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Component bdlat_arrayfunctions
[Package bdlat]

Provide a namespace defining "array" functions. More...


namespace  bdlat_ArrayFunctions

Detailed Description

Provide a namespace defining "array" functions.
bdlat_ArrayFunctions namespace for calling "array" functions
The bdlat_ArrayFunctions namespace provided in this component defines parameterized functions that expose "array" behavior for "array" types. See the bdlat package-level documentation for a full description of "array" types.
The functions in this namespace allow users to:
  • obtain the number of elements in an array (size).
  • set the number of elements in an array (resize).
  • manipulate an element in an array using a parameterized manipulator (manipulateElement). and
  • access an element in an array using a parameterized accessor (accessElement).
A type becomes part of the bdlat "array" framework by creating, in the namespace where the type is defined, overloads of the following two (free) functions and two (free) function templates. Note that the placeholder YOUR_TYPE is not a template argument and should be replaced with the name of the type being plugged into the framework.
  template <class MANIPULATOR>
  int bdlat_arrayManipulateElement(YOUR_TYPE    *array,
                                   MANIPULATOR&  manipulator,
                                   int           index);
      // Invoke the specified 'manipulator' on the address of the element at
      // the specified 'index' of the specified 'array'.  Return the value
      // from the invocation of 'manipulator'.  The behavior is undefined
      // unless '0 <= index' and 'index < bdlat_arraySize(*array)'.

  void resize(YOUR_TYPE *array, int newSize);
      // Set the size of the specified modifiable 'array' to the specified
      // 'newSize'.  If 'newSize > bdlat_arraySize(*array)', then
      // 'newSize - bdlat_arraySize(*array)' elements with default values
      // (i.e., 'ElementType()') are appended to 'array'.  If
      // 'newSize < bdlat_arraySize(*array)', then the
      // 'bdlat_arraySize(*array) - newSize' elements at the end of 'array'
      // are destroyed.  The behavior is undefined unless '0 <= newSize'.

  template <class ACCESSOR>
  int bdlat_arrayAccessElement(const YOUR_TYPE& array,
                               ACCESSOR&        accessor,
                               int              index);
      // Invoke the specified 'accessor' on a 'const'-reference to the
      // element at the specified 'index' of the specified 'array'.  Return
      // the value from the invocation of 'accessor'.  The behavior is
      // undefined unless '0 <= index' and 'index < bdlat_arraySize(array)'.

  bsl::size_t bdlat_arraySize(const YOUR_TYPE& array);
      // Return the number of elements in the specified 'array'.
The "array" type must also define two meta-functions in the bdlat_ArrayFunctions namespace:
  • the meta-function IsArray contains a compile-time constant VALUE that is non-zero if the parameterized TYPE exposes "array" behavior, and
  • the ElementType meta-function contains a typedef Type that specifies the type of the element stored in the parameterized "array" type.
Note that bsl::vector<TYPE> is already part of the bdlat infrastructure for "array" types because this component also provides overloads of the required functions and meta-function specializations.
------ The following code illustrate the usage of this component.
Example 1: Defining an "Array" Type:
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Suppose you had a type, mine::MyIntArray, that provides the essential features of an "array" type.
      namespace BloombergLP {
      namespace mine {
      class MyIntArray {
          int         *d_data_p;
          bsl::size_t  d_size;
          // CREATORS
          : d_data_p(0)
          , d_size(0)
          // MANIPULATORS
          void resize(bsl::size_t newSize);
          int& value(bsl::size_t index)
              assert(index < d_size);
              return d_data_p[index];
          // ACCESSORS
          const int& value(bsl::size_t index) const
              assert(index < d_size);
              return d_data_p[index];
          bsl::size_t size() const
              return d_size;
      void MyIntArray::resize(bsl::size_t newSize)
          // Always match buffer to size exactly.
          if (d_size == newSize) {
              return;                                                   // RETURN
          int *newData = static_cast<int *>(bsl::malloc(sizeof(int)
          if (d_size < newSize) {
              bsl::memcpy(newData, d_data_p, d_size * sizeof(int));
              std::memset(newData + d_size,
                          (newSize - d_size) * sizeof(int));
          } else {
              bsl::memcpy(newData, d_data_p, newSize);
          d_data_p = newData;
          d_size   = newSize;
      }  // close namespace mine
      }  // close enterprise namespace
    We can now make mine::MyIntArray expose "array" behavior by implementing the necessary bdlat_ArrayFunctions for MyIntArray inside the mine namespace and defining the required meta-functions withing the bdlat_ArrayFunctions namespace.
First, we should forward declare all the functions that we will implement inside the mine namespace:
  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace mine {

