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Component bslmt_barrier
[Package bslmt]

Provide a thread barrier component. More...


namespace  bslmt

Detailed Description

Provide a thread barrier component.
bslmt::Barrier thread barrier class
See also:
Component bslmt_latch
This component defines a thread barrier named bslmt::Barrier. Barriers provide a simple mechanism for synchronizing a series of threads at a given point in a program. A barrier is constructed with a number numArrivals which is the number of arrivals (invocations of arrive, wait, and timedWait) required to reach the synchronization point for the barrier to be unblocked. As each thread reaches the synchronization point, it calls either the arrive method to indicate reaching the synchronization point or a wait method to indicate reaching the synchronization point and blocking until the barrier has the required number of arrivals. An invariant is that the number of threads blocking on a barrier is always less than numArrivals. Once the required numArrivals has occurred, the invariant is restored by unblocking all the waiting threads and resetting the barrier to its initial state. In particular, the barrier can be reused several times in succession.
Note that, if arrive will not be used, the number of threads sharing the use of the barrier should be exactly numArrivals, as only exactly numArrivals threads calling wait will be unblocked. In particular, extra threads calling wait will block, perhaps unwittingly participating in the next round of reuse of the barrier together with the unblocked numArrivals threads (leading to potential race conditions).
Note also that the behavior is undefined if a barrier is destroyed while one or more threads are waiting on it.
Supported Clock-Types:
bsls::SystemClockType supplies the enumeration indicating the system clock on which timeouts supplied to other methods should be based. If the clock type indicated at construction is bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME, the absTime argument passed to the timedWait method should be expressed as an absolute offset since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (which matches the epoch used in bsls::SystemTime::now(bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME). If the clock type indicated at construction is bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC, the absTime argument passed to the timedWait method should be expressed as an absolute offset since the epoch of this clock (which matches the epoch used in bsls::SystemTime::now(bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC).
The following example demonstrates the use of a bslmt::Barrier to create "checkpoints" in a threaded "basket trade" processing logic. In this example, a "basket" is a series of trades submitted as one logical trade. If any given trade fails to process for any reason, then all the trades must be canceled.
The example is driven through function processBasketTrade, which takes as its argument a reference to a BasketTrade structure. The BasketTrade structure contains a collection of Trade objects; the processBasketTrade function creates a separate thread to manage each Trade object.
The Trade threads proceed independently, except that they synchronize with one another at various stages of the trade processing: each thread waits for all trades to complete a given step before any individual trade thread proceeds to the next step.
The bslmt::Barrier is used repeatedly at each processing stage to wait for all trades to complete the given stage before continuing to the next stage.
To begin, we define the fundamental structures Trade and BasketTrade.
  enum {
      k_MAX_BASKET_TRADES = 10

  struct Trade {
      // Trade stuff...

  struct BasketTrade {
      bsl::vector<Trade> d_trades;  // array of trade that comprise the
                                    // basket
Functions validateTrade, insertToDatabase, and submitToExchange define functionality for the three stages of trade processing. Again, the bslmt::Barrier will be used so that no individual trade moves forward to the next stage before all trades have completed the given stage. So, for instance, no individual trade can call the insertToDatabase function until all trades have successfully completed the validateTrade function.
Functions deleteFromDatabase and cancelAtExchange are used for rolling back all trades in the event that any one trade fails to move forward.
The implementation of these functions is left incomplete for our example.
  int validateTrade(Trade &trade)
      int result = 0;
      // Do some checking here...

      return result;

  int insertToDatabase(Trade &trade)
      int result = 0;
      // Insert the record here...

      return result;

  int submitToExchange(Trade &trade)
      int result = 0;
      // Do submission here...

      return result;

  int deleteFromDatabase(Trade &trade)
      int result = 0;
      // Delete record here...

      return result;

  int cancelAtExchange(Trade &trade)
      int result = 0;
      // Cancel trade here...

