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Component bslmf_util
[Package bslmf]

Provide low-level functions on bslmf types. More...


namespace  bslmf

Detailed Description

Provide low-level functions on bslmf types.
bslmf::Util utility class providing low-level functionality
This component defines a utility struct, bslmf::Util, that serves as a namespace for a suite of functions that supply low-level functionality for implementing portable generic facilities such as might be found in the C++ standard library.
The function forward emulates the C++ standard utility function std::forward with the addition that on compilers that don't support r-value references (i.e., C++03) a bslmf::MovableRef<t_T> is forwarded as a bslmf::MovableRef<t_T>. This operation is typically used via BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD (along with BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF) when forwarding arguments in a generic context. See Usage.
The function forwardAsReference, like forward, emulates the C++ standard utility function std::forward with the difference that on compilers that don't support r-value references (C++03) a bslmf::MovableRef<t_T> is forwarded as const t_T& (instead of bslmf::MovableRef<t_T>). This operation is intended to be used when forwarding a MovableRef<t_T> where that MovableRef is being supplied to a function that does not support move emulation, but will support true C++11 r-value references (e.g., bdlf::BindUtil::bind).
The function moveIfSupported emulates the C++ standard utility function std::move with the addition that on compilers that don't support r-value references (i.e., C++03) an l-value reference is returned instead. This operation is intended to be used when moving an object to a function that does not support move emulation, but will support true C++11 r-value references (e.g., bdlf::BindUtil::bind).
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Using bslmf::Util::forward:
Clients should generally not use bslmf::Util::forward directly, instead it should be used via BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD in conjunction with BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF. Here we show a simple function using BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD:
  template <class RESULT_TYPE>
  struct FactoryUtil {

     template <class ARG_TYPE>
Notice that bslmf::Util::forward is only used in conjunction with BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF because, in the example above, if the create function's parameter type was 'ARG_TYPE&& ' then it is a C++11-only(!) forwarding reference, and we would simply use the standard std::forward. Alternatively, if the parameter type was MovableRef<ARG_TYPE> then arg is not a forwarding-reference to be forwarded (certainly not in C++03).
Example 2: Using bslmf::Util::forwardAsReference:
Suppose we had a template facility, MyBindUtil::bind that does not support bslmf::MovableRef, but will accept true r-value references (on supported compilers). Here we use forwardAsReference to forward a supplied bslmf::MovableRef as a true r-value reference (on supporting compilers), and a const reference otherwise. Note that the definitions of MyFunction and MyBindUtil are elided and meant to represent bsl::function and bdlf::BindUtil::bind respectively:
  void doSomething(bslmf::MovableRef<Foo> value)
    MyFunction f = MyBindUtil::bind(

Note that because MyBindUtil::bind does not support MovableRef, without forwardAsReference the call to bind might either fail to compile, or worse, bind the MyFunction instance to a reference to value (rather a new object moved-from value) on C++03 platforms.
Example 3: Using bslmf::Util::moveIfSupported:
Suppose we had a template facility, MyBindUtil::bind that does not support bslmf::MovableRef, but will accept true r-value references (on supported compilers). Here we use moveIfSupported to move a supplied value if the compiler suppots r-value references, and copy it otherwise. Note that the definitions of MyFunction and MyBindUtil are elided and meant to represent bsl::function and bdlf::BindUtil::bind respectively:
  void doSomething2(Foo value)
      MyFunction f = MyBindUtil::bind(bslmf::Util::moveIfSupported(value));

Note that because MyBindUtil::bind does not support MovableRef, without moveIfSupported the call to bind might either fail to compile, or worse, bind the MyFunction instance to a reference to value (rather a new object moved-from value) on C++03 platforms.