  template <class MANIPULATOR>
  int bdlat_arrayManipulateElement(MyIntArray   *array,
                                   MANIPULATOR&  manipulator,
                                   int           index);
      // Invoke the specified 'manipulator' on the address of the element at
      // the specified 'index' of the specified 'array'.  Return the value
      // from the invocation of 'manipulator'.  The behavior is undefined
      // unless '0 <= index' and 'index < bdlat_arraySize(*array)'.

  void bdlat_arrayResize(MyIntArray *array, int newSize);
      // Set the size of the specified modifiable 'array' to the specified
      // 'newSize'.  If 'newSize > bdlat_arraySize(*array)', then
      // 'newSize - bdlat_arraySize(*array)' elements with default values
      // (i.e., 'ElementType()') are appended to 'array'.  If
      // 'newSize < bdlat_arraySize(*array)', then the
      // 'bdlat_arraySize(*array) - newSize' elements at the end of 'array'
      // are destroyed.  The behavior is undefined unless '0 <= newSize'.

  template <class ACCESSOR>
  int bdlat_arrayAccessElement(const MyIntArray& array,
                               ACCESSOR&         accessor,
                               int               index);
      // Invoke the specified 'accessor' on a 'const'-reference to the
      // element at the specified 'index' of the specified 'array'.  Return
      // the value from the invocation of 'accessor'.  The behavior is
      // undefined unless '0 <= index' and 'index < bdlat_arraySize(array)'.

  bsl::size_t bdlat_arraySize(const MyIntArray& array);
      // Return the number of elements in the specified 'array'.

  }  // close namespace mine
  }  // close enterprise namespace
Then, we will implement these functions. Recall that the two (non-template) functions should be defined in some .cpp file, unless you choose to make them inline functions.
  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace mine {

  template <class MANIPULATOR>
  int bdlat_arrayManipulateElement(MyIntArray   *array,
                                   MANIPULATOR&  manipulator,
                                   int           index)
      assert(0 <= index);
      assert(static_cast<bsl::size_t>(index) < array->size());

      return manipulator(&array->value(index));

  void bdlat_arrayResize(MyIntArray *array, int newSize)
      assert(0 <= newSize);


  template <class ACCESSOR>
  int bdlat_arrayAccessElement(const MyIntArray& array,
                               ACCESSOR&         accessor,
                               int               index)
      assert(0 <= index);
      assert(static_cast<bsl::size_t>(index) < array.size());

      return accessor(array.value(index));

  bsl::size_t bdlat_arraySize(const MyIntArray& array)
      return array.size();

  }  // close namespace mine
  }  // close enterprise namespace
Finally, we specialize the IsArray and ElementType meta-functions in the bdlat_ArrayFunctions namespace for the mine::MyIntArray type:
  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace bdlat_ArrayFunctions {

  template <>
  struct IsArray<mine::MyIntArray> {
      enum { VALUE = 1 };

  template <>
  struct ElementType<mine::MyIntArray> {
      typedef int Type;

