreamFunctions facilitates client unexternalization of objects in a uniform, type-independent manner. It contains the bdexStreamIn function that unexternalizes objects of all BDEX-compliant types. This function unexternalizes the specified object in the specified version or the version read from the input stream as required by the BDEX protocol. The bdexStreamIn function is overloaded for fundamental types, enumeration types, bsl::string, and bsl::vector. Note that, excluding bsl::vector, version information is never read from the stream while unexternalizing these types.
By default, objects of enumeration type are streamed in as 32-bit int values. Users can override this behavior by providing overloads of the InStreamFunctions::bdexStreamIn function in the enumeration's namespace for their enumeration types. The general form of this overload is:
  template <class STREAM>
  STREAM& bdexStreamIn(STREAM& stream, MyEnum& variable, int version)
      using bslx::InStreamFunctions::bdexStreamIn;

      // Code to stream in objects of 'MyEnum' type.

      return stream;
For value-semantic types that support the BDEX protocol, the free function bdexStreamIn calls the bdexStreamIn member function for that type.
Component Design, Anticipated Usage, and the BDEX Contract:
bslx_instreamfunctions is an integral part of the BDEX unexternalization contract. The BDEX contract is at least in part "collaborative", which is to say that each developer of a given kind of component (e.g., a stream or a value-semantic container) must comply with the relevant portions of the contract to ensure that the "system as a whole" works for everybody. bslx_instreamfunctions plays several related but different roles in helping various developers to produce BDEX-compliant components. In this section we briefly highlight how and why bslx_instreamfunctions is helpful (or required) for these different developers. By discussing different aspects of usage, we convey the general design goals of this component, and, to a certain extent, the overall BDEX contract. See the bslx package-level documentation for a full specification of the BDEX contract.
Implementing BDEX Streaming in Value-Semantic Template Classes:
The author of a non-template value-semantic type has full knowledge of the details of the "value" of that type, and may choose to use the appropriate input stream get methods directly when implementing the required bdexStreamIn method for that type. However, if one or more aspects of the value are of template parameter type, then the author cannot in general know how to stream the value using the get methods. For example, if a type has as its value one int data member:
  int d_value;
then the implementation of the bdexStreamIn method can contain:
However, if the data member is of (template parameter) VALUE_TYPE:
  VALUE_TYPE d_value;
then the implementation of the bdexStreamIn method must rely on the bslx::InStreamFunctions implementation to input the value:
  using bslx::InStreamFunctions::bdexStreamIn;
  bdexStreamIn(stream, d_value, 1);
This call will resolve to the correct sequence of get calls no matter whether VALUE_TYPE is a fundamental type, a BDEX-compliant enum, or a proper BDEX-compliant class. In the latter two cases, the explicit specification of the version format (in this case, 1) guarantees the stable operation of this method whether or not VALUE_TYPE is provided additional version formats.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Using bslx::InStreamFunctions to Unexternalize Data:
In this example we illustrate the primary intended use of the parameterized methods of this component, as well as a few trivial invocations just to show the syntax clearly. To accomplish this, we exhibit three separate example "components": an enum, a value-semantic point object, and an input stream. In all cases, the component designs are very simple, with much of the implied functionality omitted, in order to focus attention on the key aspects of the functionality of this component.
First, consider an enum Color that enumerates a set of colors:
  enum Color {
      RED   = 0,
      GREEN = 1,
      BLUE  = 2
Next, we consider a very special-purpose point that has as a data member its color. Such a point provides an excellent opportunity for factoring, but since we are interested in highlighting BDEX streaming of various types, we will present a simple and unfactored design here. In a real-world problem, the mypoint component would be implemented differently.
Note that the MyPoint class in this example represents its coordinates as short integer values; this is done to make the BDEX stream input byte pattern somewhat easier for the reader of this example to recognize when the input buffer is printed.
  // mypoint.h

  class MyPoint {
      // This class provides a geometric point having integer coordinates and
      // an enumerated color property.

      short d_x;      // x coordinate
      short d_y;      // y coordinate
      Color d_color;  // enumerated color property

      // ...

