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Component bsls_byteorderutil
[Package bsls]

Provide byte-order swapping functions. More...


namespace  bsls

Detailed Description

Provide byte-order swapping functions.
bsls::ByteOrderUtil namespace for byte-order swapping functions
See also:
Component bsls_byteorder
This component provides a utility class, bsls::ByteOrderUtil, that contains a suite of static functions for reversing the byte order of integral types. The functions swapByteOrder{16,32,64} reverse the byte order of words having the indicated widths (in bits), while the overloaded function swapBytes will swap the bytes of any integral type passed to it, returning the same type it is passed.
In this example we demonstrate the use of different overloads of the swapBytes function.
First we typedef a shorthand to the namespace class:
  typedef bsls::ByteOrderUtil Util;
Then, we demonstrate reversing the bytes of an unsigned short:
  unsigned short us = 0x1234;
  assert(0x3412 == Util::swapBytes(us));
Next, we do a signed 'short:
  short ss = 0x4321;
  assert(0x2143 == Util::swapBytes(ss));
Then, we reverse an unsigned int:
  unsigned int ui = 0x01020304;
  assert(0x04030201 == Util::swapBytes(ui));
Next, we reverse the bytes of a 32-bit signed integer:
  int si = 0x11223344;
  assert(0x44332211 == Util::swapBytes(si));
Now, we perform the transform on a 64-bit unsigned:
  bsls::Types::Uint64 ui64 = 0x0102030405060708ULL;
  assert(0x0807060504030201ULL == Util::swapBytes(ui64));
Finally, we do a 64-bit signed integer:
  bsls::Types::Int64 i64 = 0x0a0b0c0d0e0f0102LL;
  assert(0x02010f0e0d0c0b0aLL == Util::swapBytes(i64));