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Component bslstl_stringstream
[Package bslstl]

Provide a C++03-compatible stringstream class. More...


class  bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >


typedef CHAR_TYPE bsl::basic_stringstream::char_type
typedef CHAR_TRAITS bsl::basic_stringstream::traits_type
typedef ALLOCATOR bsl::basic_stringstream::allocator_type
typedef traits_type::int_type bsl::basic_stringstream::int_type
typedef traits_type::off_type bsl::basic_stringstream::off_type
typedef traits_type::pos_type bsl::basic_stringstream::pos_type


 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (ios_base::openmode modeBitMask, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (const StringType &initialString, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (const StringType &initialString, ios_base::openmode modeBitMask, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType > initialString)
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType > initialString, const allocator_type &allocator)
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType > initialString, ios_base::openmode modeBitMask)
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType > initialString, ios_base::openmode modeBitMask, const allocator_type &allocator)
template<class SALLOC >
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (const bsl::basic_string< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, SALLOC > &initialString, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type(), typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< ALLOCATOR, SALLOC >::value, void * >::type=0)
template<class SALLOC >
 bsl::basic_stringstream::basic_stringstream (const bsl::basic_string< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, SALLOC > &initialString, ios_base::openmode modeBitMask, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type(), typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< ALLOCATOR, SALLOC >::value, void * >::type=0)
 bsl::basic_stringstream::~basic_stringstream ()
void bsl::basic_stringstream::str (const StringType &value)
void bsl::basic_stringstream::str (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType > value)
template<class SALLOC >
void >::type 
bsl::basic_stringstream::str (const basic_string< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, SALLOC > &value)
StreamBufType * bsl::basic_stringstream::rdbuf () const
StringType bsl::basic_stringstream::str () const
template<class SALLOC >
< bsl::IsStdAllocator< SALLOC >
::value, basic_string
SALLOC > >::type 
bsl::basic_stringstream::str (const SALLOC &allocator) const
ViewType bsl::basic_stringstream::view () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT

Detailed Description

Provide a C++03-compatible stringstream class.
bsl::stringstream C++03-compatible stringstream class
Canonical Header:
See also:
This component is for internal use only. Please include <bsl_sstream.h> instead.
This component defines a class template, bsl::basic_stringstream, implementing a standard stream that provides a constructor and manipulator (str) that allow clients to directly set the internal sequence of characters that is accessed (or modified) by the stream, as well as an accessor (str) for obtaining a string having the same sequence of characters to which the stream currently refers (see 27.8.5 [stringstream] of the C++11 standard). This component also defines two standard aliases, bsl::stringstream and bsl::wstringstream, that refer to specializations of the bsl::basic_stringstream template for char and wchar_t types, respectively. The bsl::basic_stringstream template has three parameters, CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, and ALLOCATOR. The CHAR_TYPE and CHAR_TRAITS parameters respectively define the character type for the string-stream and a type providing a set of operations the string-stream will use to manipulate characters of that type, which must meet the character traits requirements defined by the C++11 standard, 21.2 [char.traits]. The ALLOCATOR template parameter is described in the "Memory Allocation" section below.
Memory Allocation:
The type supplied as a string-stream's ALLOCATOR template parameter determines how that string-stream will allocate memory. The basic_stringstream template supports allocators meeting the requirements of the C++11 standard, [allocator.requirements]; in addition, it supports scoped-allocators derived from the bslma::Allocator memory allocation protocol. Clients intending to use bslma-style allocators should use bsl::allocator, which provides a C++11 standard-compatible adapter for a bslma::Allocator object. Note that the standard aliases bsl::stringstream and bsl::wstringstream both use bsl::allocator.
bslma-Style Allocators:
If the type supplied for the ALLOCATOR template parameter of an stringstream instantiation is bsl::allocator, then objects of that string-stream type will conform to the standard behavior of a bslma-allocator-enabled type. Such a string-stream accepts an optional bslma::Allocator argument at construction. If the address of a bslma::Allocator object is explicitly supplied at construction, it will be used to supply memory for the string-stream throughout its lifetime; otherwise, the string-stream will use the default allocator installed at the time of the string-stream's construction (see bslma_default).
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Basic Input and Output Operations:
The following example demonstrates the use of bsl::stringstream to read and write data of various types to a bsl::string object.
Suppose we want to implement a simplified converter between a pair of generic types, TYPE1 and TYPE2. We use bsl::stringstream to implement the lexicalCast function. We write the data of type TYPE1 into the stream with operator<< and then read it back as the data of TYPE2 with operator>>:
  template <class TYPE2, class TYPE1>
  TYPE2 lexicalCast(const TYPE1& what)
      bsl::stringstream converter;
      converter << what;

      TYPE2 val;
      converter >> val;
      return val;
Finally, we verify that the lexicalCast function works on some simple test cases:
  assert(lexicalCast<int>("1234") == 1234);

  assert(lexicalCast<short>("-5") == -5);

  assert(lexicalCast<bsl::string>("abc") == "abc");

  assert(lexicalCast<bsl::string>(1234) == "1234");

  assert(lexicalCast<short>(-5) == -5);

