BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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Detailed Description



Provide a compile-time check for determining allocator types.



This component defines a meta-function, bslma::IsStdAllocator and a variable template, bslma::IsStdAllocator_v, that represents the result value of the bslma::IsStdAllocator meta-function.

bslma::IsStdAllocator is used to determine if a type meets the requirements for an allocator, as specified in [container.requirements.general]. Note that there is no is_allocator trait specified in the C++ standard, even though every C++ implementation has a private equivalent.

In C++03, it is impossible to automatically detect conformance to the allocator requirements, owing to limitations in SFINAE capabilities; even elaborate detection metaprogramming will break if a type has a private allocate method. Therefore, a portable allocator type, some-alloc, must have bslma::IsStdAllocator<some-alloc> specified directly. There are two ways to specify this trait:

  1. Specialize IsStdAllocator<some-alloc> to derive from bsl::true_type in namespace BloombergLP::bslma.
  2. Add 'BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION(some-alloc, bslma::IsStdAllocator)' within the public portion of the class definition for some-alloc.

The first option will bypass any automatic-detection metalogic. The second option is preferred because it will be checked for correctness – failing to compile if the allocator is missing a critical member.

In C++11 and later, the bslma::IsStdAllocator trait is detected automatically: for any type A having a value_type and allocate method that meet the allocator requirements, bslma::IsStdAllocator<A>::value will be true. However, to prevent inadvertantly declaring an allocator that is not detected in a C++03 build, using this trait in C++11 or later build will yield a compilation error if it is detected that a type is an allocator does not have IsStdAllocator explicitly specified. The simplest way to avoid that error is to specify IsStdAllocator deliberately for every allocator, as described above. Alternatively, defining the BSLMA_ISALLOCATOR_IGNORE_CPP03_COMPATIBILITY macro will suppress the error in C++11 and later builds, defering to automatic allocator detection.

If C++14 variable templates and constexpr variables are supported, the variable template IsStdAllocator_v is defined to be the value IsStdAllocator<T>::value. If C++17 inline variables are supported, it is inline.


This section shows the intended use of this component.

Example 1: Verify if a class meets the requirements for an allocator.

Suppose that we want to assert whether a set of types meet the requirements for allocators.

First, we create a struct type MyAllocator:

struct MyAllocator
typedef int value_type;
/// Allocate some memory for use by the caller.
int *allocate(size_t);
Definition bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration.h:231
Definition bslma_isstdallocator.h:201

Now, we instantiate the bslma::IsStdAllocator template for both a type that does not meet the allocator requirements and the defined type MyClass, that does, asserting the value static data member of each instantiation.

int main()

Note that if the current compiler supports C++14 variable templates then we can re-write the snippet of code above using the bslma::IsStdAllocator_v variable:

assert(false == bslma::IsStdAllocator_v<int>);
assert(true == bslma::IsStdAllocator_v<MyAllocator>);