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Component bsltf_degeneratefunctor
[Package bsltf]

Provide an awkward type to adapt a user-supplied functor. More...


namespace  bsltf

Detailed Description

Provide an awkward type to adapt a user-supplied functor.
bsltf::DegenerateFunctor awkward type that adapts a user-supplied functor
See also:
Component bsltf_templatetestfacility
This component provides a functor adaptor, primarily for use when testing templates that make use of Callable template parameters. The adaptor defined in this component provides an interface that is purposefully as awkward as possible, yet should accepted by generic code, particularly code conforming to the widest interpretation of the C++ standard library. Many common operations that would be implicitly supplied, such as the address-of operator and the comma operator, are explicitly disabled. While the adapter remains CopyConstructible so that it may be used as a member of a class, such as a standard container, it is not CopyAssignable, and so typically is not Swappable. An additional boolean template argument optionally creates an adapter that supports swapping.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: TBD: