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Component bslh_filesystem
[Package bslh]

Provide hash for std::filesystem::path. More...

Provide hash for std::filesystem::path.
See also:
Component bslh_hash
Provides a hash specialization for std::filesystem::path, delegating to std::filesystem::path::hash_value for the implementation since it is already available and conforming.
This section illustrates intended usage of this component.
Example 1: Creating and Using a Hash Cross Reference:
Suppose we already have an array of unique values of type TYPE, for which operator== is defined, and we want to be able to quickly look up whether an element is in the array, without exhaustively applying operator== to all the elements in sequence. The array itself is guaranteed not to change for the duration of our interest in it.
The problem is much simpler than building a general-purpose hash table, because we know how many elements our cross reference will contain in advance, so we will never have to dynamically grow the number of buckets. We do not need to copy the values into our own area, so we don't have to create storage for them, or require that a copy constructor or destructor be available. We only require that they have a transitive, symmetric equivalence operation bool operator== and that a hash function be provided.
We will need a hash function -- the hash function is a function that will take as input an object of the type stored in our array, and yield a size_t value that will be very randomized. Ideally, the slightest change in the value of the TYPE object will result in a large change in the value returned by the hash function. In a good hash function, typically half the bits of the return value will change for a 1-bit change in the hashed value. We then use the result of the hash function to index into our array of buckets. Each bucket is simply a pointer to a value in our original array of TYPE objects. We will resolve hash collisions in our array through linear probing, where we will search consecutive buckets following the bucket where the collision occurred, testing occupied buckets for equality with the value we are searching on, and concluding that the value is not in the table if we encounter an empty bucket before we encounter one referring to an equal element.
An important quality of the hash function is that if two values are equivalent, they must yield the same hash value.
First, we define our HashCrossReference template class, with the two type parameters TYPE (the type being referenced') and HASHER, which defaults to bslh::Hash<TYPE>. This component provides the specialization of bslh::Hash for std::filesystem::path:
  template <class TYPE, class HASHER = bslh::Hash<TYPE> >
  class HashCrossReference {
      // This table leverages a hash table to provide a fast lookup of an
      // external, non-owned, array of values of configurable type.
      // The only requirement for 'TYPE' is that it have a transitive,
      // symmetric 'operator==' function.  There is no requirement that it
      // have any kind of creator defined.
      // The 'HASHER' template parameter type must be a functor with a
      // function of the following signature:
      //  size_t operator()(const TYPE)  const; or
      //  size_t operator()(const TYPE&) const; or
      // and 'HASHER' must have a publicly available default constructor and
      // destructor.

      // DATA
      const TYPE       *d_values;             // Array of values table is to
                                              // cross-reference.  Held, not
                                              // owned.
      size_t            d_numValues;          // Length of 'd_values'.
      const TYPE      **d_bucketArray;        // Contains ptrs into
                                              // 'd_values'
      size_t            d_bucketArrayMask;    // Will always be '2^N - 1'.
      HASHER            d_hasher;
      bool              d_valid;              // Object was properly
                                              // initialized.
      bslma::Allocator *d_allocator_p;        // held, not owned

      bool lookup(size_t      *idx,
                  const TYPE&  value,
                  size_t       hashValue) const
          // Look up the specified 'value', having hash value 'hashValue',
          // and return its index in 'd_bucketArray'.  If not found, return
          // the vacant entry in 'd_bucketArray' where it should be inserted.
          // Return 'true' if 'value is found and 'false' otherwise.
          const TYPE *ptr;
          for (*idx = hashValue & d_bucketArrayMask;
                                (ptr = d_bucketArray[*idx]);
                                     *idx = (*idx + 1) & d_bucketArrayMask) {
              if (value == *ptr) {
                  return true;                                      // RETURN
          // value was not found in table

          return false;

      // CREATORS
      HashCrossReference(const TYPE       *valuesArray,
                         size_t            numValues,
                         bslma::Allocator *allocator = 0)
          // Create a hash cross reference referring to the array of value.
      : d_values(valuesArray)
      , d_numValues(numValues)
      , d_hasher()
      , d_valid(true)
      , d_allocator_p(bslma::Default::allocator(allocator))
          size_t bucketArrayLength = 4;
          while (bucketArrayLength < numValues * 4) {
              bucketArrayLength *= 2;
          d_bucketArrayMask = bucketArrayLength - 1;
          d_bucketArray = (const TYPE **) d_allocator_p->allocate(
                                        bucketArrayLength * sizeof(TYPE **));
          memset(d_bucketArray,  0, bucketArrayLength * sizeof(TYPE *));

          for (unsigned i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {
              const TYPE& value = d_values[i];
              size_t idx;
              if (lookup(&idx, value, d_hasher(value))) {
                  // Duplicate value.  Fail.

                  printf("Error: entries %u and %u have the same value\n",
                              i, (unsigned) (d_bucketArray[idx] - d_values));
                  d_valid = false;

                  // don't return, continue reporting other redundant
                  // entries.
              else {
                  d_bucketArray[idx] = &d_values[i];

          // Free up memory used by this cross-reference.

      // ACCESSORS
      int count(const TYPE& value) const
          // Return 1 if the specified 'value' is found in the cross
          // reference and 0 otherwise.

          size_t idx;
          return lookup(&idx, value, d_hasher(value));

      bool isValid() const
          // Return 'true' if this cross reference was successfully
          // constructed and 'false' otherwise.
          return d_valid;
Then, In main, we will first use our cross-reference to cross-reference a collection of std::filesystem::path values. Note that the / separator is equally valid on Windows and Unix-derived systems when used programmatically. We define our array and take its length:
  const std::filesystem::path paths[] = { "/2/3",
  enum { NUM_PATHS = sizeof paths / sizeof *paths };
Now, we create our cross-reference hcri and verify it constructed properly. Note that we don't specify the second template parameter HASHER and let it default to bslh::Hash<std::filesystem::path>, which is already defined by this component:
  HashCrossReference<std::filesystem::path> hcri(paths, NUM_PATHS);
Finally, we use hcri to verify numbers that were and were not in the collection:
  assert(1 == hcri.count("/2/3"));
  assert(1 == hcri.count("/4/2"));
  assert(1 == hcri.count("/4/7"));
  assert(1 == hcri.count("/5/6"));
  assert(0 == hcri.count("/a/3"));
  assert(0 == hcri.count("/3/1"));
  assert(0 == hcri.count("/3/7"));
  assert(0 == hcri.count("/5/8"));