      return result;
The processTrade function handles a single trade within a Trade Basket. Because this function is called within a bslmt::Thread callback (see the tradeProcessingThread function, below), its arguments are passed in a single structure. The processTrade function validates a trade, stores the trade into a database, and registers that trade with an exchange. At each step, the processTrade function synchronizes with other trades in the Trade Basket.
  struct TradeThreadArgument {
      bsl::vector<Trade> *d_trades_p;
      bslmt::Barrier     *d_barrier_p;
      volatile bool      *d_errorFlag_p;
      int                 d_tradeNum;

  TradeThreadArgument *processTrade(TradeThreadArgument *arguments)
      int retval;
      Trade &trade = (*arguments->d_trades_p)[arguments->d_tradeNum];

      retval = validateTrade(trade);
If this trade failed validation, then indicate that an error has occurred. Note that, even when an error occurs, we must still block on the barrier object; otherwise, other threads which did not fail would remain blocked indefinitely.
      if (retval) *arguments->d_errorFlag_p = true;
Once all threads have completed the validation phase, check to see if any errors occurred; if so, exit. Otherwise continue to the next step.
      if (*arguments->d_errorFlag_p) return arguments;              // RETURN

      retval = insertToDatabase(trade);
      if (retval) *arguments->d_errorFlag_p = true;
As before, if an error occurs on this thread, we must still block on the barrier object. This time, if an error has occurred, we need to check to see whether this trade had an error. If not, then the trade has been inserted into the database, so we need to remove it before we exit.
      if (*arguments->d_errorFlag_p) {
          if (!retval) deleteFromDatabase(trade);
          return arguments;                                         // RETURN
The final synchronization point is at the exchange. As before, if there is an error in the basket, we may need to cancel the individual trade.
      retval = submitToExchange(trade);
      if (retval) *arguments->d_errorFlag_p = true;
      if (*arguments->d_errorFlag_p) {
          if (!retval) cancelAtExchange(trade);
          return arguments;                                         // RETURN
All synchronized steps have completed for all trades in this basket. The basket trade is placed.
      return arguments;
Function tradeProcessingThread is a callback for bslmt::ThreadUtil, which requires void pointers for argument and return type and extern "C" linkage. bslmt::ThreadUtil::create() expects a pointer to this function, and provides that function pointer to the newly created thread. The new thread then executes this function.
The tradeProcessingThread function receives the void pointer, casts it to our required type (TradeThreadArgument *), and then calls the type-specific function, processTrade. On return, the specific type is cast back to void*.
  extern "C" void *tradeProcessingThread(void *argumentsIn)
      return (void *) processTrade ((TradeThreadArgument *)argumentsIn);
Function processBasketTrade drives the example. Given a BasketTrade, the function spawns a separate thread for each individual trade in the basket, supplying the function tradeProcessingThread to be executed on each thread.
  bool processBasketTrade(BasketTrade& trade)
      // Return 'true' if the specified basket 'trade' was processed
      // successfully, and 'false' otherwise.  The 'trade' is processed
      // atomically, i.e., all the trades succeed, or none of the trades are
      // executed.
      TradeThreadArgument arguments[k_MAX_BASKET_TRADES];
      bslmt::ThreadAttributes attributes;
      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle threadHandles[k_MAX_BASKET_TRADES];

      int numTrades = static_cast<int>(trade.d_trades.size());
      assert(0 < numTrades && k_MAX_BASKET_TRADES >= numTrades);
Construct the barrier that will be used by the processing threads. Since a thread will be created for each trade in the basket, use the number of trades as the barrier count. When bslmt::Barrier::wait() is called, the barrier will require numTrades objects to wait before all are released.
      bslmt::Barrier barrier(numTrades);
      bool errorFlag = false;
Create a thread to process each trade.
      for (int i = 0; i < numTrades; ++i) {
          arguments[i].d_trades_p    = &trade.d_trades;
          arguments[i].d_barrier_p   = &barrier;
          arguments[i].d_errorFlag_p = &errorFlag;
          arguments[i].d_tradeNum    = i;
Wait for all threads to complete.
      for (int i = 0; i < numTrades; ++i) {
Check if any error occurred.
      return false == errorFlag;