BDE 4.14.0 Production release
No Matches
Package balxml


 Provide push parser for Base64 types.
 Provide the service configuration schema.
 Provide a generic translation from XML into C++ objects.
 Provide value-semantic attribute classes.
 Provide the properties of an attribute in an XML element tag.
 Provide an XML encoder utility.
 Provide value-semantic attribute classes.
 Provide value-semantic attribute classes.
 Provide common error information for XML components.
 Provide a simple interface for writing formatted XML.
 Provide a minimal-whitespace implementation for balxml_formatter.
 Provide pretty-printing implementation for balxml_formatter.
 Enumerate the set of whitespace options for balxml_formatter.
 Provide push parser for hex types.
 Provide push parser for lists.
 Provide light-weight implementation of balxml::Reader protocol.
 Provide a unique integer ID for each XML namespace.
 Provide a unique integer ID for each XML namespace.
 Provide common reader protocol for parsing XML documents.
 Provide a utility for parsing types using XML formatting.
 Provide a utility for printing types using XML formatting.
 Provide wrapper for Reader to check input UTF-8 validity.
 Provide a suite of common XML utilities.
 Provide a common reader protocol for parsing and validating XML.

Detailed Description


Provide utility components for using XML and XSD.


Basic Application Library XML (balxml)

See also
a_xercesc, a_xml2


The 'balxml' package provides utilities for working with XML and XSD. Clients can use the components provided by 'balxml' for parsing and printing fundamental types, XML schema, and XML data documents.

Code Generation

The script '' will automatically generate several components from the file 'balxml.xsd'. It will refuse to run in the 'balxml' source directory. Create a separate, temporary directory and copy 'balxml.xsd' and '' into it, 'cd' into that directory, and run '' there will no command-line arguments.

Note that the balxml_encodingstyle component will need hand-editing due to redundant, synonymous enum values.

Hierarchical Synopsis

The 'balxml' package currently has 24 components having 6 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components. The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.

6. balxml_decoder
5. balxml_formatter
4. balxml_formatter_compactimpl !PRIVATE!
balxml_formatter_prettyimpl !PRIVATE!
3. balxml_elementattribute
2. balxml_encoderoptions
1. balxml_base64parser !DEPRECATED!

Component Synopsis

balxml_base64parser : !DEPRECATED! Provide push parser for Base64 types.

balxml_configschema : Provide the service configuration schema

balxml_decoder : Provide a generic translation from XML into C++ objects.

balxml_decoderoptions : Provide value-semantic attribute classes

balxml_elementattribute : Provide the properties of an attribute in an XML element tag.

balxml_encoder : Provide an XML encoder utility.

balxml_encoderoptions : Provide value-semantic attribute classes

balxml_encodingstyle : Provide value-semantic attribute classes

balxml_errorinfo : Provide common error information for XML components.

balxml_formatter : Provide a simple interface for writing formatted XML.

'balxml_formatter_compactimpl': !PRIVATE! Provide a minimal-whitespace implementation for balxml_formatter .

'balxml_formatter_prettyimpl': !PRIVATE! Provide pretty-printing implementation for balxml_formatter .

balxml_formatterwhitespacetype : Enumerate the set of whitespace options for balxml_formatter .

balxml_hexparser : Provide push parser for hex types.

balxml_listparser : Provide push parser for lists.

balxml_minireader : Provide light-weight implementation of balxml::Reader protocol.

balxml_namespaceregistry : Provide a unique integer ID for each XML namespace.

balxml_prefixstack : Provide a unique integer ID for each XML namespace.

balxml_reader : Provide common reader protocol for parsing XML documents.

balxml_typesparserutil : Provide a utility for parsing types using XML formatting.

balxml_typesprintutil : Provide a utility for printing types using XML formatting.

balxml_utf8readerwrapper : Provide wrapper for Reader to check input UTF-8 validity.

balxml_util : Provide a suite of common XML utilities.

balxml_validatingreader : Provide a common reader protocol for parsing and validating XML.