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Component bsls_deprecate
[Package bsls]

Provide machinery to deprecate interfaces on a per-version basis. More...

Provide machinery to deprecate interfaces on a per-version basis.
BSLS_DEPRECATE tag an interface as deprecated
BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE conditionally activate deprecation by UOR version
BSLS_DEPRECATE_MAKE_VER render UOR version for deprecation threshold
This component defines a suite of macros to control (on a per-version, per-UOR basis) the deprecation of functions, user-defined types, and typedefs, and the conditional compilation of enumerators and preprocessor macros. The bsls_deprecate facility operates by triggering compiler warnings when types or interfaces are used that have been tagged with deprecation macros defined by this component. Unlike previous deprecation facilities based exclusively on the use of #ifndef with global macros (such as BDE_OMIT_DEPRECATED and BDE_OMIT_INTERNAL_DEPRECATED), supported use of the bsls_deprecate facility does not affect a UOR's ABI. It is therefore safe to link applications based on libraries built with different deprecation policies.
Overview: Common Uses:
Applying a Deprecation Tag to an Interface:
UOR owners who wish to mark an interface as deprecated can do so by tagging the declaration of that interface with the BSLS_DEPRECATE macro, wrapped in a #if block to apply BSLS_DEPRECATE only when BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(UOR, M, N) evaluates to true for a given version M.N of the specified UOR:
  int foo(const char *bar);
      // !DEPRECATED!: Use 'newFoo' instead.
The above application of BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE indicates that foo is deprecated starting with bde version 3.2. Once the deprecation threshold for bde advances to version 3.2, code calling foo will generate a deprecation warning with compilers that support deprecation attributes. (See Version Control Macros for Library Authors for information on defining a deprecation threshold for a UOR.) Note that in the absence of an explicit deprecation threshold (BDE_VERSION_DEPRECATION_THRESHOLD, in this case), code calling foo would begin generating deprecation warnings in the very next minor or major release of bde (3.3 or 4.0, whichever applies).
If an interface has several entities being deprecated at the same time, clients can define a new deprecation macro within that header to avoid repeated use of BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE:
  // bdexyz_component.h                                             -*-C++-*-


  // ...

  int foo();

  int bar();

  // ...

Keeping Your Code Free of Calls to Deprecated Interfaces:
When an interface is tagged with BSLS_DEPRECATE as shown above, the deprecation is initially not enforced by default. That is, a normal build of code calling the deprecated interface will not emit a deprecation warning.
Downstream developers who wish to make sure that their code uses no deprecated interfaces can do so by defining the symbol BB_WARN_ALL_DEPRECATIONS_FOR_TESTING_ONLY in their build system.
  # A compiler that supports 'BSLS_DEPRECATE' will emit a warning if any
  # deprecated interfaces are used in 'my_application', even if those
  # deprecations are scheduled to take effect in a future release.
NEVER define BB_WARN_ALL_DEPRECATIONS_FOR_TESTING_ONLY in a PRODUCTION BUILD CONFIGURATION. If you do so, all libraries that you depend on will be prevented from deprecating more code in future versions.
Preventing New Uses of Already-Deprecated Interfaces:
At some point after an interface has been tagged with BSLS_DEPRECATE, the library owner can make new uses of that interface generate warnings by defining a deprecation threshold for the UOR that contains the deprecated interface (or by adjusting the deprecation threshold for the UOR if it already exists). Defining a deprecation threshold enforces deprecations made in all versions up to and including the threshold. If the version number of the deprecation threshold is greater than or equal to the version number specified in the BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(UOR, M, N) macro, then the BSLS_DEPRECATE macro will be enabled and generate a warning.
This is the recommended way to define a deprecation threshold (see Version Control Macros for Library Authors):
  // bdescm_versiontag.h

  // ...


