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Component bslstl_unorderedsetkeyconfiguration
[Package bslstl]

Provide a configuration class to use a whole object as its own key. More...


namespace  bslstl

Detailed Description

Provide a configuration class to use a whole object as its own key.
bslstl::UnorderedSetKeyConfiguration trivial identity transformation
See also:
Component bslstl_unorderedmapkeyconfiguration, Component bslalg_hashtableimputil
This component provides an identity transformation. bslalg::HashTableImpUtil has a static extractKey function template that, given a value type, will represent objects stored in a data structure, will abstract out the key type portion of that object. In the case of the unordered_set data structure, the key type and the value type are one and the same, so the extractKey transformation is a trivial identity transformation.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Using Multiple Extractors to Sort an Array on Different Keys:
Suppose we want to define a sort function which will work on a variety of different object types. The object has to have a key within it, possibly the whole object, which will compare with the key of other objects with a transitive < operator.
First, we define our function mySort, which takes two template args: VALUE_TYPE, the type of object being sorted, and KEY_EXTRACTOR, the utility class that will extra which part of the objects to be sorted is the key which will drive the sort:
  template <class VALUE_TYPE, class KEY_EXTRACTOR>
  void mySort(VALUE_TYPE *begin, VALUE_TYPE *end, const KEY_EXTRACTOR&)
      // This function provides an order-preserving sort of the items in the
      // range '[begin .. end)', where 'KEY_EXTRACTOR::extractKey' yields the
      // key being sorted over.  We require that 'VALUE_TYPE' support copy
      // construction and assignment.
      while (begin < --end) {
          for (VALUE_TYPE *it = begin; it < end; ++it) {
              if (KEY_EXTRACTOR::extractKey(it[1]) <
                                          KEY_EXTRACTOR::extractKey(it[0])) {
                  // they're in the wrong order -- swap them

                  VALUE_TYPE tmp(it[0]);
                  it[0] = it[1];
                  it[1] = tmp;

          // '*end' is now the highest element in the range '[begin .. end]',
          // so we only have to sort the elements before it in the next pass.
Then, we define StudentRecord, which keeps some vital statistics on students:
  struct StudentRecord {
      const char *d_name;
      double      d_gpa;
      int         d_age;
Next, we define two extractors for StudentRecord, which will yield the GPA or Age fields:
  struct StudentRecordGPAExtractor {
      const double& extractKey(const StudentRecord& record)
          return record.d_gpa;

  struct StudentRecordAgeExtractor {
      const int& extractKey(const StudentRecord& record)
          return record.d_age;
Then, in main, we create an array of StudentRecords describing a set of students, with their names, GPA's, and ages.
  StudentRecord studentArray[] = {
      { "Phil",  3.4, 19 },
      { "Bob",   2.7, 20 },
      { "Bill",  4.2, 21 },
      { "Stan",  1.9, 18 },
      { "Ann",   2.3, 21 },
      { "Julie", 2.3, 20 } };
  const int NUM_STUDENTS = sizeof studentArray / sizeof *studentArray;
Next, using our GPA extractor and our mySort function, we sort the students by GPA:
  StudentRecordGPAExtractor gpaExtractor;

  mySort(studentArray + 0,
         studentArray + NUM_STUDENTS,
Then, we print out the sorted array of students:
  if (verbose) {
      printf("\nList of students, lowest GPA first:\n");
      printf(  "===================================\n");

      printf("Name   GPA  AGE\n"
             "-----  ---  ---\n");
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STUDENTS; ++i) {
          const StudentRecord& record = studentArray[i];

          printf("%-5s  %g  %3d\n", record.d_name,
The output produced is:
  List of students, lowest GPA first:
                              Name   GPA  AGE
  -----  ---  ---
  Stan   1.9   18
  Ann    2.3   21
  Julie  2.3   20
  Bob    2.7   20
  Phil   3.4   19
  Bill   4.2   21
Note that Ann and Julie, who have the same GPA, are still in the same order as they were before the sort, as mySort was an order-preserving sort:
Next, we sort by age with our age extractor, and print out the results:
  StudentRecordAgeExtractor ageExtractor;

  mySort(studentArray + 0,
         studentArray + NUM_STUDENTS,

  if (verbose) {
      printf("\nList of students, youngest first:\n");
      printf(  "================================\n");

      printf("Name   GPA  AGE\n"
             "-----  ---  ---\n");
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STUDENTS; ++i) {
          const StudentRecord& record = studentArray[i];

          printf("%-5s  %g  %3d\n", record.d_name,
The output is:
  List of students, youngest first:
                              Name   GPA  AGE
  -----  ---  ---
  Stan   1.9   18
  Phil   3.4   19
  Julie  2.3   20
  Bob    2.7   20
  Ann    2.3   21
  Bill   4.2   21
Note again, the ordering of students with identical ages is preserved.
Then, we define an array full of integers to be sorted.
  int intArray[] = { 8, 3728, 2919, 27438, -2837, 18282, 34, -3 };
  const int NUM_INTS = sizeof intArray / sizeof *intArray;
Next, we want to sort the integers. In this case, the key being sorted on is the whole int, so we use bslstl::UnorderedSetKeyConfiguration<int> as our extractor: Now, we sort the array using our sort function and the extractor, and printout out the sorted array:
  mySort(intArray + 0, intArray + NUM_INTS, intExtractor);

  if (verbose) {
      printf("\nSorted integer array:\n"

      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INTS; ++i) {
          printf("%s%d", (i ? ", " : ""), intArray[i]);
Finally, we observe that the output produced is:
  Sorted integer array:
  -2837, -3, 8, 34, 2919, 3728, 18282, 27438