BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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 bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::Hash_AdlWrapper ()
void bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::operator() (const void *input, size_t numBytes)
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE >
void bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::operator() (const ELEMENT_TYPE *input, size_t numBytes)
result_type bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::computeHash ()
template<class TYPE >
bslh::Hash< HASH_ALGORITHM >::result_type bslh::Hash< HASH_ALGORITHM >::operator() (TYPE const &key) const

Detailed Description



Provide a struct to run bslh hash algorithms on supported types.


See also


This component provides a templated struct, bslh::Hash, that defines a hash-functor that can be used with standard containers (a drop in replacement for bsl::hash), and which applies the supplied (template parameter) HASH_ALGORITHM to the attributes of the (template parameter) TYPE which have been identified as salient to hashing. The bslh::Hash template parameter HASH_ALGORITHM must be a hashing algorithm that conforms to the requirements outlined below (see {Requirements for Regular bslh Hashing Algorithms}). Note that there are several hashing algorithms defined within the bslh package and some, such as those that require seeds, will not meet these requirements, meaning they cannot be used with bslh::Hash. A call to bslh::Hash::operator() for a (template parameter) TYPE will call the hashAppend free function for TYPE and provide hashAppend an instance of a hash algorithm in the bslh namespace that will use the (template parameter) HASH_ALGORITHM to compute hash values.

This component also contains hashAppend definitions for fundamental types, which are required by algorithms defined in bslh. Clients are expected to define a free-function hashAppend for each of the types they wish to be hashable (see {hashAppend} below). More information can be found in the package level documentation for bslh (internal users can also find information here {TEAM BDE:USING MODULAR HASHING<GO>})


bslh::Hash provides a modular system for hashing. This modularity refers to the decoupling of the various tasks associated with hashing. Using this system, type implementers can identify attributes of their type that are salient to hashing, without having to write a hashing algorithm. Conversely, hashing algorithms can be written independent of types. Attributes that are salient to hashing are called out on a type using hashAppend. Hashing algorithms are written to operate on the attributes called out by hashAppend. Some default algorithms have been provided in the bslh package. This modularity allows type creators to avoid writing hashing algorithms, which can save work and avoid bad hashing algorithm implementations.


hashAppend is the free function that is used to pass attributes that are salient to hashing into a hashing algorithm. A custom type defined in another component must define it's own hashAppend free function overload that can be discovered through ADL in order to be hashed using this facility. A simple implementation of an overload for hashAppend might call hashAppend on each of the type's fields that are salient to hashing. Note that when writing a hashAppend function that itself calls hashAppend,using bslh::hashAppend;' must be included as the first line of code in the function. The using statement ensures that ADL will always be able to find the hashAppend functions defined in this component for handling fundamental types even when the (template parameter) type HASH_ALGORITHM is not implemented in bslh.

A client will thus customize their hashing of any custom struct, class, or union by providing an appropriate hashAppend. In some very rare cases, a client will want to provide special behavior when hashing fundamental types such as integral types, pointers, or enums, and this can be done by providing an appropriate typed operator() overload of your own hash function. Support for doing this is not provided for ther types, or for bool.

Some types may require more subtle implementations for hashAppend, such as types containing C-strings which are salient to hashing. These C-strings must be passed directly into the (template parameter) type HASH_ALGORITHM, rather than calling hashAppend with the pointer as an argument. This special case exists because calling hashAppend with a pointer will hash the pointer rather than the data that is pointed to.

Within this component, hashAppend has been implemented for all of the fundamental types, and for arrays. When hashAppend is reached on a fundamental type, the hashing algorithm is no longer propagated, and instead a pointer to the beginning of the type in memory is passed to the algorithm, along with the length of the type. There are special cases with floating point numbers and boolean values where the data is tweaked before hashing to ensure that values that compare equal will be hashed with the same bit-wise representation. The algorithm will then incorporate the type into its internal state and return a finalized hash when requested.

Hashing Algorithms

There are algorithms implemented in the bslh package that can be passed in and used as template parameters for bslh::Hash or other structs like it. Some of these algorithms, such as bslh::SpookyHashAlgorithm or bslh::WyHashAlgorithm, are named for the algorithm they implement. These named algorithms are intended for use by those who want a specific algorithm. There are other algorithms, such as bslh::DefaultHashAlgorithm, which wrap an unspecified algorithm and describe the properties of the wrapped algorithm. The descriptive algorithms are intended for use by those who need specific properties and want to be updated to a new algorithm when one is published with improvements to the desired properties. bslh::DefaultHashAlgorithm has the property of being a good default algorithm, specifically for use in a hash table.

