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Component bslma_managedptr_pairproxy
[Package bslma]

Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class. More...


namespace  bslma

Detailed Description

Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class.
bslma::ManagedPtr_PairProxy internal state of a bslma::ManagedPtr object
See also:
Component bslma_managedptr
This component provides a class, bslma::ManagedPtr_PairProxy, that can be used to create a bsl::pair with the same arguments. It is provided in order to support a (deprecated) legacy API in ManagedPtr as part of the transition from the bdema package to bslma. With the transition, the bslma managed pointer component is lower in the package group levelization than bsl::pair, so we instead return a type that is implicitly convertible to pair. Note that this implies that an implicit constructor has been added to bsl::pair.