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Component balst_stacktraceconfigurationutil
[Package balst]

Provide utility for global configuration of stack trace. More...


namespace  balst

Detailed Description

Provide utility for global configuration of stack trace.
balst::StackTraceConfigurationUtil global configuration of stack trace
This component provides global configuration for stack traces provided by the balst package.
Resolution of symbols, line numbers, and source file names is generally very expensive and involves a lot of disk access. On Windows, such resolution can also be very problematic for other reasons.
Note that line number and source file name information is not available on all platforms. If resolution is enabled, the stack trace will give as much information as balst has implemented for the platform. All platforms support symbol names.
Configuration Options:
Currently this component provides one configuration option:
  • [disable|enable]Resolution: Configures whether operations in balst resolve symbols, line numbers, and source file names. By default, resolution is enabled. Resolution of symbols, line numbers, and source file names is generally expensive and involves disk access. On Windows platforms there are also thread-safety concerns with dbghlp.dll. This option allows an application owner to globally prevent any resolution of symbols, line numbers, or source file names (by 'balst) in an application.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Evaluating Boolean Value: