BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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Detailed Description



Provide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.


See also
bslma_sharedptr, bslma_sharedptr_rep, bslma_sharedptroutofplacerep


This component provides a concrete implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep for managing objects of the parameterized TYPE that are stored in-place in the representation . Thus, only one memory allocation is required to create both the representation and the managed object. When all references to the in-place object are released (using releaseRef), the destructor of TYPE is invoked.

Thread Safety

bslma::SharedPtrInplaceRep is thread-safe provided that disposeObject and disposeRep are not called explicitly, meaning that all non-creator operations other than disposeObject and disposeRep on a given instance can be safely invoked simultaneously from multiple threads (disposeObject and disposeRep are meant to be invoked only by releaseRef and releaseWeakRef). Note that there is no thread safety guarantees for operations on the managed object contained in bslma::SharedPtrInplaceRep.


The following example demonstrates how to implement a shared bdlt::Datetime using bslma::SharedPtrInplaceRep:

class MySharedDatetimePtr {
// This class provide a reference counted smart pointer to support
// shared ownership of a 'bdlt::Datetime' object.
bdlt::Datetime *d_ptr_p; // pointer to the managed object
bslma::SharedPtrRep *d_rep_p; // pointer to the representation object
MySharedDatetimePtr& operator=(const MySharedDatetimePtr&);
// Create an empty shared datetime.
MySharedDatetimePtr(bdlt::Datetime* ptr, bslma::SharedPtrRep* rep);
// Create a shared datetime that adopts ownership of the specified
// 'ptr' and the specified 'rep.
MySharedDatetimePtr(const MySharedDatetimePtr& original);
// Create a shared datetime that refers to the same object managed
// by the specified 'original'
// Destroy this shared datetime and release the reference to the
// 'bdlt::Datetime' object to which it might be referring. If this
// is the last shared reference, deleted the managed object.
void createInplace(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator,
int year,
int month,
int day);
// Create a new 'bslma::SharedPtrInplaceRep', using the specified
// 'basicAllocator' to supply memory, using the specified 'year',
// 'month' and 'day' to initialize the 'bdlt::Datetime' within the
// newly created 'bslma::SharedPtrInplaceRep', and make this
// object refer to the newly created 'bdlt::Datetime' object.
bdlt::Datetime& operator*() const;
// Return a reference offering modifiable access to the shared
// 'bdlt::Datetime' object.
bdlt::Datetime *operator->() const;
// Return the address of the modifiable 'bdlt::Datetime' to which
// this object refers.
bdlt::Datetime *ptr() const;
// Return the address of the modifiable 'bdlt::Datetime' to which
// this object refers.
Definition bdlt_datetime.h:331
Definition bslma_allocator.h:457
Definition bslma_sharedptrrep.h:338

Finally, we define the implementation.

: d_ptr_p(0)
, d_rep_p(0)
MySharedDatetimePtr::MySharedDatetimePtr(bdlt::Datetime *ptr,
: d_ptr_p(ptr)
, d_rep_p(rep)
const MySharedDatetimePtr& original)
: d_ptr_p(original.d_ptr_p)
, d_rep_p(original.d_rep_p)
if (d_ptr_p) {
} else {
d_rep_p = 0;
if (d_rep_p) {
void MySharedDatetimePtr::createInplace(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator,
int year,
int month,
int day)
basicAllocator = bslma::Default::allocator(basicAllocator);
bslma::SharedPtrInplaceRep<bdlt::Datetime> *rep = new (*basicAllocator)
MySharedDatetimePtr temp(rep->ptr(), rep);
bsl::swap(d_ptr_p, temp.d_ptr_p);
bsl::swap(d_rep_p, temp.d_rep_p);
bdlt::Datetime& MySharedDatetimePtr::operator*() const {
return *d_ptr_p;
bdlt::Datetime *MySharedDatetimePtr::operator->() const {
return d_ptr_p;
bdlt::Datetime *MySharedDatetimePtr::ptr() const {
return d_ptr_p;
Definition bslma_sharedptrinplacerep.h:232
TYPE * ptr()
Definition bslma_sharedptrinplacerep.h:440
void swap(array< VALUE_TYPE, SIZE > &lhs, array< VALUE_TYPE, SIZE > &rhs)
static Allocator * allocator(Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
Definition bslma_default.h:897