Typedef Documentation

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
typedef CHAR_TYPE bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::char_type [inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
typedef CHAR_TRAITS bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::traits_type [inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
typedef ALLOCATOR bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::allocator_type [inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
typedef traits_type::int_type bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::int_type [inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
typedef traits_type::off_type bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::off_type [inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
typedef traits_type::pos_type bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::pos_type [inherited]

Function Documentation

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( const allocator_type allocator = allocator_type()  )  [inline, explicit, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( ios_base::openmode  modeBitMask,
const allocator_type allocator = allocator_type() 
) [inline, explicit, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( const StringType initialString,
const allocator_type allocator = allocator_type() 
) [inline, explicit, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( const StringType initialString,
ios_base::openmode  modeBitMask,
const allocator_type allocator = allocator_type() 
) [inline, inherited]

Create a basic_stringstream object. Optionally specify a modeBitMask indicating whether the underlying stream-buffer may be read from, written to, or both (rdbuf is created using modeBitMask). If modeBitMask is not supplied, rdbuf will be created using ios_base::in | ios_base::out. Optionally specify an initialString indicating the initial sequence of characters that this stream may access or manipulate. If initialString is not supplied, the initial sequence of characters will be empty. Optionally specify the allocator used to supply memory. If allocator is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) ALLOCATOR type is used. If the ALLOCATOR argument is of type bsl::allocator (the default), then allocator, if supplied, shall be convertible to bslma::Allocator *. If the ALLOCATOR argument is of type bsl::allocator and allocator is not supplied, the currently installed default allocator will be used to supply memory. If initialString is passed by MovableRef, it is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType initialString  )  [inline, explicit, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType initialString,
const allocator_type allocator 
) [inline, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType initialString,
ios_base::openmode  modeBitMask 
) [inline, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType initialString,
ios_base::openmode  modeBitMask,
const allocator_type allocator 
) [inline, inherited]

Create a basic_stringstream object. Use the specified initialString indicating the initial sequence of characters that this buffer will access or manipulate. Optionally specify a modeBitMask indicating whether this buffer may be read from, written to, or both. If modeBitMask is not supplied, this buffer is created with ios_base::in | ios_base::out. Optionally specify the allocator used to supply memory. If allocator is not supplied, the allocator in initialString is used. initialString is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
template<class SALLOC >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( const bsl::basic_string< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, SALLOC > &  initialString,
const allocator_type allocator = allocator_type(),
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< ALLOCATOR, SALLOC >::value, void * >::type  = 0 
) [inline, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
template<class SALLOC >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::basic_stringstream ( const bsl::basic_string< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, SALLOC > &  initialString,
ios_base::openmode  modeBitMask,
const allocator_type allocator = allocator_type(),
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< ALLOCATOR, SALLOC >::value, void * >::type  = 0 
) [inline, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::~basic_stringstream (  )  [inherited]

Destroy this object.

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
void bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str ( const StringType value  )  [inline, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
void bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< StringType value  )  [inline, inherited]
template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
template<class SALLOC >
bsl::enable_if<!bsl::is_same<ALLOCATOR, SALLOC>::value, void>::type bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str ( const basic_string< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, SALLOC > &  value  )  [inline, inherited]
value Reset the internally buffered sequence of characters maintained by this stream to the specified value. If value is passed by MovableRef, it is left in a valid but unspecified state.

Note: implemented inline due to Sun CC compilation error.

References bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::rdbuf(), and bsl::basic_stringbuf< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str().

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::StreamBufType * bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::rdbuf (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return an address providing modifiable access to the basic_stringbuf object that is internally used by this stream object to buffer unformatted characters.

Reimplemented from bsl::StringBufContainer< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >.

References bsl::StringBufContainer< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::rdbuf().

Referenced by bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str(), and bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::view().

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::StringType bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the internally buffered sequence of characters maintained by this stream object.

References bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::rdbuf(), and bsl::basic_stringbuf< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str().

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
template<class SALLOC >
bsl::enable_if< bsl::IsStdAllocator<SALLOC>::value, basic_string<CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, SALLOC> >::type bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str ( const SALLOC &  allocator  )  const [inline, inherited]

< Return a copy of the internally buffered sequence of characters maintained by this stream object in a basic_string that uses the specified allocator.

Note: implemented inline due to Sun CC compilation error.

References bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::rdbuf(), and bsl::basic_stringbuf< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::str().

template<class CHAR_TYPE , class CHAR_TRAITS , class ALLOCATOR >
basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::ViewType bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::view (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a view of the internally buffered sequence of characters maintained by this stream object.

References bsl::basic_stringstream< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::rdbuf(), and bsl::basic_stringbuf< CHAR_TYPE, CHAR_TRAITS, ALLOCATOR >::view().