BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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Detailed Description



Provide a utility of hash functions.


See also
bdlc_hashtable2, bdeimp_inthash, bdeimp_strhash, bdlde_crc32


This component defines a utility struct, bdlb::HashUtil, that provides two hash functions, hash1 and hash2. These hash functions have a good funneling property, which can be formalized as documented below (see {Definitions and Formal Statement of No-Funneling Property}). In short, these hashes have the property that even if two inputs differ in only a few bits, they have a negligible probability of producing collisions. In addition, these two hash functions produce full 32-bit results and allow hash table sizes to be a power of two. They are fast and reliable. They should work equally well on all types of keys.

The two hash functions hash1 and hash2 have similar characteristics. hash2 is a bit faster than hash1, especially for longer keys; it also does not produce many collisions as determined experimentally for the key types given in the example below. On the other hand, it does not have the formal no-funnel guarantees of hash1 which is reasonably fast and provably achieves low collision probability.

Furthermore, this component provides a third hash function hash0 that performs a simple hash by taking the modulus of a user specified size on the input key. This hash function has a poor distribution, as the function exhibits a clustering effect when the input keys only differ slightly. However, hash0 is about 6 to 8 times faster than hash1 and hash2.

In general, use hash0 when speed matters, and hash1 or hash2 when a more thorough hash is needed (e.g., keys exhibit a pattern that results in many collision when using bdeimp, or cost of collision is high but hashing is not a bottleneck).

Hashing Fundamental Types

In order to facilitate hashing user-defined types (see next section), this component supports hashing fundamental types in a manner that is both seemingly random (i.e., the hash is good) but predictable (i.e., identical on all platforms, irrespective of endianness). Note that the following expressions for some key of a fundamental integral type:

bdlb::HashUtil::hash1((const char *)&key, sizeof(key)); // not recommended
bdlb::HashUtil::hash2((const char *)&key, sizeof(key)); // not recommended
static unsigned int hash2(const char *data, int length)
static unsigned int hash1(const char *data, int length)

return values that differ on big- and little-endian platforms if the key size is more than one byte. Instead, the recommended way to hash this key is simply to:

This works if key is of one of the following fundamental types:

char, signed char, unsigned char,
short, unsigned short,
int, unsigned int,
long, unsigned long,
float, double,
const void *
unsigned long long Uint64
Definition bsls_types.h:137
long long Int64
Definition bsls_types.h:132

Hashing User-defined Types

This component can be used for hashing a user-defined type as well. The recommended way to do this is to provide a hash class method for the type, that takes an instance of the class and a size. For instance, let us consider the following class (the meaning and implementation are irrelevant here) with the following private data members:

/// This class is an aggregate.
class UserDefinedTickerType {
enum { CUSIP_LENGTH = 10 };
bool d_isConstant; // not recommended, because of padding
char d_cusip[CUSIP_LENGTH];
int d_value;

A hash class method can be provided and documented as follows:

// Return a hash value calculated from the specified `object` using
// the specified `size` as the number of slots. The hash value
// is guaranteed to be in the range [0, size).
static int hash(const UserDefinedTickerType& object, int size);
// Rest of the class definition omitted...

The implementation of hash can be very simple, depending on the semantics of the class. Here we assume that d_isConstant is an implementation detail and that data members d_cusip and d_value should participate in the hash and that the character string should be hashed by value. The implementation follows:

int UserDefinedTickerType::hash(const UserDefinedTickerType& object,
int size)
return (bdlb::HashUtil::hash1(object.d_cusip, CUSIP_LENGTH) +
bdlb::HashUtil::hash1(object.d_value)) % size;

Note that more intricate combinations of the individual hashes in the aggregate can be appropriate if the individual members in the aggregate my exhibit a pattern.

CAVEAT: When hashing user-defined classes, because of the potential padding in the class footprint, the simple-minded hashes

const UserDefinedTickerType& key;
bdlb::HashUtil::hash1((const char *)&key, sizeof(key)); // wrong, because
bdlb::HashUtil::hash2((const char *)&key, sizeof(key)); // of padding

may actually not produce the same hash values for copies of the same object.

