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Component bdlb_indexspan
[Package bdlb]

Provide a value-semantic attribute type for position and length. More...


namespace  bdlb

Detailed Description

Provide a value-semantic attribute type for position and length.
bdlb::IndexSpan value-semantic attribute type to represent position/length
See also:
Component bdlb_indexspanutil, Component bdlb_indexspanstringutil
This component provides a value-semantic, constrained attribute type IndexSpan that stores a position and a length. The constraint is that the sum of the two attributes must be representable by the type bsl::size_t.
  Name                Type                  Default  Simple Constraints
  ------------------  --------------------  -------  ------------------
  position            IndexSpan::size_type  0        none
  length              IndexSpan::size_type  0        none
  • position: this span starts at this position in a sequence.
  • length: this span contains this many elements.
For example, an IndexSpan describing the middle name in the string "James Tiberius Kirk" will have the position 6 (the T of "Tiberius" is the 7th character of the string) and the length 8 ("Tiberius is 8 characters long).
Note that the sum of the two attributes must be representable by the bsl::size_t type.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: A Parsed Path:
Suppose that we work with file system paths and we frequently need the path, the base name, the extension, and the filename, as well as the full path itself. Therefore we want to create a class that stores the full path and a way to quickly access the individual parts. (To keep things simple we will make the example code work on POSIX-style paths so we do not need to deal with the difference in path separators.)
If we try the naive solution -- storing a bsl::string of the full path and bslstl::StringRef for path, basename and extension -- the class bslstl::StringRef members will reference back into memory owned by the object, and the result is the compiler-generated (and naively written) move and copy operations will be broken. In addition, explicitly implementing move and copy operations is quite difficult and error prone.
The simplest (most readable) solution to the problem is to store a position and a length for the path, basename, and extension (rather than a bslstl::StringRef) because that representation is independent of the location of the memory for the string. IndexSpan provides such a representation, and allow us to implement our class using a simple copy and move operations (or in other contexts, compiler supplied operations).
First, we define the members and interface of the class.
  class ParsedPath {
      // DATA
      bsl::string     d_full;  // The full path
      bdlb::IndexSpan d_path;  // The path part if present, otherwise empty
      bdlb::IndexSpan d_base;  // The base name if present, otherwise empty
      bdlb::IndexSpan d_ext;   // The extension if present, otherwise empty

      // CREATE
      explicit ParsedPath(const bslstl::StringRef&  full,
                          bslma::Allocator         *basicAllocator = 0);
          // Create a new 'ParsedPath' object by storing and parsing the
          // specified 'full' path.  Use the optionally specified
          // 'basicAllocator' to allocate memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is 0,
          // use the currently installed default allocator.

      ParsedPath(const ParsedPath& original,
                 bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
          // Create a new 'ParsedPath' object that stores the same parsed
          // path as the specified 'original'.  Use the optionally specified
          // 'basicAllocator' to allocate memory.  Use the currently
          // installed default allocator if 'basicAllocator' is zero.

      // ACCESSORS
      const bsl::string& full() const;
          // Return a const reference to the full path parsed by this object.

      bslstl::StringRef path() const;
          // Return a string reference to the path part.  Note that it may be
          // an empty string reference.

      bslstl::StringRef base() const;
          // Return a string reference to the base name part.  Note that it
          // may be an empty string reference.

      bslstl::StringRef ext()  const;
          // Return a string reference to the extension part.  Note that it
          // may be an empty string reference.
Next, to make the parsing code short and readable, we implement a helper function to create IndexSpan objects from two positions. (In practice we would use the higher level utility function IndexSpanStringUtil::createFromPosition.)
  bdlb::IndexSpan createFromPositions(bdlb::IndexSpan::size_type startPos,
                                      bdlb::IndexSpan::size_type endPos)
      // Return an 'IndexSpan' describing the specified '[startPos, endPos)'
      // positions.
      return bdlb::IndexSpan(startPos, endPos - startPos);
Then, we implement the parsing constructor using the create function.
  ParsedPath::ParsedPath(const bslstl::StringRef&  full,
                         bslma::Allocator         *basicAllocator)
  : d_full(full, basicAllocator)
      typedef bsl::string::size_type Size;

      static const Size npos = bsl::string::npos;

      const Size slashPos = d_full.rfind('/');
      const Size dotPos   = d_full.rfind('.');

      const bool dotIsPresent   = (dotPos   != npos);
      const bool slashIsPresent = (slashPos != npos);

      const bool dotIsInPath = slashIsPresent && (dotPos < slashPos);

      const bool isDotFile = dotIsPresent &&
                               dotPos == (slashIsPresent ? slashPos + 1 : 0);

      const bool hasExtension = dotIsPresent && !dotIsInPath && !isDotFile;
      const bool hasPath      = slashIsPresent;

      if (hasPath) {
          d_path = createFromPositions(0, slashPos + 1);

      d_base = createFromPositions(slashPos + 1,
                                   hasExtension ? dotPos : full.length());

      if (hasExtension) {
          d_ext = createFromPositions(dotPos + 1, full.length());
Next, we implement the (now) simple copy constructor:
  ParsedPath::ParsedPath(const ParsedPath& original,
                         bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
  : d_full(original.d_full, basicAllocator)
  , d_path(original.d_path)
  , d_base(original.d_base)
  , d_ext(original.d_ext)
Then, to make the accessors simple (and readable), we implement a helper function that creates a StringRef from a StringRef and an IndexSpan. (In practice we would use the higher level utility function IndexSpanStringUtil::bind.)
  bslstl::StringRef bindSpan(const bslstl::StringRef& full,
                             const bdlb::IndexSpan&   part)
      // Return a string reference to the substring of the specified 'full'
      // string defined by the specified 'part'.
      BSLS_ASSERT(part.position() <= full.length());
      BSLS_ASSERT(part.position() + part.length() <= full.length());

      return bslstl::StringRef(full.data() + part.position(), part.length());
Next, we implement the accessors:
  bslstl::StringRef ParsedPath::base() const
      return bindSpan(d_full, d_base);

  bslstl::StringRef ParsedPath::ext() const
      return bindSpan(d_full, d_ext);

  const bsl::string& ParsedPath::full() const
      return d_full;

  bslstl::StringRef ParsedPath::path() const
      return bindSpan(d_full, d_path);
Finally, we verify that the resulting class is copied properly. We do that by determining that the original and the copy object has equal but distinct strings and that the (other) accessors return references into those strings.
  ParsedPath aPath("path/path/basename.extension");
  ParsedPath theCopy(aPath);

  assert(aPath.full()        == theCopy.full());
  assert(aPath.full().data() != theCopy.full().data());

  assert(aPath.path()        == theCopy.path());
  assert(aPath.path().data() != theCopy.path().data());
  assert(aPath.path().data() >= aPath.full().data());
  assert(aPath.path().data() + aPath.path().length() <=
                                aPath.full().data() + aPath.full().length());

  assert(aPath.base()        == theCopy.base());
  assert(aPath.base().data() != theCopy.base().data());
  assert(aPath.base().data() >= aPath.full().data());
  assert(aPath.base().data() + aPath.base().length() <=
                                aPath.full().data() + aPath.full().length());

  assert(aPath.ext()        == theCopy.ext());
  assert(aPath.ext().data() != theCopy.ext().data());
  assert(aPath.ext().data() >= aPath.full().data());
  assert(aPath.ext().data() + aPath.ext().length() <=
                                aPath.full().data() + aPath.full().length());