Requirements for Regular bslh Hashing Algorithms

Users of this modular hashing system are free to write their own hashing algorithms. In order to plug into bslh::Hash, the user-implemented algorithms must implement the interface shown here:

class SomeHashAlgorithm
typedef Uint64 result_type;
void operator()(const void *data, size_t numBytes);
result_type computeHash();

The result_type typedef must define the return type of this particular algorithm. A default constructor (either implicit or explicit) must be supplied that creates an algorithm functor that is in a usable state. An operator() must be supplied that takes a const void * to the data to be hashed and a size_t length of bytes to be hashed. This operator must operate on all data uniformly, meaning that regardless of whether data is passed in all at once, or one byte at a time, the result returned by computeHash() will be the same. computeHash() will return the final result of the hashing algorithm, as type result_type. computeHash() is allowed to modify the internal state of the algorithm, meaning calling computeHash() more than once may not return the correct value.


The result produced by the hashing algorithm must be independent of how the data is subdivided into segments when supplied to operator(). More precisely, for any subdivision of the message M of size S into N segments M_i of size S_i, the following must be true:

SomeHashAlgorithm algM;
algM(M, S);
SomeHashAlgorithm algI;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
algI(M_i, S_i);
assert(algM.computeHash() == algI.computeHash());


This section illustrates intended usage of this component.

Example 1: Keying a Hash Table with a User-Defined Type

Suppose we have a value-semantic type, Box, that contains attributes that are salient to hashing as well as attributes that are not salient to hashing. Some of these attributes are themselves user defined types. We want to store objects of type Box in a hash table, so we need to be able to produce hash values that represent instances of Box. We don't want to write our own hashing or hash combine algorithm, because we know it is very difficult and labor-intensive to write a proper hashing algorithm. In order to hash this Box, we will use the modular hashing system supplied in bslh.

First, we define Point, a class that allows us to identify a location on a two dimensional Cartesian plane.

class Point {
// This class is a value-semantic type that represents a two
// dimensional location on a Cartesian plane.
int d_x;
int d_y;
double d_distToOrigin; // This value will be accessed frequently, so we
// cache it rather than recalculate it every
// time.
Point (int x, int y);
// Create a 'Point' having the specified 'x' and 'y' coordinates.
double distanceToOrigin() const;
// Return the distance from the origin (0, 0) to this point.
int getX() const;
// Return the x coordinate of this point.
int getY() const;
// Return the y coordinate of this point.
Point::Point(int x, int y)
: d_x(x)
, d_y(y)
d_distToOrigin = sqrt(static_cast<double>(d_x * d_x) +
static_cast<double>(d_y * d_y));
double Point::distanceToOrigin() const
return d_distToOrigin;
int Point::getX() const
return d_x;
int Point::getY() const
return d_y;

Then, we define operator==. Notice how it checks only attributes that we would want to incorporate into the hashed value. Note that attributes that are salient to hashing tend to be the same as or a subset of the attributes that are checked in operator==.

bool operator==(const Point& lhs, const Point& rhs)
// Return true if the specified 'lhs' and 'rhs' have the same value.
// Two 'Point' objects have the same value if they have the same x and
// y coordinates.
return (lhs.getX() == rhs.getX()) && (lhs.getY() == rhs.getY());

Next, we define hashAppend. This function will allow any hashing algorithm that meets the bslh hashing algorithm requirements to be applied to Point. This is the full extent of the work that needs to be done by type creators. They do not need to implement any algorithms, they just need to call out the attributes that are salient to hashing by calling hashAppend on them.

template <class HASH_ALGORITHM>
void hashAppend(HASH_ALGORITHM& hashAlg, const Point& point)
// Apply the specified 'hashAlg' to the specified 'point'
hashAppend(hashAlg, point.getX());
hashAppend(hashAlg, point.getY());
bsl::enable_if<(bsl::is_integral< TYPE >::value||bsl::is_pointer< TYPE >::value||bsl::is_enum< TYPE >::value)&&!bsl::is_same< TYPE, bool >::value >::type hashAppend(HASH_ALGORITHM &hashAlg, TYPE input)
Definition bslh_hash.h:638

Then, we declare another value-semantic type, Box that will have a Point as one of its attributes that are salient to hashing.

class Box {
// This class is a value-semantic type that represents a box drawn on
// to a Cartesian plane.
Point d_position;
int d_length;
int d_width;
Box(Point position, int length, int width);
// Create a box having the specified 'length' and 'width', with its
// upper left corner at the specified 'position'
int getLength() const;
// Return the length of this box.
Point getPosition() const;
// Return a 'Point' representing the upper left corner of this box
// on a Cartesian plane
int getWidth() const;
// Return the width of this box.
Box::Box(Point position, int length, int width)
: d_position(position)
, d_length(length)
, d_width(width) { }
int Box::getLength() const
return d_length;
Point Box::getPosition() const
return d_position;
int Box::getWidth() const
return d_width;

Then, we define operator==. This time all of the data members are salient to equality.

bool operator==(const Box& lhs, const Box& rhs)
// Return true if the specified 'lhs' and 'rhs' have the same value.
// Two 'Box' objects have the same value if they have the same length,
// width, and position.
return (lhs.getPosition() == rhs.getPosition()) &&
(lhs.getLength() == rhs.getLength()) &&
(lhs.getWidth() == rhs.getWidth());

