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Package bslalg
[Package Group bsl]

Provide algorithms and traits used by the BDE STL implementation. More...


 Component bslalg_arraydestructionprimitives

Provide primitive algorithms that destroy arrays.

 Component bslalg_arrayprimitives

Provide primitive algorithms that operate on arrays.

 Component bslalg_arrayprimitives_cpp03: PRIVATE

Provide C++03 implementation for bslalg_arrayprimitives.h.

 Component bslalg_autoarraydestructor

Provide a proctor for destroying arrays.

 Component bslalg_autoarraymovedestructor

Provide a proctor for destroying arrays.

 Component bslalg_autoscalardestructor

Provide a proctor for destroying an object.

 Component bslalg_bidirectionallink

Provide a basic link type for building doubly-linked lists.

 Component bslalg_bidirectionallinklistutil

Provide utilities to maintain bidirectional list data structures.

 Component bslalg_bidirectionalnode

Provide a node holding a value in a doubly-linked list.

 Component bslalg_constructorproxy

Provide a proxy for constructing and destroying objects.

 Component bslalg_containerbase

Provide a wrapper for STL allocators, respecting bslma semantics.

 Component bslalg_dequeimputil

Provide basic parameters and primitive data structures for deques.

 Component bslalg_dequeiterator

Provide a primitive iterator over deque data structures.

 Component bslalg_dequeprimitives

Provide primitive algorithms that operate on deques.

 Component bslalg_dequeprimitives_cpp03: PRIVATE

Provide C++03 implementation for bslalg_dequeprimitives.h.

 Component bslalg_functoradapter

Provide an utility that adapts callable objects to functors.

 Component bslalg_hashtableanchor

Provide a type holding the constituent parts of a hash table.

 Component bslalg_hashtablebucket

Provide a bucket representation for hash table data structures.

 Component bslalg_hashtableimputil

Provide algorithms for implementing a hash table.

 Component bslalg_hashutil

Provide a utility of hash functions.

 Component bslalg_hasstliterators

Provide a tag type used to detect STL-like iterators traits.

 Component bslalg_hastrait: DEPRECATED

Provide a meta-function to detect if a type has a given trait.

 Component bslalg_nothrowmovableutil

Provide a wrapper that asserts a noexcept move constructor.

 Component bslalg_nothrowmovablewrapper

Provide a wrapper that asserts a noexcept move constructor.

 Component bslalg_numericformatterutil

Provide a utility for formatting numbers into strings.

 Component bslalg_rangecompare

Provide algorithms to compare iterator-ranges of elements.

 Component bslalg_rbtreeanchor

Encapsulate root, first, and last nodes of a tree with a count.

 Component bslalg_rbtreenode

Provide a base class for a red-black binary tree node.

 Component bslalg_rbtreeutil

Provide a suite of primitive algorithms on red-black trees.

 Component bslalg_scalardestructionprimitives: DEPRECATED

Provide primitive algorithms that destroy scalars.

 Component bslalg_scalarprimitives

Provide primitive algorithms that operate on single elements.

 Component bslalg_selecttrait: DEPRECATED

Provide a meta-function to select a suitable trait on a type.

 Component bslalg_swaputil

Provide a simple to use swap algorithm.

 Component bslalg_typetraitbitwisecopyable: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise copyable.

 Component bslalg_typetraitbitwiseequalitycomparable: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise eq.-comparable.

 Component bslalg_typetraitbitwisemoveable: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise moveable.

 Component bslalg_typetraithaspointersemantics: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark classes as having pointer semantics.

 Component bslalg_typetraithasstliterators: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark classes as having STL-like iterators.

 Component bslalg_typetraithastrivialdefaultconstructor: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark classes as having a trivial default ctor.

 Component bslalg_typetraitnil: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark classes as having no other traits.

 Component bslalg_typetraitpair: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark classes as similar to std::pair.

 Component bslalg_typetraits: DEPRECATED

Provide compile-time traits that can be associated with types.

 Component bslalg_typetraitusesbslmaallocator: DEPRECATED

Provide a trait to mark types that use bslma allocators.