  }  // close namespace bdlat_ArrayFunctions
  }  // close enterprise namespace
This completes the bdlat infrastructure for mine::MyIntArray and allows the generic software to recognize the type as an array abstraction.
Example 2: Using the Infrastructure Via General Methods:
The bdlat "array" framework provides a set of fundamental operations common to any "array" type. We can build upon these operations to make our own utilities, or use them on our own types that are plugged into the framework, like mine::MyIntArray, which we created in Example 1. For example, we can use the (fundamental) operations in the bdlat_ArrayFunctions namespace to operate on mine::MyIntArray, even though they have no knowledge of that type in particular:
  void usageMakeArray()

      mine::MyIntArray array;
      assert(0 == bdlat_ArrayFunctions::size(array));

      bdlat_ArrayFunctions::resize(&array, 8);
      assert(8 == bdlat_ArrayFunctions::size(array));

      bdlat_ArrayFunctions::resize(&array, 4);
      assert(4 == bdlat_ArrayFunctions::size(array));
To perform operations on the elements of an array requires use of the functions that employ accessor and manipulator functors. For example:
  template <class ELEMENT_TYPE>
  class GetElementAccessor {

      // DATA
      ELEMENT_TYPE *d_element_p;

      // CREATORS
      explicit GetElementAccessor(ELEMENT_TYPE *value)
      : d_element_p(value)

      int operator()(const ELEMENT_TYPE& elementValue)
          *d_element_p = elementValue;
          return 0;

  template<class ELEMENT_TYPE>
  class SetElementManipulator {

      // DATA
      ELEMENT_TYPE d_value;

      // CREATORS
      SetElementManipulator(const ELEMENT_TYPE& value)
      : d_value(value)

      // ACCESSOR
      int operator()(ELEMENT_TYPE *element) const
          *element = d_value;
          return 0;
Notice that these functors make few assumptions of ELEMENT_TYPE, merely that it is copy constructable and copy assignable.
With these definitions we can now use the generic functions to set and get values from an mine::MyIntArray object:
  void usageArrayElements()
      mine::MyIntArray array;
      bdlat_ArrayFunctions::resize(&array, 4);

      // Confirm initial array elements from resize.

      int                     value;
      GetElementAccessor<int> accessor(&value);

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          int rc = bdlat_ArrayFunctions::accessElement(array,
          assert(0 == rc);
          assert(0 == value)

      // Set element 'index * 10' as its value;

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          SetElementManipulator<int> manipulator(index * 10);

          int rc = bdlat_ArrayFunctions::manipulateElement(&array,
          assert(0 == rc);

      // Confirm new value of each element.

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          int rc = bdlat_ArrayFunctions::accessElement(array,
          assert(0          == rc);
          assert(index * 10 == value);
Example 3: Defining Utility Functions:
Creating functor objects for each operation can be tedious and error prone; consequently, those types are often executed via utility functions.
Suppose we want to create utilities for getting and setting the elements of an arbitrary "array" type. We might define a utility struct, ArrayUtil, a namespace for those functions:
  struct ArrayUtil {

      template <class ARRAY_TYPE>
      static int getElement(typename bdlat_ArrayFunctions
                                     ::ElementType<ARRAY_TYPE>::Type *value,
                          const ARRAY_TYPE&                           object,
                          int                                         index)
          // Load to the specified 'value' the element at the specified
          // 'index' of the specified 'object' array.  Return 0 if the
          // element is successfully loaded to 'value', and a non-zero value
          // otherwise.  This function template requires that the specified
          // 'ARRAY_TYPE' is a 'bdlat' "array" type.  The behavior is
          // undefined unless '0 <= index' and
          // 'index < bdlat_ArrayFunctions::size(object)'.

          typedef typename bdlat_ArrayFunctions
                                 ::ElementType<ARRAY_TYPE>::Type ElementType;

          GetElementAccessor<ElementType> elementAccessor(value);

          return bdlat_ArrayFunctions::accessElement(object,

      template <class ARRAY_TYPE>
      static int setElement(
       ARRAY_TYPE                                                    *object,
       int                                                            index,
       const typename bdlat_ArrayFunctions::ElementType<ARRAY_TYPE>
                                                             ::Type&  value)
          // Assign the specified 'value' to the element of the specified
          // 'object' array at the specified 'index'.  Return 0 if the
          // element is successfully assigned to 'value', and a non-zero
          // value otherwise.  This function template requires that the
          // specified 'ARRAY_TYPE' is a 'bdlat' "array" type.  The behavior
          // is undefined unless '0 <= index' and
          // 'index < bdlat_ArrayFunctions::size(*object)'.

          typedef typename bdlat_ArrayFunctions::ElementType<ARRAY_TYPE>
                                                          ::Type ElementType;

          SetElementManipulator<ElementType> manipulator(value);

          return bdlat_ArrayFunctions::manipulateElement(object,
Now, we can use these functors to write generic utility functions for getting and setting the value types of arbitrary "array" classes.
  void myUsageScenario()
      mine::MyIntArray array;
      bdlat_ArrayFunctions::resize(&array, 4);

      // Confirm initial values.

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          int value;
          int rc = ArrayUtil::getElement(&value, array, index);
          assert(0 == rc);
          assert(0 == value);

      // Set element 'index * 10' as its value;

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          int value = index * 10;
          int rc     = ArrayUtil::setElement(&array, index, value);
          assert(0 == rc);

      // Confirm value of each element.

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          int value;
          int rc = ArrayUtil::getElement(&value, array, index);
          assert(0           == rc);
          assert(index * 10 == value);
Example 4: Achieving Type Independence:
Suppose we have another type such as your::YourFloatArray, shown below:
  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace your {

  class MyFloatArray {

      float       *d_data_p;
      bsl::size_t  d_size;
      bsl::size_t  d_capacity;

      // CREATORS
      : d_data_p(0)
      , d_size(0)

          delete[] d_data_p;

      void setSize(bsl::size_t newSize); // Too large for inline.

      float& element(bsl::size_t index)
          assert(index < d_size);

          return d_data_p[index];

      // ACCESSORS
      const float& element(bsl::size_t index) const
          assert(index < d_size);

          return d_data_p[index];

      bsl::size_t numElements() const
          return d_size;

      bsl::size_t capacity() const
          return d_capacity;
Notice that while there are many similarities to mine::MyIntArray, there are also significant differences:
  • The element type is float, not int.
  • Many of the accessors are named differently (e.g., numElements instead of size, setSize instead of resize).
  • There is an additional attribute, capacity, because this class has a setSize method (not shown) that reduces calls to the heap by over allocating when the size is increased beyond the current capacity.
Nevertheless, since your::YourFloatArray also provides the functions and types expected by the bdlat infrastructure (not shown) we can successfully use your::FloatArray value instead of mine::MyIntArray in the previous usage scenario, with no other changes:
  void yourUsageScenario()
      your::YourFloatArray array;
      bdlat_ArrayFunctions::resize(&array, 4);

      // Confirm initial values.

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          float value;
          int   rc = ArrayUtil::getElement(&value, array, index);
          assert(0   == rc);
          assert(0.0 == value);

      // Set element 'index * 10' as its value;

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          float value = static_cast<float>(index * 10);
          int   rc    = ArrayUtil::setElement(&array, index, value);
          assert(0 == rc);

      // Confirm value of each element.

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          float value;
          int   rc = ArrayUtil::getElement(&value, array, index);
          assert(0                              == rc);
          assert(static_cast<float>(index * 10) == value);
Notice that syntax and order of bdlat_ArrayFunctions function calls have not been changed. The only difference is that the element type has changed from int to float.
Finally, instead of defining a new "array" type, we could substitute the existing type template bsl::vector. Note that this component provides specializations of the bdlat_ArrayFunctions for that type. Since the accessor and manipulator functions we created earlier are type neutral, we can simply drop bsl::vector<bsl::string> into our familiar scenario:
  void anotherUsageScenario()
      bsl::vector<bsl::string> array;  // STANDARD ARRAY TYPE
      bdlat_ArrayFunctions::resize(&array, 4);

      // Confirm initial values.

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          bsl::string value;
          int         rc = ArrayUtil::getElement(&value, array, index);
          assert(0  == rc);
          assert("" == value);

      // Set element 'index * 10' as its value;

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          bsl::ostringstream oss; oss << (index * 10);
          int rc = ArrayUtil::setElement(&array, index, oss.str());
          assert(0 == rc);

      // Confirm value of each element.

      for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
          bsl::string value;
          int         rc = ArrayUtil::getElement(&value, array, index);

          bsl::ostringstream oss; oss << (index * 10);

          assert(0         == rc);
          assert(oss.str() == value);