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Component ball_scopedattributes
[Package ball]

Provide a class to add and remove attributes automatically. More...


namespace  ball

Detailed Description

Provide a class to add and remove attributes automatically.
ball::ScopedAttributes helper for safely managing attributes
See also:
Component ball_attributecontext, Component ball_attribute
This component provides a type, ball::ScopedAttributes, that serves as a "scoped helper" to safely manage ball::AttributeContainer objects for the current attribute context. A ball::ScopedAttributes object, upon construction, will install a ball::AttributeContainer object in the current attribute context and, more importantly, automatically remove that ball::AttributeContainer object from the current attribute context upon destruction.
This component is used to help associating an attributes (name-value pairs) with the current thread context for use when writing log records for the current thread. This context information can both be written to the log itself, and used as input when evaluating whether a particular log should be written. For more information on how to use this feature, please see the package level documentation and usage examples for "Log Attributes" and "Rule-Based Logging".
Note that the ball::AttributeContainer supplied at construction must remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of this object.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Installing a ball::AttributeContainer:
In the following code fragment, we will use a ball::ScopedAttributes to install a ball::AttributeContainer in the current context.
We first create the current attribute context and two attributes:
  ball::AttributeContext *context = ball::AttributeContext::getContext();

  ball::Attribute a1("uuid", 4044457);
  ball::Attribute a2("name", "Gang Chen");
  assert(false == context->hasAttribute(a1));
  assert(false == context->hasAttribute(a2));
Now we create an AttributeSet and add the two attributes to this set, then we use a 'ballScopedAttributes to install these attributes in the current thread's attribute context.
Note that we use the AttributeSet implementation of the ball::AttributeContainer protocol defined in the component documentation for ball_attributecontainer (the ball package provides a similar class in the ball_defaultattributecontainer component).
      AttributeSet attributes;
      ball::ScopedAttributes attributeGuard(&attributes);
      assert(true == context->hasAttribute(a1));
      assert(true == context->hasAttribute(a2));
When attributeGuard goes out of scope and is destroyed, attributes are removed from the current thread's attribute context, which prevents the attribute context from referring to an invalid memory address (on the stack).
