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Component bsls_unspecifiedbool
[Package bsls]

Provide a class supporting the unspecified bool idiom. More...


namespace  bsls

Detailed Description

Provide a class supporting the unspecified bool idiom.
bsls::UnspecifiedBool class template for the unspecified bool idiom.
This component provides a class template that can be used to manufacture an "unspecified boolean type" that is distinct for each class that instantiates it. Note that classes supplying an implicit conversion to an unspecified bool type will be equality comparable (using operator== and operator!=) through this conversion. Private equality and inequality operators should be added to the class definition unless this comparison is desired. It is important that each class produces a distinct unspecified bool type, as otherwise objects of different class types would compare equal through this same conversion.
Relationship to C++11:
This component will become redundant when all Bloomberg production compilers support "explicit conversion operators", a feature of C++11. An explicit operator bool() conversion operator is superior to this C++98 idiom in all ways.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: A Simple Smart Pointer:
A common requirement for "smart pointer" types is to emulate the native pointer types and, in particular, support testing for "null" or "empty" pointer values as a simple boolean conversion in if and while clauses. We here demonstrate how to create a simple smart pointer type, SimplePtr, using this component to implement a safe the boolean conversion.
An object of type SimplePtr holds a pointer value, but does not claim ownership or any responsibility for the lifetime of the referenced object. A SimplePtr object acts as a "simple" native pointer.
First, we create the SimplePtr class, define its data members, creators and manipulators:
  template <class TYPE>
  class SimplePtr
      // This class holds a pointer to a single object, and provides a subset
      // of the regular pointer operators.  For example, objects of this
      // class can be dereferenced with 'operator*' and tested as a boolean
      // value to determine if null.  Conversely, this class does not support
      // pointer arithmetic.

      // DATA
      TYPE *d_ptr_p;  // address of the referenced object

      bool operator==(const SimplePtr &);  // = delete;
      bool operator!=(const SimplePtr &);  // = delete;
          // Suppress equality-comparison operations on objects of this
          // class.

      // CREATORS
      explicit SimplePtr(TYPE *ptr = 0) : d_ptr_p(ptr) {}
          // Create a 'SimplePtr' having the value of the specified 'ptr'.

          // Destroy this object.

      // ACCESSORS
      TYPE& operator*() const  { return *d_ptr_p; }
          // Return a reference to the object pointed to by this
          // 'SimplePtr'.

      TYPE *operator->() const { return d_ptr_p; }
          // Return the held 'd_ptr_p'.
Next, we define, for convenience, an alias for a unique type that is implicitly convertible to bool (note that we pass the current template instantiation to the bsls::UnspecifiedBool template to guarantee a unique name, even for different instantiations of this same SimplePtr template):
  // TYPES
  typedef typename bsls::UnspecifiedBool<SimplePtr>::BoolType BoolType;
Now, we can define a boolean conversion operator that tests whether or not this SimplePtr object is holding a null pointer, or a valid address:
      operator BoolType() const {
          return bsls::UnspecifiedBool<SimplePtr>::makeValue(d_ptr_p);
  }; // class SimplePtr
Note that we do not need to define operator! as this single boolean conversion operator is invoked with the correct semantics when the user tries that operator.
Finally, we write a simple test function, creating a couple of SimplePtr objects, one "null", and the other with a well-defined address.
  void runTests() {
      SimplePtr<int> p1;  // default ctor sets to null

      int            i = 3;
      SimplePtr<int> p2(&i);

      if (p2) {
          assert(3 == *p2);
Notice that SimplePtr objects behave as native pointers. They should be tested before dereferencing (as they could be null).