Next, we define hashAppend for Box. Notice how as well as calling hashAppend on fundamental types, we can also call it with our user defined type Point. Calling hashAppend with Point will propogate a reference to the hashing algorithm functor hashAlg down to the fundamental types that make up Point, and those types will then be passed into the referenced algorithm functor.

template <class HASH_ALGORITHM>
void hashAppend(HASH_ALGORITHM& hashAlg, const Box& box)
// Apply the specified 'hashAlg' to the specified 'box'
hashAppend(hashAlg, box.getPosition());
hashAppend(hashAlg, box.getLength());
hashAppend(hashAlg, box.getWidth());

Then, we declare our hash table (implementation elided). We simplify the problem by requiring the caller to supply an array. Our hash table takes two type parameters: TYPE (the type being referenced) and HASHER (a functor that produces the hash). HASHER will default to bslh::Hash<>.

template <class TYPE, class HASHER = bslh::Hash<> >
class HashTable {
// This class template implements a hash table providing fast lookup of
// an external, non-owned, array of values of (template parameter)
// 'TYPE'.
// The (template parameter) 'TYPE' shall have a transitive, symmetric
// 'operator==' function and it will be hashable using 'bslh::Hash'.
// Note that there is no requirement that it have any kind of creator
// defined.
// The 'HASHER' template parameter type must be a functor with a method
// having the following signature:
// size_t operator()(TYPE) const;
// -OR-
// size_t operator()(const TYPE&) const;
// and 'HASHER' shall have a publicly accessible default constructor
// and destructor. Here we use 'bslh::Hash' as our default template
// argument. This allows us to hash any type for which 'hashAppend'
// has been implemented.
// Note that this hash table has numerous simplifications because we
// know the size of the array and never have to resize the table.
const TYPE *d_values; // Array of values table is to
// hold
size_t d_numValues; // Length of 'd_values'.
const TYPE **d_bucketArray; // Contains ptrs into
// 'd_values'
size_t d_bucketArrayMask; // Will always be '2^N - 1'.
HASHER d_hasher;
bool lookup(size_t *idx,
const TYPE& value,
size_t hashValue) const;
// Look up the specified 'value', having the specified 'hashValue',
// and load its index in 'd_bucketArray' into the specified 'idx'.
// If not found, return the vacant entry in 'd_bucketArray' where
// it should be inserted. Return 'true' if 'value' is found and
// 'false' otherwise.
HashTable(const TYPE *valuesArray,
size_t numValues);
// Create a hash table referring to the specified 'valuesArray'
// having length of the specified 'numValues'. No value in
// 'valuesArray' shall have the same value as any of the other
// values in 'valuesArray'
// Free up memory used by this hash table.
bool contains(const TYPE& value) const;
// Return true if the specified 'value' is found in the table and
// false otherwise.

Next, we will create an array of boxes that we want to store in our hash table.

Box boxes[] = { Box(Point(1, 1), 3, 2),
Box(Point(3, 1), 4, 2),
Box(Point(1, 2), 3, 3),
Box(Point(1, 1), 2, 2),
Box(Point(1, 4), 4, 3),
Box(Point(2, 1), 4, 2),
Box(Point(1, 0), 3, 1)};
enum { NUM_BOXES = sizeof boxes / sizeof *boxes };

Then, we create our hash table hashTable. We pass we use the default functor which will pick up the hashAppend function we created:

HashTable<Box> hashTable(boxes, NUM_BOXES);

Now, we verify that each element in our array registers with count:

for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { ASSERT(hashTable.contains(boxes[i])); }

Finally, we verify that futures not in our original array are correctly identified as not being in the set:

ASSERT(!hashTable.contains(Box(Point(1, 1), 1, 1)));
ASSERT(!hashTable.contains(Box(Point(0, 0), 0, 0)));
ASSERT(!hashTable.contains(Box(Point(3, 3), 3, 3)));

Function Documentation

◆ computeHash()

template<class HASH_ALGORITHM >
bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::result_type bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::computeHash ( )

Forward the call to the identical manipulator of HASH_ALGORITHM and cast the return value to 'result_type.

◆ Hash_AdlWrapper()

template<class HASH_ALGORITHM >
bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::Hash_AdlWrapper ( )

Default construct an instance of the hash algorithm wrapped in this wrapper.

◆ operator()() [1/3]

template<class HASH_ALGORITHM >
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE >
void bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::operator() ( const ELEMENT_TYPE *  input,
size_t  numBytes 

Forward the call to the identical manipulator of HASH_ALGORITHM, passing on the specified input and numBytes.

◆ operator()() [2/3]

template<class HASH_ALGORITHM >
void bslh::Hash_AdlWrapper< HASH_ALGORITHM >::operator() ( const void *  input,
size_t  numBytes 

Forward the call to the identical manipulator of HASH_ALGORITHM, passing on the specified input and numBytes.

◆ operator()() [3/3]

template<class HASH_ALGORITHM = bslh::DefaultHashAlgorithm>
template<class TYPE >
bslh::Hash< HASH_ALGORITHM >::result_type bslh::Hash< HASH_ALGORITHM >::operator() ( TYPE const &  key) const