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Component bdljsn_error
[Package bdljsn]

Provide a description of an error processing a document. More...


namespace  bdljsn

Detailed Description

Provide a description of an error processing a document.
bdljsn::Error a description of a document processing error
See also:
Component bdljsn_jsonutil, Component bdljsn_json
This component provides a single, un-constrained (value-semantic) attribute class, bdljsn::Error, that is used to describe an error in the occured processing a (JSON) document.
  Name                Type          Default
  ------------------  -----------   -------
  location            Location      Location(0)
  message             string        ""
  • location: the location in the document where the error occured
  • message: a description of the error that occured
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Populating an bdljsn::Error Object:
This component is designed to describe an error that occured when processing a (JSON) document. Suppose we are implementing a function, extractIntegerToken, that parses a numeric token and obtains an int value:
First, we define the function signature:
  int extractIntegerToken(int              *value,
                          bdljsn::Error    *error,
                          bsl::string_view  inputText)
      // Load to the specified 'value' the 'int' value represented by the
      // specified 'inputText'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value
      // otherwise with no effect on '*value' and the specified 'error' is
      // set.

      enum { e_SUCCESS, e_FAILURE };
      // ...
Then, we attempt to exact a int value from the inputText:
      int                                      result;
      bsl::pair<MyParseStatus::Enum, unsigned> status =
                                 MyNumericUtil::parseInt(&result, inputText);
Now, we check the parse status and if unsuccessful, we use the status information to set the bsljsn::Error object expected by our caller:
      if (MyParseStatus::e_OK != status.first) {
          unsigned position = status.second;
          return e_FAILURE;                                         // RETURN
Finally, if the parse was successful, set the output parameter and return with status value that indicates success.
      *value = result;
      return e_SUCCESS;