      // CREATORS
          // Create a default point.

      MyPoint(short x, short y, Color color);
          // Create a point having the specified 'x' and 'y' coordinates
          // and the specified 'color'.

          // Destroy this point.

      // ...

      // ACCESSORS
      short x() const;
          // Return the x coordinate of this point.

      short y() const;
          // Return the y coordinate of this point.

      Color color() const;
          // Return the enumerated color of this point.

      template <class STREAM>
      STREAM& bdexStreamIn(STREAM& stream, int version);
          // Assign to this object the value read from the specified input
          // 'stream' using the specified 'version' format, and return a
          // reference to 'stream'.  If 'stream' is initially invalid, this
          // operation has no effect.  If 'version' is not supported, this
          // object is unaltered and 'stream' is invalidated, but otherwise
          // unmodified.  If 'version' is supported but 'stream' becomes
          // invalid during this operation, this object has an undefined, but
          // valid, state.  Note that no version is read from 'stream'.  See
          // the 'bslx' package-level documentation for more information on
          // BDEX streaming of value-semantic types and containers.

  bool operator==(const MyPoint& lhs, const MyPoint& rhs);
      // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' and 'rhs' points have the same
      // value, and 'false' otherwise.  Two points have the same value if
      // they have the same x and y coordinates and the same color.
Representative (inline) implementations of these methods are shown below:
  // ========================================================================
  //                      INLINE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS
  // ========================================================================


  MyPoint::MyPoint(short x, short y, Color color)
  : d_x(x)
  , d_y(y)
  , d_color(color)


  // ...

  // ...

  Color MyPoint::color() const
      return d_color;

  short MyPoint::x() const
      return d_x;

  short MyPoint::y() const
      return d_y;
  // ...

  template <class STREAM>
  STREAM& MyPoint::bdexStreamIn(STREAM& stream, int version)
      switch (version) {
        case 1: {
          stream.getInt16(d_x);           // input the x coordinate
          stream.getInt16(d_y);           // input the y coordinate
          char color;
          stream.getInt8(color);          // input the color enum as one byte
          d_color = static_cast<Color>(color);
        } break;
        default: {
        } break;
      return stream;

  bool operator==(const MyPoint& lhs, const MyPoint& rhs)
      return lhs.x()     == rhs.x()
          && lhs.y()     == rhs.y()
          && lhs.color() == rhs.color();
Then, we will implement an extremely simple input stream that supports the BDEX documentation-only protocol. For simplicity, we will use an externally managed buffer, and will only show a few methods needed for this example.
  // myinstream.h
  // ...

 class MyInStream {
     // This class implements a limited-size fixed-buffer input stream that
     // partially conforms to the BDEX protocol for input streams.  This
     // class is suitable for demonstration purposes only.

     const char *d_buffer;  // input buffer, held but not owned
     int         d_length;  // length of 'd_buffer' (bytes)
     int         d_cursor;  // cursor (index into 'd_buffer')

     // CREATORS
     MyInStream(const char *buffer, int length);
         // Create an input stream using the specified 'buffer' having the
         // specified 'length' (in bytes).

         // Destroy this input byte stream.

     MyInStream& getVersion(int& version);
         // Consume a version value from this input stream, store that value
         // in the specified 'version', and return a reference to this
         // stream.  ...

     MyInStream& getInt32(int& value);
         // Consume a 32-bit signed integer value from this input stream,
         // store that value in the specified 'value', and return a reference
         // to this stream.  ...

     MyInStream& getInt16(short& value);
         // Consume a 16-bit signed integer value from this input stream,
         // store that value in the specified 'value', and return a reference
         // to this stream.  ...