  // All 'bde' deprecations tied to release 3.2 or earlier will trigger
  // compiler warnings.
Prior to the availability of this component, when a developer wanted to deprecate an API they might either apply an attribute to the API that would generate a warning, or they would use #ifdef to remove deprecated code when it is built with appropriate options. These solutions have a practical shortcoming in a production environment like Bloomberg's, where code changes in lower-level libraries cannot be checked in if they break the build of (higher-level) client libraries. In such a system, well-meaning clients might build their libraries using -Werror (to turn compilation warnings into errors) or with appropriate #ifdefs to ensure their code does not use deprecated APIs, but in so doing they hinder the introduction of any new deprecations. In addition, the use of #ifdef results in ABI compatibility issues, as some clients may build with deprecated code removed, and others may not.
This deprecation facility is based around two concepts that attempt to address these shortcomings:
  1. This facility is designed to provide ABI compatibility. BSLS_DEPRECATE_* macros are used to trigger compilation warnings on platforms that support deprecation attributes, instead of removing code from the codebase.
  2. Typically, use of this facility will not immediately generate a warning in client code. The use of the BSLS_DEPRECATE macro is generally guarded by a version check using BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE. In an environment where compiler warnings are considered to be build failures, it is possible (and encouraged) to tag a C++ entity with a deprecation macro in one release cycle, and not have that deprecation affect any clients by default until a later release cycle. During the intervening period, clients have an opportunity to proactively check their code for uses of newly-deprecated code.
Notice that the cost for maintaining ABI compatibility is that clients cannot check whether they are using deprecated interfaces unless they build their software on certain platforms with warnings activated. For this facility to be effective across an enterprise, it is required that such warning-enabled builds be part of the standard process for checking in code in the enterprise.
This component stipulates two sets of macros. One set of deprecation macros, defined in this component, are used to identify a C++ entity as being deprecated in a given version of a given UOR. A second set of control macros, defined by clients of this component, dictates which deprecation macros are enforced at any point in the code during compilation.
Deprecation Macros:
Expands to a particular deprecation attribute with compilers that have such support; otherwise, BSLS_DEPRECATE expands to nothing. BSLS_DEPRECATE can be applied to class or struct definitions, function declarations, and typedefs.
Expands to 1 if deprecations are enforced for the specified version M.N of the specified UOR, and to 0 otherwise.
These two macros are intended to be placed together in a preprocessor #if block in front of a function, type, or typedef declaration, with BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(UOR, M, N) controlling whether or not BSLS_DEPRECATE is applied to the declaration. The exact placement of the block should match the requirements of the C++14 [[deprecated]] attribute.
  SomeType {
      // ...

  struct SomeUtil {
    static int someFunction();

  typedef SupportedType DeprecatedType;
At present, the underlying compiler intrinsics represented by BSLS_DEPRECATE cannot be applied uniformly to some C++ constructs, most notably variables, enumerators, and preprocessor macros. Fortunately, these constructs can often be removed from a library without otherwise affecting ABI, so !BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(UOR, M, N) can be used with a #if directive to entirely remove blocks of code containing those C++ constructs.

      // Macro definitions can be removed with 'BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE'.

  #endif  // !BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(ABC, 1, 2)

  namespace grppkg {


  SomeType myDeprecatedGlobalVariable;
      // Variables at 'namespace' or global scope can be removed with

  #endif  // !BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(ABC, 1, 3)

  // ...

  }  // close namespace 'grppkg'
Note the use of the ! operator: deprecated code is compiled only if deprecations are not enforced for the specified UOR version.
Particular care must be taken to ensure that deprecating one or more enumerators does not (inadvertently) change the values of other enumerators in the same enum:
  enum MyEnum {
      // These legacy enumerators can be deprecated because their removal
      // does not affect the values of any other enumerators.

      FIRST  = e_FIRST,
      SECOND = e_SECOND,
      THIRD  = e_THIRD
Version Control Macros for Library Authors:
A UOR-specific deprecation threshold can be (and typically should be) specified by the authors of a UOR to govern which of their deprecations are active by default:
This macro should be defined in <uor>scm_versiontag.h alongside <UOR>_VERSION_MAJOR and <UOR>_VERSION_MINOR to indicate the greatest version of the unit of release UOR for which deprecations are enforced by default.
  // abcscm_versiontag.h


In this example, BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(ABC, M, N) will expand to 1 for all versions M.N of ABC up to and including version 1.2. For M.N later than 1.2 (e.g., 1.3 or 2.0), BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(ABC, M, N) will expand to 1 only if the BB_WARN_ALL_DEPRECATIONS_FOR_TESTING_ONLY macro is defined by the user (see Build Control Macros for Clients).
Note that if a deprecation threshold is not explicitly defined for a UOR that defines <UOR>_VERSION_MAJOR and <UOR>_VERSION_MINOR, then BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(UOR, M, N) will expand to 1 once the version indicated by <UOR>_VERSION_MAJOR and <UOR>_VERSION_MINOR becomes greater than M.N. For example, BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(ABC, 1, 4) will expand to 1 in version 1.5 of ABC (or 2.0 if there is no release 1.5) if ABC_VERSION_DEPRECATION_THRESHOLD is not defined. For this reason, it is highly recommended that UOR authors explicitly define a deprecation threshold to avoid unexpected build failures when a new release is issued, especially in environments where warnings are considered fatal.
A second UOR-specific macro is available to the authors of a UOR that must, for whatever reason, continue to use interfaces that are deprecated in their own library:
This macro prevents bsls_deprecate from enforcing deprecations for all versions of UOR. This macro must be defined in each .cpp file of UOR that either uses a deprecated interface from the same UOR that has reached the deprecation threshold for UOR, or includes a header file of UOR that uses such an interface in inline code. This macro must be defined before the first #include of a header from UOR.
  // abcxyz_somecomponent.cpp


