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Component bslalg_bidirectionallinklistutil
[Package bslalg]

Provide utilities to maintain bidirectional list data structures. More...


namespace  bslalg

Detailed Description

Provide utilities to maintain bidirectional list data structures.
bslalg::BidirectionalLinkListUtil utilities to maintain linked lists
See also:
Component bslalg_bidirectionallink, Component bslalg_hashtableimputil
This component provides a namespace, bslalg::BidirectionalLinkListUtil, containing utility functions for operating on doubly linked lists with nodes of type bslalg::BidirectionalLink. The operations assume that the linked lists are either 0 terminated (on both ends) or terminate with sentinel (valid) nodes. The main operations include insertion and removal of a node from a list of nodes, and the splicing of ranges from one list into another one. Splicing is the operation of moving a sub-list, or range, of elements from one linked list and into a second list, at a specified position.
This section illustrates intended usage of this component.
Example 1: Creating and Using a List Template Class:
First, since Link neither has a constructor nor is a POD (which would make aggregate initialization possible), we create a function makeLink to assemble a link from two pointers:
  Link makeLink(Link *prev, Link *next)
      Link result;
      result.setNextLink(    next);

      return result;
Then, we create a function that will, passed two links that are endpoints of a linked list from the specified first to last though the nextLink pointers, count the number of nodes in the list including both endpoints.
  int length(Link *first, Link *last)
      int result = 0;
      Link *p = first;
      while (p && ++result && last != p) {
          p = p->nextLink();

      return result;
Next, in our main, we declare a typedef for the component name and a a constant invalid garbage pointer we use when we want data to be garbage.
  typedef BidirectionalLinkListUtil Util;
  Link * const invalid = (Link *) 0XBADDEED5;
Then, we create a linked list of links and use isWellFormed to verify that it is well formed, and call the length method we just created to verify its length.
  Link usageData[] = {
      makeLink(0,             &usageData[1]),
      makeLink(&usageData[0], &usageData[2]),
      makeLink(&usageData[1], &usageData[3]),
      makeLink(&usageData[2], 0            )  };

  assert(Util::isWellFormed(      &usageData[0], &usageData[3]));
  assert(4 == length(&usageData[0], &usageData[3]));
Next, we create two new links front and back, and initialize them with garbage:
  Link front = makeLink(invalid, invalid);
  Link back  = makeLink(invalid, invalid);
Then, we use our component's insertLinkBeforeTarget and insertLinkAfterTarget to concatenate front to the front of the list and back to its rear:
  Util::insertLinkBeforeTarget(&front, &usageData[0]);
  Util::insertLinkAfterTarget( &back,  &usageData[3]);
Next, We examine the new list and verify we now have a well-formed list, 2 longer than the old list:
  assert(0 == front.previousLink());
  assert(0 == back .nextLink());
  assert(Util::isWellFormed(          &front, &back));
  assert(6 == length(&front, &back));
Then, we use our component's unlink method to remove two nodes from our list. Note that the state of the removed nodes is undefined:
Next, we verify that the new list is well formed and 2 elements shorter than it was before we removed those two nodes:
  assert(Util::isWellFormed(&front, &back));
  assert(4 == length(&front, &back));
Then, we weave the two discarded nodes into a new, second list of two nodes, and use isWellFormed and length to verify it is as we expect:
  usageData[1] = makeLink(0, &usageData[3]);
  usageData[3] = makeLink(&usageData[1], 0);
  assert(Util::isWellFormed(&usageData[1], &usageData[3]));
  assert(2 ==        length(&usageData[1], &usageData[3]));
Next, we use our component's spliceListBeforeTarget method to remove the middle nodes from the longer list and append them to the end of shorter list. Note that the splicing function not only adds the sequence to the new list, it also splices the list the sequence is removed from so that both are well-formed lists:
Then, we use isWellFormed and length to verify the state of our two lists:
  assert(Util::isWellFormed(&usageData[1], &usageData[3]));
  assert(4 ==        length(&usageData[1], &usageData[3]));

  assert(Util::isWellFormed(&front, &back));
  assert(2 ==        length(&front, &back));
Next, we call spliceListBeforeTarget again to join our two lists into one:
Now, we use isWellFormed and length to verify the state of our one remaining list:
  assert(Util::isWellFormed(&front, &back));
  assert(6 ==        length(&front, &back));
  assert(0 == front.previousLink());
  assert(0 == back .nextLink());
Finally, we traverse our list in both directions, examining each node to verify all the links and that the sequence is as expected:
  Link *p = &front;
  assert(0 == p->previousLink());
  p = p->nextLink();
  assert(&usageData[1] == p);
  p = p->nextLink();
  assert(&usageData[0] == p);
  p = p->nextLink();
  assert(&usageData[2] == p);
  p = p->nextLink();
  assert(&usageData[3] == p);
  p = p->nextLink();
  assert(&back         == p);
  assert(0 == p->nextLink());

  p = p->previousLink();
  assert(&usageData[3] == p);
  p = p->previousLink();
  assert(&usageData[2] == p);
  p = p->previousLink();
  assert(&usageData[0] == p);
  p = p->previousLink();
  assert(&usageData[1] == p);
  p = p->previousLink();
  assert(&front        == p);
  assert(0 == p->previousLink());