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Component bsls_bslsourcenameparserutil
[Package bsls]

Provide low-level functions for parsing source file names. More...


namespace  bsls

Detailed Description

Provide low-level functions for parsing source file names.
bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil utility namespace to parse source file names
See also:
This component provides a namespace bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil for methods to parse source code file names (as may be reported by the __FILE__ macro, or a listing), including BDE-style (Lakos-style) component and test driver source file names. This component is not using any C++ library or bsl dependencies. In other words, it uses only some functionality of the C standard library, and C++ core language features. This is a necessary limitation because parsing file names may be used form the lowest levels of bsl code, especially in test drivers.
BDE-Style Source File Names:
The majority of source files in a BDE-style code base are component header and implementation, and their test driver source files. There are other, special, source files names that we describe only briefly. In this section we introduce the basic construct of the component source file names as well as the component test driver file names as implemented by this utility. We do not provide complete coverage of all possible BDE-style source file naming conventions, for that see John Lakos: Large Scale C++ Volume 1.
Public Component Names:
A component consists of two source files sharing the same file name with different extensions: .h for the header file and .cpp for the implementation file. The component file name itself consists of the package name the component belongs to (such as bsls), followed by an underscore (_), followed by the name of the component (such as atomicoperations), all lowercase letters, e.g., bsls_atomicoperations.h, bsls_atomicoperations.cpp.
Subordinate or Package-Internal Component Names:
Subordinate components are considered package-internal and, similarly to component-private type names, formed by adding further underscore-delimited "sections" to the file name (before the extension), such as: bsls_atomicoperations_default.h, bsls_atomicoperations_x64_all_gcc.h, bsls_assert_macroreset.h, or bsls_byteorderutil_impl.h.
There are two kinds of special subordinate components that are considered part of the main component, and they are in separate files only for non-structural (technical) reasons. One such kind is the so-called subordinate test component, that will be introduced in the section below. The other is generated so-called _cpp03 components for (mainly) emulating variadic templates in C++03. Such generated subordinate components get _cpp03 appended to their file name, right before the first dot . of the extension(s).
Test Driver Source File Names:
Test driver source file names are normally very simple: the same base name as the component, followed by .t.cpp. However some components that provide class and functions templates with many template parameters require more than one test driver so the test driver files can compile, and compile in a reasonable amount of time. (Most often old, C++03 compilers run out of resources or internal limits, but in case of optimized code even new compilers may try to use too much memory.)
In the past, special private components were created when a test driver was too large to compile. Those components are called "subordinate test (driver) components", and their names were created by having the last underscore-delimited "segment" of the name to start with _test. Optionally, after _test there could be a decimal number between 0-9, or 00-99. (Due to legacy code that used text, we also allow alpha characters, like _testconstructors.) So for an imaginary bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap.h and .cpp we may have the expected bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap.t.cpp, but also bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap_test1.t.cpp/.h/.cpp, and so on.
Newer complex components (and components that have been modernized) will not have subordinate test drivers, but so-called test driver parts. Test driver part source file names are created by inserting a dot and a decimal number (between 0-9 or 00-99), right before the .t.cpp. Our example from the previous paragraph would then have several test driver source files: bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap.0.t.cpp, bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap.1.t.cpp, and so on, but only one component bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap.h and .cpp.
Because the components that need many files for their test driver often use variadic templates (that need to be emulated in C++03) we often also have: bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap_test1_cpp03.t.cpp/.h/.cpp, etc., or bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap_cpp03.0.t.cpp files as well.
For the subordinate test components (including the ones that end with _cpp03) we consider the main component name bslstl_unordinarymultikeymultimap to be the component name part, because the other components exists only due to compiler technical limitations.
Other Source File Names:
Special source files that are not components or component test drivers have either a special one letter prefix, a one letter "designator extension", or a first segment that is too long to be a package name (more than 6 characters). The current parsing logic in this utility does not directly recognize such source file names. The parsing logic makes sure that such names will not be successfully parsed in a way that the reported component name could match a real component.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Determining Component Name from Source File Name:
Suppose we need to determine the component name from one of its source file names. To ease understanding we use string literals for source file names.
First, we declare the result variables that the parser will fill:
  const char *componentStart  = 0;
  size_t      componentLength = 0;
Next, we call the parser, saving its return value:
  int returnCode =  bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::getComponentName(
Now, we verify that the parsing was successful:
  assert(0 == returnCode);
Finally, we verify that the expected component name is found:
  assert(9 == componentLength &&
         0 == memcmp("abcx_name", componentStart, 9));
Notice how the "_cpp03" suffix of the generated file has been removed.
Example 2: Determining the Type of a Source File:
Suppose we need to determine, in addition to the component name, what kind source file name do we have. To ease understanding we use string literals for source file names.
First, we declare the result variables that the parser will fill:
  const char *componentStart  = 0;
  size_t      componentLength = 0;
  unsigned    sourceType      = ~0u;
Next, we call the parser with the first name, passing the address of the optional output variable after the source file name:
  int returnCode =  bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::getComponentName(
Then, we verify that the parsing was successful, and the expected component name is found:
  assert(0 == returnCode);
  assert(9 == componentLength &&
         0 == memcmp("abcx_name", componentStart, 9));
Next, we verify the determined source file type by examining the "kind", stored in the bits masked by bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::k_MASK_KIND, and the flags stored in other bits:
  typedef bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil Util;  // For brevity