Detailed Description

Provide algorithms and traits used by the BDE STL implementation.
MNEMONIC: Basic Standard Library ALgorithms (bslalg):
This package provides facilities for implementing higher-level components (in particular, the standard library containers). The facilities fall into three broad classes:
  • Utilities that provide efficient implementations of primitive operations on generic data types (e.g., construction, copy-construction), optimized based on the exposed traits of the type (e.g., bitwise-copyable, uses-allocator).
  • Primitive data types and fundamental algorithms that form the basis of standard library containers (e.g., linked lists, hash tables, Red/Black trees and deques).
  • Legacy traits types used to tag user-defined (client) types according to properties such as whether they use a memory allocator to supply memory resources, have a trivial default constructor, are POD types, etc. These traits types have been superseded by the traits in the bslmf package, and are implemented in terms of bslmf.
Hierarchical Synopsis:
The bslalg package currently has 43 components having 9 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components. The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.
  9. bslalg_dequeprimitives

  8. bslalg_arrayprimitives

  7. bslalg_autoarraymovedestructor

  6. bslalg_autoarraydestructor

  5. bslalg_arraydestructionprimitives

  4. bslalg_hashtablebucket
     bslalg_selecttrait                                  !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraits                                   !DEPRECATED!

  3. bslalg_autoscalardestructor
     bslalg_typetraitbitwisecopyable                     !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraitbitwiseequalitycomparable           !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraitbitwisemoveable                     !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraithaspointersemantics                 !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraithasstliterators                     !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraithastrivialdefaultconstructor        !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraitpair                                !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraitusesbslmaallocator                  !DEPRECATED!

  2. bslalg_bidirectionallink
     bslalg_hastrait                                     !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_scalardestructionprimitives                  !DEPRECATED!
     bslalg_typetraitnil                                 !DEPRECATED!

  1. bslalg_arrayprimitives_cpp03                                     !PRIVATE!
     bslalg_dequeprimitives_cpp03                                     !PRIVATE!
Component Synopsis:
Provide primitive algorithms that destroy arrays.
Provide primitive algorithms that operate on arrays.
bslalg_arrayprimitives_cpp03: PRIVATE
Provide C++03 implementation for bslalg_arrayprimitives.h
Provide a proctor for destroying arrays.
Provide a proctor for destroying arrays.
Provide a proctor for destroying an object.
Provide a basic link type for building doubly-linked lists.
Provide utilities to maintain bidirectional list data structures.
Provide a node holding a value in a doubly-linked list.
Provide a proxy for constructing and destroying objects.
Provide a wrapper for STL allocators, respecting bslma semantics.
Provide basic parameters and primitive data structures for deques.
Provide a primitive iterator over deque data structures.
Provide primitive algorithms that operate on deques.
bslalg_dequeprimitives_cpp03: PRIVATE
Provide C++03 implementation for bslalg_dequeprimitives.h
Provide an utility that adapts callable objects to functors.
Provide a type holding the constituent parts of a hash table.
Provide a bucket representation for hash table data structures.
Provide algorithms for implementing a hash table.
Provide a utility of hash functions.
Provide a tag type used to detect STL-like iterators traits.
bslalg_hastrait: DEPRECATED
Provide a meta-function to detect if a type has a given trait.
Provide a wrapper that asserts a noexcept move constructor.
Provide a wrapper that asserts a noexcept move constructor.
Provide a utility for formatting numbers into strings.
Provide algorithms to compare iterator-ranges of elements.
Encapsulate root, first, and last nodes of a tree with a count.
Provide a base class for a red-black binary tree node.
Provide a suite of primitive algorithms on red-black trees.
bslalg_scalardestructionprimitives: DEPRECATED
Provide primitive algorithms that destroy scalars.
Provide primitive algorithms that operate on single elements.
bslalg_selecttrait: DEPRECATED
Provide a meta-function to select a suitable trait on a type.
Provide a simple to use swap algorithm.
bslalg_typetraitbitwisecopyable: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise copyable.
bslalg_typetraitbitwiseequalitycomparable: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise eq.-comparable.
bslalg_typetraitbitwisemoveable: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark classes as bit-wise moveable.
bslalg_typetraithaspointersemantics: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark classes as having pointer semantics.
bslalg_typetraithasstliterators: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark classes as having STL-like iterators.
bslalg_typetraithastrivialdefaultconstructor: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark classes as having a trivial default ctor.
bslalg_typetraitnil: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark classes as having no other traits.
bslalg_typetraitpair: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark classes as similar to std::pair.
bslalg_typetraits: DEPRECATED
Provide compile-time traits that can be associated with types.
bslalg_typetraitusesbslmaallocator: DEPRECATED
Provide a trait to mark types that use bslma allocators.