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Component bslalg_rbtreenode
[Package bslalg]

Provide a base class for a red-black binary tree node. More...


namespace  bslalg

Detailed Description

Provide a base class for a red-black binary tree node.
bslalg::RbTreeNode base class for a red-black binary tree node
See also:
Component bslalg_rbtreeutil
This component provides a single POD-like class, RbTreeNode, used to represent a node in a red-black binary search tree. An RbTreeNode provides the address to its parent, left-child, and right-child nodes, as well as providing a "color" (red or black). RbTreeNode does not, however, contain "payload" data (e.g., a value), as it is intended to work with generalized tree operations (see bslalg_rbtreenodeutil). Clients creating a red-black binary search tree must define their own node type that incorporates RbTreeNode (generally via inheritance), and that maintains the "key" value and any associated data.
Storing Color Information:
To reduce the memory footprint of the RbTreeNode, the color information is stored at the least-significant-bit (LSB) of the parent node. The address of the parent node and the color can be accessed through bit-wise operations. This is possible because all memory addresses are at least 4-bytes aligned, therefore, the 2 LSB of any pointer are always 0.
This section illustrates intended usage of this component.
Example 1: Creating a Function to Print a Red Black Tree:
This example demonstrates creating a function that prints, to a FILE, a tree of RbTreeNode objects.
First, we define the signature of a function, printTree, that accepts, in addition to an output file and root node, a function pointer argument (supplied by clients) used to print each node's value, note that a node's value is not accessible through RbTreeNode:
  void printTree(FILE             *output,
                 const RbTreeNode *rootNode,
                 void (*printNodeValueCallback)(FILE *, const RbTreeNode *))
Now, we define the body of printTree, which is a recursive function that performs a prefix traversal of the supplied binary tree, printing the value and color of rootNode before recursively printing its left and then right sub-trees.
      if (0 == rootNode) {
          return;                                                   // RETURN
      fprintf(output, " [ ");

      // Print the value and color of 'rootNode'.

      printNodeValueCallback(output, rootNode);
              ": %s",
              rootNode->color() == RbTreeNode::BSLALG_RED ? "RED" : "BLACK");

      // Recursively call 'printTree' on the left and right sub-trees.

      printTree(output, rootNode->leftChild(), printNodeValueCallback);
      printTree(output, rootNode->rightChild(), printNodeValueCallback);
      fprintf(output, " ]");
Notice that we use FILE in the context of this usage example to avoid a dependency of standard library streams. Finally, we will use printTree to print a description of a tree in the next example.
Example 2: Creating a Simple Red-Black Tree:
This example demonstrates creating a simple tree of integer values using RbTreeNode. Note that, in practice, clients should use associated utilities to manage such a tree (see bslalg_rbtreenodeutil).
First, we define a node-type, IntTreeNode, that inherits from RbTreeNode:
  struct IntTreeNode : public RbTreeNode {
      // A red-black tree node containing an integer data-value.

      int d_value;  // "payload" value represented by the node
Then, we define a function printIntNodeValue to print the value of an integer node. Note that this function's signature matches that required by printTree (defined in the preceding example):
  void printIntTreeNodeValue(FILE *output, const RbTreeNode *node)
     BSLS_ASSERT(0 != node);

     fprintf(output, "%d", static_cast<const IntTreeNode*>(node)->d_value);
Next, we define main for our test, and create three nodes that we'll use to construct a tree:
  int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
      IntTreeNode A, B, C;
Then, we describe the structure of the tree we wish to construct.
                A (value: 2, BLACK)
              /       \.
             /         \.
  B (value: 1, RED)   C ( value: 3, RED )
Now, we set the properties for the nodes A, B, and C to form a valid tree whose structure matches that description:
      A.d_value = 2;

      B.d_value = 1;