Definitions and Formal Statement of No-Funneling Property

Let us say a given bit in the input affects a given bit in the output (which has v bits) if two keys differing only at that input bit will differ at the given output bit about half the time. We define a hash to be a funneling hash if there is some subset of size t of all the input bits that can affect only a subset of size u of bits in the output, and t > u and v > u, and we say that the hash function has a funnel of those t input bits into those u bits. In that case, then u of those t bits can cancel out the effects of the other t - u, and so the set of keys differing only in the input bits of the funnel can produce no more than half that number of hash values. (Those 2^t keys can produce no more than 2^u out of 2^v hash values.) Differing in only a few bits is a common pattern in human and computer keys, so a funneling hash is seriously flawed.

This component offers a hash function (hash1) that has no funnels, except for a funnel of 32 bits into 31 bits, which is a negligible vulnerability. The hash2 does not have known no-funneling properties, but operates on the same principle and is just as good (and faster) in experiments with chaining as in the usage below. In addition, these two hash functions produce full 32-bit results and allow hash table sizes to be a power of two.

For further details and references, the interested reader is invited to consult


This section illustrates intended use of this component.

Examples Introduction

We illustrate the usage of this component by some experiments (code and results) on the number of collision expected for various usage. For returning the results of an experiment, we will use the following structure:

struct ExperimentalResult {
int d_max; // maximum length of a chain
double d_average; // average length of a chain
double d_sigma; // standard deviation
/// Create an experimental result reporting the optionally specified
/// `max`, `avg`, and `sigma` values.
ExperimentalResult(int max = 0, double avg = 0, double sigma = 0)
: d_max(max), d_average(avg), d_sigma(sigma)

For generating the data, we use a parameterized GENERATOR of which we give three implementations below (sequential integers, character strings, and multiple-field keys). This template parameter needs to validate the following syntactic expressions, which we call in this usage example our GeneratorConcept. In those requirements, generator is an instance of GENERATOR.

const char *data =; // address of storage of current
// value
int length = generator.length(); // length of storage of current
// value; // advance to next value

Example 1: Using Chaining

The following code will check the number of collisions for a chaining-based hash table given a certain distribution of keys:

/// Simulate insertion of the specified `numElements` generated by the
/// specified `input` generator into a hash table of the specified
/// `size` using chaining as the mechanism to resolve collisions.
/// Return the results (maximum and average length of a chain, with
/// standard deviation). `GENERATOR` must be a model of the
/// `GeneratorConcept`. For the good functioning of this function, it
/// is required that `input` never be default nor repeat itself.
template <class GENERATOR>
ExperimentalResult computeChainingCollisions(int numElements,
int size,
bsl::vector<int> table(size); // all counters are init'ed to 0
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i, {
unsigned int hash = Util::hash1(,
++table[hash % size];
double avgLength = 0; // average number of collisions
double sigmaLength = 0; // standard deviation from average
int maxLength = 0; // maximum length of a chain
for (int k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
avgLength += table[k];
sigmaLength += table[k] * table[k];
maxLength = bsl::max(maxLength, table[k]);
avgLength /= size;
sigmaLength = bsl::sqrt(sigmaLength / size - avgLength * avgLength);
return ExperimentalResult(maxLength, avgLength, sigmaLength);
Definition bslstl_vector.h:1025
bsl::size_t size(const TYPE &array)
Return the number of elements in the specified array.

Example 2: Using Double-Hashing

The following code will check the number of collisions for a double-hashing based hash table (such as bdlc_hashtable2 ) given a certain distribution of keys:

/// Simulate insertion of the specified `numElements` generated by the
/// specified `input` generator into a hash table of the specified
/// `size` using double hashing as the mechanism to resolve collisions.
/// Return the results (maximum and average length of a chain, with
/// standard deviation). `GENERATOR` must be a model of the
/// `GeneratorConcept`. For the good functioning of this function, it
/// is required that `input` never be default nor repeat itself.
template <class GENERATOR>
ExperimentalResult computeDoubleHashingCollisions(int numElements,
int size,
typedef typename GENERATOR::ResultType ResultType;
bsl::vector<ResultType> table(size); // all counters are default-ct'ed
double avgLength = 0; // average number of collisions
double sigmaLength = 0; // standard deviation from average
int maxLength = 0; // maximum length of a chain
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i, {
unsigned int hash1 = Util::hash1(,
int chainLength = 0;
int bucket = hash1 % size;
if (ResultType() == table[bucket]) {
table[bucket] = input.current();
} else {
unsigned int hash2 = Util::hash2(,
hash2 = 1 + hash2 % (size - 1);
while (++chainLength < size) {
bucket = (bucket + hash2) % size;
if (ResultType() == table[bucket]) {
table[bucket] = input.current();
break; // while loop
if (chainLength == size) {
bsl::cerr << "\tCould not insert in doubly-hashed table\n";
avgLength = bsl::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
sigmaLength = bsl::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
maxLength = static_cast<int>(
return ExperimentalResult(maxLength, avgLength, sigmaLength);
avgLength += chainLength;
sigmaLength += chainLength * chainLength;
maxLength = bsl::max(maxLength, chainLength);
avgLength /= numElements;
sigmaLength = bsl::sqrt(sigmaLength / numElements
- avgLength * avgLength);
return ExperimentalResult(maxLength, avgLength, sigmaLength);

Example 3: Creating a Generator of Sequential Integers

Here is a simple generator that returns a sequence of integers. This generator has a period of INT_MAX / gcd(increment, INT_MAX+1).

class SequentialIntegers {
int d_current;
int d_inc;
typedef int ResultType;
// Type returned by this generator.
// Create a generator returning integers in a sequence starting at
// the optionally specified `first` integer, with the optionally
// specified `increment`.
explicit SequentialIntegers(int first = 1, int increment = 1)
: d_current(first), d_inc(increment) {}
/// Advance to the next element.
void next()
d_current += d_inc;
/// Return current element.
ResultType current() const
return d_current;
/// Return data buffer of result type.
const char *data() const
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&d_current);
/// Return length of result type (in bytes).
int length() const
return sizeof(ResultType);
Definition bslstl_iterator.h:1231

Example 4: Creating a Character String Generator

Here is a simple generator that returns a sequence of strings that are a permutation of an initial string. This generator has a period of factorial(initial.length()) where factorial(N) returns the number of permutations of N distinct elements.

class SequentialStrings {
size_t d_length;
bsl::string d_current;
typedef bsl::string ResultType;
// Type returned by this generator.
/// Create a generator returning strings in a sequence starting at
/// the specified `initial` string (sorted by characters) and
/// looping through all permutations of `str`. The behavior is
/// undefined unless all the characters of the `initial` string are
/// distinct.
explicit SequentialStrings(bsl::string const& initial)
: d_length(initial.length()), d_current(initial)
bsl::sort(d_current.begin(), d_current.end());
assert(bsl::unique(d_current.begin(), d_current.end()) ==
/// Advance to the next element.
void next()
bsl::next_permutation(d_current.begin(), d_current.end());
/// Return current element.
ResultType current() const
return d_current;
/// Return data buffer of result type.
const char *data() const
/// Return length of result type (in bytes).
size_t length() const
return d_current.length();
Definition bslstl_string.h:1281
size_type length() const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
Definition bslstl_string.h:6601
Return the past-the-end iterator for this modifiable string.
Definition bslstl_string.h:5452
Definition bslstl_string.h:6477
void swap(basic_string &other) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION(AllocatorTraits const_iterator begin() const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
Definition bslstl_string.h:2533

Example 5: Creating a Multiple-Field Keys Generator

It is not uncommon for keys to consist of concatenated keys in multiple combinations. We simulate this by a character string in which each character loops through a specified number of values. The period of this generator is the product of the length of each character range.