     MyInStream& getInt8(char& value);
         // Consume an 8-bit signed integer value from this input stream,
         // store that value in the specified 'value', and return a reference
         // to this stream.  ...

     void invalidate();
         // Put this input stream in an invalid state.  ...

     operator const void *() const;
         // Return a non-zero value if this stream is valid, and 0
         // otherwise.  An invalid stream is a stream in which insufficient
         // or invalid data was detected during an extraction operation.
         // Note that an empty stream will be valid unless an extraction
         // attempt or explicit invalidation causes it to be otherwise.

     int cursor() const;
         // Return the index of the next byte to be extracted from this
         // stream.

     bool isEmpty() const;
          // Return 'true' if this stream is empty, and 'false' otherwise.
          // Note that this function enables higher-level types to verify
          // that, after successfully reading all expected data, no data
          // remains.

     int length() const;
         // Return the total number of bytes stored in this stream.
The relevant (inline) implementations are as follows.
  // ========================================================================
  //                      INLINE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS
  // ========================================================================

  MyInStream::MyInStream(const char *buffer, int length)
  : d_buffer(buffer)
  , d_length(length)
  , d_cursor(0)



  MyInStream& MyInStream::getVersion(int& value)
      value = static_cast<unsigned char>(d_buffer[d_cursor++]);
      return *this;

  MyInStream& MyInStream::getInt32(int& value)
      const unsigned char *buffer =
                           reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(d_buffer);
      value = static_cast<int>((buffer[d_cursor    ] << 24U) |
                               (buffer[d_cursor + 1] << 16U) |
                               (buffer[d_cursor + 2] <<  8U) |
                               (buffer[d_cursor + 3]       ));
      d_cursor += 4;
      return *this;

  MyInStream& MyInStream::getInt16(short& value)
      const unsigned char *buffer =
                           reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(d_buffer);
      value = static_cast<short>((buffer[d_cursor    ] <<  8) |
                                 (buffer[d_cursor + 1]      ));
      d_cursor += 2;
      return *this;

  MyInStream& MyInStream::getInt8(char& value)
      value = d_buffer[d_cursor];
      d_cursor += 1;
      return *this;

  void MyInStream::invalidate()
      d_buffer = 0;

  MyInStream::operator const void *() const
      return d_cursor <= d_length ? d_buffer : 0;

  int MyInStream::cursor() const
      return d_cursor;

  bool MyInStream::isEmpty() const
      return d_cursor >= d_length;

  int MyInStream::length() const
      return d_length;
Finally, use the above enum, point class, and input stream to illustrate bslx::InStreamFunctions functionality. This test code does not attempt to do anything more useful than reading values from a stream whose buffer was written "by hand" and confirming that the expected values were read correctly from the known byte pattern in the buffer.
  using bslx::InStreamFunctions::bdexStreamIn;

      const int  EXP       = 0x0A0B0C0D;
      const char buffer[4] = { 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD };  // 'int' (no version)
      int        i         = 0;

      MyInStream in1(buffer, 4);  // use the one buffer
      bdexStreamIn(in1, i, 1);
      assert(in1);  assert(EXP == i);

      i = 0;                      // reset 'i'
      MyInStream in2(buffer, 4);  // re-use 'buffer (no version)
      bdexStreamIn(in2, i, 0);
      assert(in2);  assert(EXP == i);

      const MyPoint EXP(0, -1, BLUE);
      const char buffer1[5] = { 0, 0, -1, -1, 2 };     // 'MyPoint' (no ver)
      const char buffer2[6] = { 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 2 };  // version, 'MyPoint'
      MyPoint p1, p2;  // two default points

      MyInStream in1(buffer1, 5);  // 'buffer1' has no version byte
      bdexStreamIn(in1, p1, 1);
      assert(in1);  assert(EXP == p1);

      MyInStream in2(buffer2, 6);  // 'buffer2' *has* a version
      int version;
      assert(1 == version);
      bdexStreamIn(in2, p2, version);
      assert(in2);  assert(EXP == p2);