BDE 4.14.0 Production release
No Matches



Provide definitions for terms used throughout BDE documentation.



This component documents common terminology that is used throughout the rest of BDE component documentation. The terminology is broken into the following sections:

| Topic | Term | Key |
| Exception Safety | | |
| | Exception-Neutral | [ES.1 ] |
| | Basic Guarantee | [ES.2 ] |
| | Strong Guarantee | [ES.3 ] |
| | No-Throw Guarantee | [ES.4 ] |
| | Injected Exception | [ES.5 ] |
| Thread Safety | | |
| | Minimally Thread-Safe | [TS.1 ] |
| | 'const' Thread-Safe | [TS.2 ] |
| | Fully Thread-Safe | [TS.3 ] |
| | Thread-Aware | [TS.4 ] |
| | Thread-Enabled | [TS.5 ] |
| Type Classification | | |
| | Value-Semantic Type | [TC.1 ] |
| | In-Core Value-Semantic Type | [TC.2 ] |
| | Attribute Type | [TC.3 ] |
| | Unconstrained Attribute Type | [TC.4 ] |
| | Simply-Constrained Attribute Type | [TC.5 ] |
| | Complex-Constrained Attribute Type | [TC.6 ] |
| | Protocol | [TC.7 ] |
| | Mechanism | [TC.8 ] |
| | Utility Type | [TC.9 ] |
| | Vocabulary Type | [TC.10] |
| Value Semantics | | |
| | Value-Semantic Operations | [VS.1 ] |
| Uncategorized | | |
| | Alias-Safe | [UC.1 ] |
| | Guard | [UC.2 ] |
| | Proctor | [UC.3 ] |

Terminology (in Alphabetic Order)

Alias-Safe [UC.1]

Attribute Type [TC.3]

Basic Guarantee [ES.2]

Complex-Constrained Attribute Type [TC.6]

const Thread-Safe [TS.2]

Exception-Neutral [ES.1]

Fully Thread-Safe [TS.3]

Guard [UC.2]

In-Core Value-Semantic Type [TC.2]

Injected Exception [ES.5]

Mechanism [TC.8]

Minimally Thread-Safe [TS.1]

No-Throw Guarantee [ES.4]

Proctor [UC.3]

Protocol [TC.7]

Simply-Constrained Attribute Type [TC.5]

Strong Guarantee [ES.3]

Thread-Aware [TS.4]

Thread-Enabled [TS.5]

Unconstrained Attribute Type [TC.4]

Utility Type [TC.9]

Value-Semantic Operations [VS.1]

Value-Semantic Type [TC.1]

Vocabulary Type [TC.10]