struct SequentialVector {
size_t d_length;
bsl::string d_current;
typedef bsl::string ResultType;
// Type returned by this generator.
/// Create a generator returning strings having the same length as
/// the specified `ranges` (i.e., `ranges.size()`) in a sequence
/// starting at the string with all null characters and looping
/// through all the strings with each character at position `i` in
/// the specified range from 0 until `ranges[i]` (excluded). The
/// behavior is undefined unless `ranges` does not contain zero
/// entries.
explicit SequentialVector(bsl::vector<char> const& ranges)
: d_ranges(ranges)
, d_length(ranges.size())
, d_current(d_length, (char)0)
/// Advance to the next element.
void next()
for (size_t i = 0;
i < d_length && ++d_current[i] == d_ranges[i]; ++i) {
d_current[i] = 0;
/// Return current element.
ResultType current() const
return d_current;
/// Return data buffer of current value.
const char *data() const
/// Return length of current value (in bytes).
size_t length() const
return d_current.length();

Example 6: Experimental Results

Checking the above distributions is done in a straightforward manner. We do this at various load factors (the load factor is the percentage of the table that actually holds data; it is defined as N / SIZE where N is the number of elements and SIZE is the size of the hash table). Note that chaining accommodates arbitrary load factors, while double hashing requires that the load factor be strictly less than 1.

int usageExample(int verbose, int veryVerbose, int /* veryVeryVerbose */) {
const int SIZE = 10000;
const int INC = SIZE / 5; // load factors for every 20% percentile
const int COLS = (4*SIZE)/INC;
ExperimentalResult results[3][COLS];
if (verbose) cout << "\nUsing chaining"
<< "\n--------------" << endl;
if (verbose) cout << "Sequential Integers\n";
for (int n = INC, i = 0; n < 4*SIZE; n += INC, ++i) {
if (veryVerbose)
cout << "\tWith load factor " <<
static_cast<double>(n) / SIZE << "\n";
results[0][i] = computeChainingCollisions(
assert(results[0][i].d_average < 1.5 * n / SIZE);
if (verbose) cout << "\t... in " << timer.elapsedTime() << "\n";
if (verbose) cout << "Sequential Strings\n";
for (int n = INC, i = 0; n < 4*SIZE; n += INC, ++i) {
if (veryVerbose)
cout << "\tWith load factor " <<
static_cast<double>(n) / SIZE << "\n";
bsl::string initial("abcdefghij"); // period = 10! = 3628800
results[1][i] = computeChainingCollisions(
assert(results[1][i].d_average < 1.5 * n / SIZE);
if (verbose) cout << "\t... in " << timer.elapsedTime() << "\n";
if (verbose) cout << "Sequential Vector\n";
for (int n = INC, i = 0; n < 4*SIZE; n += INC, ++i) {
if (veryVerbose)
cout << "\tWith load factor " <<
static_cast<double>(n) / SIZE << "\n";
bsl::vector<char> ranges(6, static_cast<char>(4));
// period = 4^6 = 4096
results[2][i] = computeChainingCollisions(
assert(results[2][i].d_average < 1.5 * n / SIZE);
if (verbose) cout << "\t... in " << timer.elapsedTime() << "\n";
if (verbose) {
cout << "\nDisplaying average (max) for chaining:";
cout << "\n--------------------------------------n";
const char *ROW_LABELS[] = { "\nIntegers:",
"\nStrings :",
"\nVector :",
"\nLoad factor:",
const int NUM_ROWS = sizeof ROW_LABELS
/ sizeof *ROW_LABELS - 1;
cout << ROW_LABELS[NUM_ROWS] << bsl::setprecision(2);
for (int n = INC; n < 4*SIZE; n += INC) {
cout << "\t" << static_cast<double>(n) / SIZE;
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_ROWS; ++j) {
cout << ROW_LABELS[j];
for (int i = 0; i < COLS; ++i) {
cout << "\t" << results[j][i].d_average;
cout << "(" << results[j][i].d_max << ")";
cout << "\n";
Definition bsls_stopwatch.h:149
void start(bool collectCpuTimes=false)
Definition bsls_stopwatch.h:348
void reset()
Definition bsls_stopwatch.h:339
double elapsedTime() const
Definition bsls_stopwatch.h:427

We repeat the same steps with double hashing, except that due to the nature of the collision-resolution mechanism, the tolerance for the average must be slightly increased to 2.5 times the load factor, when the load factor is high.

