BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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Package bsltf


 Provide an allocating test class to represent function arguments.
 Provide a class that allocates memory and is bitwise-moveable.
 Provide an allocating test class used to test emplace methods.
 Provide a class for testing that allocates with bsl::allocator.
 Provide a non-allocating class to test variadic function arguments.
 Provide a bitwise-copyable test class.
 Provide a bitwise-moveable test class.
 Provide a wrapper class, convertible to a supplied value.
 Provide an enumeration of copy/move state, including unsupported.
 Provide a type that tracks if it's been copied or moved.
 Provide an awkward type to adapt a user-supplied functor.
 Provide a non-allocating test class used to test emplace methods.
 Provide an enumerated test type.
 Provide the most awkward type that is convertible to bool.
 Provide a pure input iterator capable of traversing a range.
 Provide an allocating test class that records when moved from.
 Provide a non-allocating test class that records when moved from.
 Provide testing type that is move-only & uses bslma allocators.
 Provide an enumeration of move-state, including unsupported.
 Provide an attribute class to which can not be assigned.
 Provide an attribute class that is not copy constructible.
 Provide an attribute class that is not default constructible.
 Provide an attribute class that is not equal comparable.
 Provide a class for testing that allocates with bslma::Allocator.
 Provide a class that overloads the non-typical operators.
 Provide a non-allocating test class without type traits.
 Provide a mechanism to propagate standard allocator state.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor.h.
 Provide a class for testing that allocates with standard allocator.
 Provide a minimal standard compliant allocator.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdstatefulallocator.h.
 Provide a minimal standard compliant allocator.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdtestallocator.h.
 Provide streaming output operators for bsltf-defined types.
 Provide utilities to help with testing templates.
 Provide a container for values used for testing.
 Provide an union test type.
 Provide well-behaved move-only type using bslma allocators.

Detailed Description


Provide a set of utilities and types to help with testing.


Basic Standard Library Test Facility (bsltf)


This package mainly provides a set test types and utilities that operates on those types, which can help simplify, particularly for templates, the implementation of test drivers.

See {bsltf_templatetestfacility |DESCRIPTION} for an overview of the facilities in this package and examples of their use.

Hierarchical Synopsis

The 'bsltf' package currently has 38 components having 7 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components. The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.

7. bsltf_stdstatefulallocator
6. bsltf_templatetestfacility
5. bsltf_allocemplacabletesttype
4. bsltf_allocargumenttype
3. bsltf_copymovetracker
2. bsltf_allocbitwisemoveabletesttype
1. bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bsltf_stdstatefulallocator_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bsltf_stdtestallocator_cpp03 !PRIVATE!

Component Synopsis

bsltf_allocargumenttype : Provide an allocating test class to represent function arguments.

bsltf_allocbitwisemoveabletesttype : Provide a class that allocates memory and is bitwise-moveable.

bsltf_allocemplacabletesttype : Provide an allocating test class used to test emplace methods.

bsltf_alloctesttype : Provide a class for testing that allocates with bsl::allocator.

bsltf_argumenttype : Provide a non-allocating class to test variadic function arguments.

bsltf_bitwisecopyabletesttype : Provide a bitwise-copyable test class.

bsltf_bitwisemoveabletesttype : Provide a bitwise-moveable test class.

bsltf_convertiblevaluewrapper : Provide a wrapper class, convertible to a supplied value.

bsltf_copymovestate : Provide an enumeration of copy/move state, including unsupported.

bsltf_copymovetracker : Provide a type that tracks if it's been copied or moved

bsltf_degeneratefunctor : Provide an awkward type to adapt a user-supplied functor.

bsltf_emplacabletesttype : Provide a non-allocating test class used to test emplace methods.

bsltf_enumeratedtesttype : Provide an enumerated test type.

bsltf_evilbooleantype : Provide the most awkward type that is convertible to bool.

bsltf_inputiterator : Provide a pure input iterator capable of traversing a range.

bsltf_movablealloctesttype : Provide an allocating test class that records when moved from.

bsltf_movabletesttype : Provide a non-allocating test class that records when moved from.

bsltf_moveonlyalloctesttype : Provide testing type that is move-only & uses bslma allocators.

bsltf_movestate : Provide an enumeration of move-state, including unsupported.

bsltf_nonassignabletesttype : Provide an attribute class to which can not be assigned.

bsltf_noncopyconstructibletesttype : Provide an attribute class that is not copy constructible.

bsltf_nondefaultconstructibletesttype : Provide an attribute class that is not default constructible.

bsltf_nonequalcomparabletesttype : Provide an attribute class that is not equal comparable.

bsltf_nonoptionalalloctesttype : Provide a class for testing that allocates with bslma::Allocator.

bsltf_nontypicaloverloadstesttype : Provide a class that overloads the non-typical operators.

bsltf_simpletesttype : Provide a non-allocating test class without type traits.

bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor : Provide a mechanism to propagate standard allocator state.

'bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdallocatoradaptor.h

bsltf_stdalloctesttype : Provide a class for testing that allocates with standard allocator

bsltf_stdstatefulallocator : Provide a minimal standard compliant allocator.

'bsltf_stdstatefulallocator_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdstatefulallocator.h

bsltf_stdtestallocator : Provide a minimal standard compliant allocator.

'bsltf_stdtestallocator_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bsltf_stdtestallocator.h

bsltf_streamutil : Provide streaming output operators for bsltf-defined types.

bsltf_templatetestfacility : Provide utilities to help with testing templates.

bsltf_testvaluesarray : Provide a container for values used for testing.

bsltf_uniontesttype : Provide an union test type.

bsltf_wellbehavedmoveonlyalloctesttype : Provide well-behaved move-only type using bslma allocators.