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Component bsls_alignment
[Package bsls]

Provide a namespace for enumerating memory alignment strategies. More...


namespace  bsls

Detailed Description

Provide a namespace for enumerating memory alignment strategies.
bsls::Alignment namespace for enumerated alignment strategy values
See also:
Component bsls_alignmentutil
This component provides a namespace, bsls::Alignment, for enumerating alignment strategies, and provides a function, toAscii, that converts each of the enumerators to its corresponding string representation.
Alignment Strategy:
This component supports three alignment strategies: 1) MAXIMUM ALIGNMENT, 2) NATURAL ALIGNMENT, and 3) 1-BYTE ALIGNMENT.
  1. MAXIMUM ALIGNMENT: This strategy, as indicated by the enumerator BSLS_MAXIMUM, specifies that a memory block be aligned as per the most restrictive alignment requirement on the host platform.
  2. NATURAL ALIGNMENT: This strategy, as indicated by the enumerator BSLS_NATURAL, specifies that a memory block be aligned based on the size (in bytes) of that block. An object of a fundamental type (int, etc.) is naturally aligned when its size evenly divides its address. An object of an aggregate type has natural alignment if the alignment of the most-restrictively aligned sub-object evenly divides the address of the aggregate. Natural alignment is always at least as restrictive as the compiler's required alignment.
  3. 1-BYTE ALIGNMENT: This strategy, as indicated by the enumerator BSLS_BYTEALIGNED, specifies that a memory block may be aligned arbitrarily on any 1-byte boundary. This is the least restrictive alignment requirement.
Suppose that we want to create a static function, allocateFromBuffer, that takes a buffer, the size of the buffer, a cursor indicating a position within the buffer, an allocation request size, and a memory alignment strategy; allocateFromBuffer returns a pointer to a block of memory, wholly contained within the buffer, having the specified size and alignment. As a side-effect, the cursor is updated to refer to the next available free byte in the buffer. Such a function could be used by a memory manager to satisfy allocation requests from internally-managed buffers. Clients of this function indicate which alignment strategy to use based on their specific requirements.
Our allocateFromBuffer function depends on an alignment utility, my_AlignmentUtil, whose minimal interface is limited to that required by this usage example. (See the bsls_alignmentutil component for a more realistic alignment utility.):
  struct my_AlignmentUtil {
      // This 'struct' provides a namespace for basic types and utilities
      // related to memory alignment.

      // TYPES
      enum {
          // Provide the *minimal* value that satisfies the alignment
          // requirements for *all* types on the host platform.  Note that 8
          // is used for illustration purposes only; an actual implementation
          // would employ template meta-programming to deduce the value at
          // compile time.

      static int calculateAlignmentFromSize(int size);
          // Calculate a usable alignment for a memory block of the specified
          // 'size' (in bytes) in the absence of compile-time knowledge of
          // the block's alignment requirements.  Return the largest power of
          // two that evenly divides 'size', up to a maximum of
          // 'MY_MAX_PLATFORM_ALIGNMENT'.  It is guaranteed that a block of
          // 'size' bytes can be safely aligned on the return value.   The
          // behavior is undefined unless '0 < size'.

      static int calculateAlignmentOffset(const void *address,
                                          int         alignment);
          // Return the smallest non-negative offset (in bytes) that, when
          // added to the specified 'address', yields the specified
          // 'alignment'.  The behavior is undefined unless '0 != alignment'
          // and 'alignment' is a non-negative, integral power of 2.
The definition of our allocateFromBuffer function is as follows:
  static void *allocateFromBuffer(int                       *cursor,
                                  char                      *buffer,
                                  int                        bufferSize,
                                  int                        size,
                                  bsls::Alignment::Strategy  strategy)
      // Allocate a memory block of the specified 'size' (in bytes) from the
      // specified 'buffer' having the specified 'bufferSize' at the
      // specified 'cursor' position, using the specified alignment
      // 'strategy'.  Return the address of the allocated memory block if
      // 'buffer' contains sufficient available memory, and 0 otherwise.  The
      // 'cursor' is set to the first byte position immediately after the
      // allocated memory (which might be 1 byte past the end of 'buffer') if
      // there is sufficient memory, and is not modified otherwise.  The
      // behavior is undefined unless '0 <= bufferSize', '0 < size', and
      // 'cursor' refers to a valid position in 'buffer'.
First we assert the function pre-conditions:
      assert(0 <= bufferSize);
      assert(0 < size);
Then, based on the alignment strategy, we calculate the alignment value that can satisfy the allocation request. In the case of bsls::Alignment::BSLS_NATURAL, we calculate the alignment from size; for bsls::Alignment::BSLS_MAXIMUM, we use the platform-dependent my_AlignmentUtil::MY_MAX_PLATFORM_ALIGNMENT value; and for bsls::Alignment::BSLS_BYTEALIGNED, we simply use 1:
      const int alignment =
                         strategy == bsls::Alignment::BSLS_NATURAL
                         ? my_AlignmentUtil::calculateAlignmentFromSize(size)
                         : strategy == bsls::Alignment::BSLS_MAXIMUM
                           ? my_AlignmentUtil::MY_MAX_PLATFORM_ALIGNMENT
                           : 1;
Now we calculate the offset from the current cursor value that can satisfy the alignment requirements:
      const int offset = my_AlignmentUtil::calculateAlignmentOffset(
                                                            buffer + *cursor,
Next we check if the available free memory in buffer can satisfy the allocation request; 0 is returned if the request cannot be satisfied:
      if (*cursor + offset + size > bufferSize) {
          return 0;                                                 // RETURN

      void *result = &buffer[*cursor + offset];
      *cursor += offset + size;
Finally, return the address of the correctly aligned memory block:
      return result;
The allocateFromBuffer function may be used by a memory manager that needs to appropriately align memory blocks that are allocated from internally-managed buffers. For an example, see the bslma_bufferimputil component.