  #include <abcxyz_somecomponent.h>

  // ...
Build Control Macros for Clients:
The following two macros are intended for client use during builds, either to enable all deprecations or to suppress selected deprecations:
This macro should be defined as a -D parameter during test builds of components that are intended to be deprecation-clean. When this macro is defined, deprecations will be enforced for all versions of all UORs, except as overridden by BB_SILENCE_DEPRECATIONS_FOR_BUILDING_UOR_<UOR> (see Version Control Macros for Library Authors or BB_SILENCE_DEPRECATIONS_<UOR>_<M>_<N> (see below). This macro must never appear in source code, and must never be defined for any production or check-in build configuration.
This macro should be defined by clients of UOR who still need to use an interface that was deprecated in version M.N after the deprecation threshold for UOR has reached (or exceeded) M.N. This macro should be defined before the first #include of a header from UOR. This macro must never be defined in a header file.
  // grppkg_fooutil.cpp

      // 'BB_SILENCE_DEPRECATIONS_ABC_1_2' must be defined before the
      // component's own '#include' directive in case 'grppkg_fooutil.h'
      // includes headers from 'abc' (directly or transitively).

  #include <grppkg_fooutil.h>

  // Interfaces from 'abcxyz_someutil' deprecated in version 1.2 of 'abc'
  // will not trigger compiler warnings when used in 'grppkg_fooutil.cpp'.

  #include <abcxyz_someutil.h>

  namespace grppkg {

  void FooUtil::foo()
      int result = abcxyz::SomeUtil::someFunction();
      // ...

  }  // close package namespace
Supporting Compilers:
BSLS_DEPRECATE will produce a warning with the following compilers:
  • gcc 4.3+
  • clang 3.4+
  • Xcode 4.4+
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or later
Additionally, BSLS_DEPRECATE will produce a warning with any compiler that provides the C++14 deprecated attribute.
Suggested Process for Deprecating Code (the Deprecation/Deletion Tango):
Deprecation is a negotiation process between code authors and code consumers to allow old code to be removed from the codebase. This component supports a deprecation model where code moves through four steps from being fully supported, to optionally deprecated, to fully deprecated, and finally to being deleted. At each step, responsibility for moving the process forward is passed back and forth between library authors and library users.
When the owners of a library want to deprecate an interface, they start by adding appropriate deprecation macros, specifying their UOR and the version of their next release. For example, suppose package group abc is currently at version 1.1. If the owners of abc want to deprecate a function abcxyz::SomeUtil::someFunction, they could add the deprecation macros BSLS_DEPRECATE and BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE(ABC, 1, 2) in front of the declaration of someFunction:
  // abcxyz_someutil.h


  struct SomeUtil {


  static int someFunction();
      // DEPRECATED: use 'abcdef::OtherUtil::otherFunction' instead.


At this point deprecations are not enforced by default for version 1.2 of abc, so the deprecation macro alone will not have any affect on clients. A client building their code normally will trigger no compiler warnings due to this new deprecation:
  $ make grppkg_fooutil
  ... dependencies: abc version 1.2 ...
  ... no warnings ...
If the owners of a client library or application want to check that their code uses no deprecated interfaces, they can define the BB_WARN_ALL_DEPRECATIONS_FOR_TESTING_ONLY flag in their test build process. A compiler that supports deprecation attributes will then trigger compiler warnings:
  ... dependencies: abc version 1.2 ...
  grppkg_fooutil.cpp:43: warning: function 'abcxyz::SomeUtil::someFunction'
  is explicitly deprecated.
WARNING: Clients at Bloomberg must not define BB_WARN_ALL_DEPRECATIONS_FOR_TESTING_ONLY in a production build. This flag should be used for development builds only.
Now the owners have the opportunity to fix their code by removing the dependency on abcxyz::SomeUtil::someFunction.
At some point in the future, possibly on release of abc version 1.3, the owners of abc will make deprecations enforced by default for version 1.2 of abc, by setting the deprecation threshold for abc in their version control headers:
  // abcscm_versiontag.h