  assert(Util::k_HEADER == (sourceType & Util::k_MASK_KIND));

  assert(0 == (sourceType & Util::k_IS_MULTIFILE_TEST  ));
  assert(0 == (sourceType & Util::k_IS_SUBORDINATE_TEST));
  assert(0 != (sourceType & Util::k_IS_CPP03_GENERATED ));
Then, we can verify a subordinate test component implementation file name. These names, and also headers for subordinate test components are special as they are not supposed to contain executable code. They are just another test driver for their main component.
  returnCode =  bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::getComponentName(

  assert(0 == returnCode);
  assert(9 == componentLength &&
         0 == memcmp("abcx_name", componentStart, 9));
Note that the main component name is reported.
  assert(Util::k_IMPL == (sourceType & Util::k_MASK_KIND));

  assert(0 == (sourceType & Util::k_IS_MULTIFILE_TEST  ));
  assert(0 != (sourceType & Util::k_IS_SUBORDINATE_TEST));
  assert(0 == (sourceType & Util::k_IS_CPP03_GENERATED ));
Now, we verify a traditional test driver file name of a subordinate test component:
  returnCode =  bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::getComponentName(

  assert(0 == returnCode);
  assert(9 == componentLength &&
         0 == memcmp("abcx_name", componentStart, 9));

  assert(Util::k_TTEST == (sourceType & Util::k_MASK_KIND));

  assert(0 == (sourceType & Util::k_IS_MULTIFILE_TEST  ));
  assert(0 != (sourceType & Util::k_IS_SUBORDINATE_TEST));
  assert(0 == (sourceType & Util::k_IS_CPP03_GENERATED ));
Finally, we verify a multi-file test driver source:
  returnCode =  bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::getComponentName(

  assert(0 == returnCode);
  assert(10 == componentLength &&
         0 == memcmp("wxya_other", componentStart, 10));

  assert(Util::k_GTEST == (sourceType & Util::k_MASK_KIND));

  assert(0 != (sourceType & Util::k_IS_MULTIFILE_TEST  ));
  assert(0 == (sourceType & Util::k_IS_SUBORDINATE_TEST));
  assert(0 != (sourceType & Util::k_IS_CPP03_GENERATED ));
Example 3: Reporting Parsing Errors:
Suppose we need to parse source file names from an external source, and therefore we may need to report the reason for parsing failures for human readers (of log files). To ease understanding we use string literals for source file names.
First, we declare the result variables that the parser will fill:
  const char *componentStart  = 0;
  size_t      componentLength = 0;
Next, we can call the parser with a too short file name and save the return value:
  int returnCode =  bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::getComponentName(
Then, we verify that the parsing has failed:
  assert(0 != returnCode);
Next, we output a brief error message to the user if requested:
  if (verbose) {
      printf("Error parsing source file name \"%s\": %s\n",
      // Output will indicate the file name was too short (to be a BDE name)
Now, we demonstrate another failing-to-parse source name and its error message:
  returnCode =  bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::getComponentName(
  assert(0 != returnCode);
  if (verbose) {
      printf("Error parsing source file name \"%s\": %s\n",
      // Output will indicate an unsupported extension
Finally, we demonstrate the "missing test driver tag" error:
  returnCode =  bsls::BslSourceNameParserUtil::getComponentName(
  assert(0 != returnCode);
  if (verbose) {
      printf("Error parsing source file name \"%s\": %s\n",
      // Output will indicate two dots next to each other in the file name