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Component bslh_seedgenerator
[Package bslh]

Provide a class to generate arbitrary length seeds for algorithms. More...


namespace  bslh

Detailed Description

Provide a class to generate arbitrary length seeds for algorithms.
bslh::SeedGenerator generator for arbitrary length seeds
See also:
This component provides a class, bslh::SeedGenerator, which utilizes a user-supplied Random Number Generator (RNG) to generate arbitrary length seeds. The quality of the seeds will only be as good as the quality of the supplied RNG. A cryptographically secure RNG must be supplied in order for SeedGenerator to produce seeds suitable for a cryptographically secure algorithm.
This class satisfies the requirements for a seed generator, defined in bslh_seededhash.h. More information can be found in the package level documentation for bslh (internal users can also find information here {TEAM BDE:USING MODULAR HASHING<GO>})
Requirements on RNG:
The (template parameter) type RANDOM_NUM_GEN shall be a class that provides a type alias result_type and exposes an operator() that returns a result of type result_type. The value returned by operator() shall be random bits, the quality of which can be defined by RANDOM_NUM_GEN. RANDOM_NUM_GEN shall also be default and copy constructible.
This section illustrates intended usage of this component.
Example: Seeding Hashing Algorithms Requiring Different Seed Sizes:
Suppose we have a number of hashing algorithms that all require different length seeds. Some require 32 bits, some require 64 bits, some even require 1024 bits. We want to generate all these seeds in the same way, but we do not want to keep manually generating seeds of different sizes for these algorithms. Moreover, we want to be able to use all these algorithms through a general purpose functor. To accomplish this, we give all our algorithm the same interface and supply a seed generator, which can create any size seed that the algorithms require.
First, we write our first hashing algorithm, which accepts a 32-bit seed and returns a 32-bit unsigned int.
  class Seeded32BitHashingAlgorithm {
      // This class is a functor that implements a hashing algorithm seeded
      // with 32 bits.

      typedef unsigned result_type; // Type of the hash returned
      enum { k_SEED_LENGTH = 4 };   // Seed length in bytes

      const char *d_seed; // Seed used in the generation of hashes

      explicit Seeded32BitHashingAlgorithm(const char *seed);
          // Construct a 'Seeded32BitHashingAlgorithm' that will use the
          // first 4 bytes of the specified 'seed' to seed the algorithm.

      result_type operator()(const char *data, size_t length);
          // Return a hash of the specified 'length' bytes of 'data'.
Then, we define another hashing algorithm, which accepts a 64-bit seed and returns a 32-bit unsigned int
  class Seeded64BitHashingAlgorithm {
      // This class is a functor that implements a hashing algorithm seeded
      // with 64 bits.

      typedef unsigned result_type; // Type of the hash returned
      enum { k_SEED_LENGTH = 8 };     // Seed length in bytes

      const char *d_seed; // Seed used in the generation of hashes

      explicit Seeded64BitHashingAlgorithm(const char *seed);
          // Construct a 'Seeded64BitHashingAlgorithm' that will use the
          // first 8 bytes of the specified 'seed' to seed the algorithm.

      result_type operator()(const char *data, size_t length);
          // Return a hash of the specified 'length' bytes of 'data'.
Next, we define a final hashing algorithm, which accepts a 1024-bit seed and returns a 32-bit unsigned int
  class Seeded1024BitHashingAlgorithm {
      // This class is a functor that implements a hashing algorithm seeded
      // with 1024 bits.

      typedef unsigned result_type; // Type of the hash returned
      enum { k_SEED_LENGTH = 128 };   // Seed length in bytes

      const char *d_seed; // Seed used in the generation of hashes

      explicit Seeded1024BitHashingAlgorithm(const char *seed);
          // Construct a 'Seeded1024BitHashingAlgorithm' that will use the
          // first 128 bytes of the specified 'seed' to seed the algorithm.

      result_type operator()(const char *data, size_t length);
          // Return a hash of the specified 'length' bytes of 'data'.
Then, we declare our functor, SeededHash, which will take a seed generator, and be able to run any of our hashing algorithms by generating the correct size seed with the seed generator.
  template <class HASH_ALGORITHM>
  class SeededHash {
      // This class template implements an interface similar to 'std::hash',
      // which will used the (template parameter) type 'SEED_GENERATOR' and
      // 'HASH_ALGORITHM' to compute hashes.

      typedef typename HASH_ALGORITHM::result_type result_type;
          // Type of the hash that will be returned.

      char seed[HASH_ALGORITHM::k_SEED_LENGTH];
          // Stores the seed that will be used to run the (template
          // parameter) type 'HASH_ALGORITHM'

      template<class SEED_GENERATOR>
      SeededHash(SEED_GENERATOR seedGenerator);
          //Create a 'SeededHash' and generate a seed using the specified

      result_type operator()(const char *data, size_t length) const;
          // Returns a hash generated by the (template parameter) type
          // 'HASH_ALGORITHM' for the specified 'length' bytes of 'data'.

Next, we define our constructor where we actually use bslh::SeedGenerator. bslh::SeedGenerator allows us to create arbitrary length seeds to match the requirements of the above declared algorithms.
  template <class HASH_ALGORITHM>
  template<class SEED_GENERATOR>
  SeededHash<HASH_ALGORITHM>::SeededHash(SEED_GENERATOR seedGenerator) {
      seedGenerator.generateSeed(seed, HASH_ALGORITHM::k_SEED_LENGTH);

  template <class HASH_ALGORITHM>
  typename SeededHash<HASH_ALGORITHM>::result_type
  SeededHash<HASH_ALGORITHM>::operator()(const char *data,
                                         size_t length) const {
      HASH_ALGORITHM hashAlg(seed);
      return hashAlg(data, length);
Now, we generate some data that we want to hash.
      const char *data[] = { "asdf",
                             "rwwfwe", };
      enum { NUM_STRINGS = sizeof data / sizeof *data };
Finally, we can hash the data the same way using all of the different hashing algorithms. The seed generator allows us to abstract away the different requirements each algorithm has on seed size. Each algorithm will produce different output because it has been supplied with a different seed.
      MockRNG                                   rng;
      SeedGenerator<MockRNG>                    seedGen(rng);
      SeededHash<Seeded32BitHashingAlgorithm>   hashAlg32BitSeed(seedGen);
      SeededHash<Seeded64BitHashingAlgorithm>   hashAlg64BitSeed(seedGen);
      SeededHash<Seeded1024BitHashingAlgorithm> hashAlg1024BitSeed(seedGen);

      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; ++i) {
          unsigned int hash32BitSeed   = hashAlg32BitSeed(data[i],
          unsigned int hash64BitSeed   = hashAlg64BitSeed(data[i],
          unsigned int hash1024BitSeed = hashAlg1024BitSeed(data[i],

          if (veryVerbose) printf("Asserting hashes of %s come out"
                                 " different\n", data[i]);
          ASSERT(hash32BitSeed   != hash64BitSeed);
          ASSERT(hash32BitSeed   != hash1024BitSeed);
          ASSERT(hash1024BitSeed != hash64BitSeed);