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Component bsls_review_macroreset
[Package bsls]

Test driver utility to undefine all macros from bsls_review.h. More...

Test driver utility to undefine all macros from bsls_review.h.
This component provides a header that is included to undefine all macros defined in bsls_review.h; it is designed to be re-includable. This is for the use of the bsls_review test driver to enable it to re-include the bsls_review.h header with different input macros and verify that they output the correct resulting macro definitions.
To undefine all macros defined in bsls_review.h, first disable the header include guard for this header (bsls_review_macroreset.h):
Then re-include this header, which will undefine the macros that were defined by bsls_review.h: Then define any macros that control the behavior of bsls_review.h for this particular test, then re-include bsls_review.h:
  #include <bsls_review.h>