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Component bdlb_nullableallocatedvalue
[Package bdlb]

Provide a template for nullable allocated (out-of-place) objects. More...


namespace  bdlb

Detailed Description

Provide a template for nullable allocated (out-of-place) objects.
bdlb::NullableAllocatedValue template for nullable allocated objects
See also:
Component bdlb_nullablevalue
This component provides a template class, bdlb::NullableAllocatedValue<TYPE>, that has nearly the same interface as bdlb::NullableValue (see bdlb_nullablevalue), but, in contrast with that template class, the implementation of bdlb::NullableAllocatedValue does not require that the TYPE parameter be a complete type when the class is instantiated. However, the template parameter TYPE must be complete when methods of the class (and free operators) are instantiated.
Note that, as a consequence, the object of template parameter TYPE that is managed by a bdlb::NullableAllocatedValue<TYPE> object is necessarily allocated out-of-place. This implies that an allocator is in effect for any bdlb::NullableAllocatedValue<TYPE> object, regardless of the TYPE. In particular, a bdlb::NullableAllocatedValue<int> object, for example, incurs use of the default allocator (in effect at the time of creation of the object) unless an alternative allocator is supplied at construction.
The following snippets of code illustrate use of this component.
Suppose we want to create a linked list of nodes that contain integers:
  struct LinkedListNode {
      int                                          d_value;
      bdlb::NullableAllocatedValue<LinkedListNode> d_next;
Note that bdlb::NullableValue<LinkedListNode> cannot be used for d_next because bdlb::NullableValue requires that the template parameter TYPE be a complete type when the class is instantiated.
We can now traverse a linked list and add a new value at the end using the following code:
  void addValueAtEnd(LinkedListNode *node, int value)
      while (!node->d_next.isNull()) {
          node = &node->d_next.value();

      node = &node->d_next.value();
      node->d_value = value;