      C.d_value = 3;
Finally, we use the printTree function with the printIntTreeNodeValue function to print the structure of our tree to stdout:
      printTree(stdout, &A, printIntTreeNodeValue);
Resulting in a single line of console output:
  [ 2: BLACK [ 1: RED ] [ 3: RED ] ]
Example 3: Creating a Function To Validate a Red-Black Tree:
This example demonstrates creating a function to validate the properties of a red-black tree.
First, we declare the signature of a function validateRbTree, which takes two arguments: (1) the address to the root node of a tree, and (2) a comparator function, which is used to compare the payload values of the tree nodes. Note that the parameterized comparator is needed because a node's value is not accessible through the supplied RbTreeNode.
  template <class NODE_COMPARATOR>
  int validateRbTree(const RbTreeNode       *rootNode,
                     const NODE_COMPARATOR&  comparator);
      // Return the uniform number of black nodes between every leaf node in
      // the tree and the specified 'rootNode', 0 if 'rootNode' is 0, and a
      // negative value if 'rootNode' does not refer to a valid red-black
      // binary-search tree that is ordered according to the specified
      // 'comparator'.  'rootNode' is considered a valid red-black binary
      // search-tree if it obeys the following rules:
      //: 1 All nodes in the left sub-tree of 'rootNode' are ordered at or
      //:   before 'rootNode' (as determined by 'comparator'), and all nodes
      //:   in the right sub-tree are ordered at or after 'rootNode'.
      //: 2 Both children of 'rootNode' refer to 'rootNode' as a parent.
      //: 3 If 'rootNode' is red, its children are either black or 0.
      //: 4 Every path from 'rootNode' to a leaf contains the same number of
      //:   black nodes (the uniform number of black nodes in every path is
      //:   returned by this function if valid).
      //: 5 Rules (1-4) are obeyed, recursively, by the left and right
      //:   sub-trees of 'rootNode'.
      // Note that this particular specification of the constraints of a
      // red-black tree does not require the presense of black-colored NIL
      // leaf-nodes; instead NULL children are implicitly assumed to be NIL
      // leaf-nodes (as is typically the case for C/C++ implementations).
      // This specification also does not require the root node to be
      // colored black, as there's no practical benefit to enforcing that
      // constraint.
Then, we declare the signature for an auxiliary function, validateRbTreeRaw, that accepts, additionally, the address of minimum and maximum value nodes, and is needed to recursively apply rule 1:
  template <class NODE_COMPARATOR>
  int validateRbTreeRaw(const RbTreeNode *rootNode,
                        const RbTreeNode *minNodeValue,
                        const RbTreeNode *maxNodeValue,
                        NODE_COMPARATOR   comparator);

      // Return the uniform number of black nodes between every leaf node in
      // the tree and the specified 'rootNode', 0 if 'rootNode' is 0, and a
      // negative value if (1) 'rootNode' does not refer to a valid red-black
      // binary search tree that is ordered according to the specified
      // 'comparator', (2) the specified 'minNodeValue' is not 0 and there is
      // at least 1 node in the tree ordered before 'minNodeValue', or (3)
      // the specified 'maxNodeValue' is not 0 and there is at least 1 node
      // in the tree ordered after 'maxNodeValue'.
Now, we define the implementation of validateRbTree, which simply delegates to validateRbTreeRaw.
  template <class NODE_COMPARATOR>
  int validateRbTree(const RbTreeNode *rootNode,
                     NODE_COMPARATOR   comparator)
      return validateRbTreeRaw(rootNode, 0, 0, comparator);
Finally, we define the implementation of validateRbTreeRaw, which tests if rootNode violates any of the rules defined in the validateRbTree method documentation, and then recursively calls validateRbTreeRaw on the left and right sub-trees or rootNode:
  template <class NODE_COMPARATOR>
  int validateRbTreeRaw(const RbTreeNode *rootNode,
                        const RbTreeNode *minNodeValue,
                        const RbTreeNode *maxNodeValue,
                        NODE_COMPARATOR   comparator)
      enum { INVALID_RBTREE = -1 };

      // The black-height of a empty tree is considered 0.

      if (0 == rootNode) {
          return 0;                                                 // RETURN

      // Rule 1.

      if ((minNodeValue && comparator(*rootNode, *minNodeValue)) ||
          (maxNodeValue && comparator(*maxNodeValue, *rootNode))) {
          return INVALID_RBTREE;                                    // RETURN

      // Rule 2.

      const RbTreeNode *left  = rootNode->leftChild();
      const RbTreeNode *right = rootNode->rightChild();
      if ((left  && left->parent()  != rootNode) ||
          (right && right->parent() != rootNode)) {
          return INVALID_RBTREE;                                    // RETURN

      // Rule 3.

      if (RbTreeNode::BSLALG_RED == rootNode->color()) {
          if ((left  && left->color()  != RbTreeNode::BSLALG_BLACK) ||
              (right && right->color() != RbTreeNode::BSLALG_BLACK)) {
              return INVALID_RBTREE;                                // RETURN

      // Recursively validate the left and right sub-tree's and obtain their
      // black-height in order to apply rule 5.

      int leftDepth  = validateRbTreeRaw(rootNode->leftChild(),

      int rightDepth = validateRbTreeRaw(rootNode->rightChild(),

      if (leftDepth < 0 || rightDepth < 0) {
          return INVALID_RBTREE;                                    // RETURN

      // Rule 4.

      if (leftDepth != rightDepth) {
          return INVALID_RBTREE;                                    // RETURN

      return (rootNode->color() == RbTreeNode::BSLALG_BLACK)
          ? leftDepth + 1
          : leftDepth;