// const int SIZE = 1000003; // must be a prime number
const int SIZE = 10007; // must be a prime number
const int INC = SIZE / 5; // load factors for every 20% percentile
const int COLS = SIZE/INC;
ExperimentalResult results[3][COLS];
if (verbose) cout << "\nUsing double hashing"
<< "\n--------------------" << endl;
if (verbose) cout << "Sequential Integers\n";
for (int n = INC/2, i = 0; n < SIZE; n += INC, ++i) {
if (veryVerbose)
cout << "\tWith load factor " <<
static_cast<double>(n) / SIZE << "\n";
results[0][i] = computeDoubleHashingCollisions(
assert(results[0][i].d_average < 2.5 * n / SIZE);
if (verbose) cout << "\t... in " << timer.elapsedTime() << "\n";
if (verbose) cout << "Sequential Strings\n";
for (int n = INC/2, i = 0; n < SIZE; n += INC, ++i) {
if (veryVerbose)
cout << "\tWith load factor " <<
static_cast<double>(n) / SIZE << "\n";
bsl::string initial("abcdefghij"); // period = 10! = 3628800
results[1][i] = computeDoubleHashingCollisions(
assert(results[1][i].d_average < 2.5 * n / SIZE);
if (verbose) cout << "\t... in " << timer.elapsedTime() << "\n";
if (verbose) cout << "Sequential Vector\n";
for (int n = INC/2, i = 0; n < SIZE; n += INC, ++i) {
if (veryVerbose)
cout << "\tWith load factor " <<
static_cast<double>(n) / SIZE << "\n";
bsl::vector<char> ranges(7, static_cast<char>(8));
// period = 8^7 = 2097152
results[2][i] = computeDoubleHashingCollisions(
assert(results[2][i].d_average < 2.5 * n / SIZE);
if (verbose) cout << "\t... in " << timer.elapsedTime() << "\n";
if (verbose) {
cout << "\nDisplaying average (max) for double-hashing:";
cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n";
const char *ROW_LABELS[] = { "\nIntegers:",
"\nStrings :",
"\nVector :",
"\nLoad factor:",
const int NUM_ROWS = sizeof ROW_LABELS
/ sizeof *ROW_LABELS -1;
cout << ROW_LABELS[NUM_ROWS] << bsl::setprecision(2);
for (int n = INC/2; n < SIZE; n += INC) {
cout << "\t" << static_cast<double>(n) / SIZE;
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_ROWS; ++j) {
cout << ROW_LABELS[j];
for (int i = 0; i < COLS; ++i) {
cout << "\t" << results[j][i].d_average;
cout << "(" << results[j][i].d_max << ")";
cout << "\n";
return 0;

The above code produces the following results. The results for chaining are identical for hash1 (used in the code above) or hash2 (code identical except hash2 is used in place of hash1 in computeChainingCollisions).

Displaying average(max) for chaining:
Load factor: 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Integers: 0.2(3) 0.4(5) 0.6(6) 0.8(6) 1(7) 1.2(7) 1.4(8)
Strings : 0.2(4) 0.4(4) 0.6(5) 0.8(7) 1(7) 1.2(7) 1.4(7)
Vector : 0.2(5) 0.4(5) 0.6(10) 0.8(10) 1(15) 1.2(15) 1.4(20)
Load factor: 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Integers: 1.6(9) 1.8(9) 2(10) 2.2(10) 2.4(10) 2.6(10) 2.8(11)
Strings : 1.6(7) 1.8(8) 2(9) 2.2(11) 2.4(11) 2.6(11) 2.8(11)
Vector : 1.6(20) 1.8(24) 2(25) 2.2(29) 2.4(30) 2.6(34) 2.8(35)
Load factor: 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8
Integers: 3(11) 3.2(11) 3.4(12) 3.6(12) 3.8(13)
Strings : 3(12) 3.2(12) 3.4(13) 3.6(13) 3.8(13)
Vector : 3(39) 3.2(40) 3.4(42) 3.6(45) 3.8(46)
Displaying average(max) for double-hashing:
Load factor: 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
Integers: 0.046(2) 0.20(4) 0.37(10) 0.71(15) 1.6(59)
Strings : 0.064(2) 0.20(6) 0.40(12) 0.75(18) 1.6(50)
Vector : 0.05(2) 0.19(5) 0.58(9) 1.20(15) 2.4(64)