If the owners of grp have cleaned up their code, normal builds will trigger no compiler warnings. However, any new development by any clients will trigger warnings if they add a new use of abcxyz::SomeUtil::someFunction:
  $ make foobar_bazutil
  ... dependencies: abc version 1.3 ...
  foobar_bazutil.cpp:177: warning: function 'abcxyz::SomeUtil::someFunction'
  is explicitly deprecated.
But what if the owners of grp will not, or for some reason cannot, clean up their code in the near term? Moving the threshold for abc to version 1.2 will of course trigger warnings when the owners of grp next try to build grppkg_fooutil. In a development context requiring that all production builds remain warning-free, we would be at an impasse: either the owners of grp must clean up their code immediately, or the owners of abc will not be able to enforce deprecations by default for version 1.2.
This impasse can be resolved by allowing the owners of grp to locally silence warnings caused by deprecations for version 1.2 of abc. This is done by adding a definition of BB_SILENCE_DEPRECATIONS_ABC_1_2 to any .cpp files that use abcxyz::SomeUtil::someFunction:
  // grppkg_fooutil.cpp

Now the entire codebase can build warning-free again.
Managers can easily detect BB_SILENCE_DEPRECATIONS_<UOR>_<M>_<N> macros in the codebase, and put pressure on teams to remove such remnant uses of deprecated code. When all remnant uses have been removed, then the deprecated function can be deleted entirely:
  // abcxyz_someutil.h


  struct SomeUtil {


  // RIP: The function formerly known as 'someFunction'.


This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Tagging a Function as Deprecated:
When one piece of code has been superseded by another, we would like to get users to adopt the new code and stop using the old code. Being able to inform clients that they need to clean up existing uses of the old code, and also to prevent new uses of that code, makes it easier to get to the point where old code actually has zero uses and can be deleted. The deprecation macros BSLS_DEPRECATE and BSLS_DEPRECATE_IS_ACTIVE, and their associated control macros, can be used to gradually reduce the number of uses of deprecated code, so that it can be removed eventually.
Suppose we own package group xxx that is currently at version 7.6. One of our components contains a function foo that has been superseded by another function bar.
  int foo(int *coefficient, int n);
      // Load into the specified 'coefficient' the (positive) Winkelbaum
      // Coefficient of the specified 'n'.  Return 0 on success, and a
      // negative number if there is no coefficient corresponding to 'n'.
      // Note that every integer divisible by the Winkelbaum Modulus (17) has
      // a corresponding Winkelbaum Coefficient.

  // ...

  int bar(int n);
      // Return the (positive) Winkelbaum Coefficient of the specified 'n'.
      // The behavior is undefined unless 'n' is divisible by 17 (the
      // Winkelbaum Modulus).
First, we add a deprecation tag to the declaration of foo, showing that it will be deprecated starting with version 7.7, and update the documentation accordingly:
  int foo(int *coefficient, int n);
      // !DEPRECATED!: Use 'bar' instead.
      // Load into the specified 'coefficient' the (positive) Winkelbaum
      // Coefficient of the specified 'n'.  Return 0 on success, and a
      // negative number if there is no coefficient corresponding to 'n'.
      // Note that every integer divisible by the Winkelbaum Modulus (17) has
      // a corresponding Winkelbaum Coefficient.

  // ...

  int bar(int n);
      // Return the (positive) Winkelbaum Coefficient of the specified 'n'.
      // The behavior is undefined unless 'n' is divisible by 17 (the
      // Winkelbaum Modulus).
When we release version 7.7, the added deprecation tag will not immediately affect any of the users of foo. However if any of those users do a test build of their code with -DBB_WARN_ALL_DEPRECATIONS_FOR_TESTING_ONLY, they will see a warning that foo has been deprecated.
Finally, when enough time has passed to allow all users of foo to switch over to using bar, probably on or after the release of xxx version 7.8, we can enforce the deprecation of foo by moving the deprecation threshold for xxx to version 7.7, to indicate that all interfaces deprecated for version 7.7 are disallowed by default:
  // xxxscm_versiontag.h


  // ...