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Component bdlat_valuetypefunctions
[Package bdlat]

Provide a namespace for "value type" functions. More...


struct  bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions_Imp


namespace  bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions

Detailed Description

Provide a namespace for "value type" functions.
bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions namespace for "value type" functions
This component provides a namespace, bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions, defining functions that may be called on "value types".
The functions in this namespace allow users to:
  • assign values to "value type" objects (ie., as if by using the assignment operator *lhs = rhs), and
  • reset "value type" objects to their default state (i.e., as if each object was just constructed using its default constructor).
Types in the bdlat "value type" framework are required to have:
  • a default constructor
  • a copy assignment operator
  • the free function template and the free function described below.
Types in the bdlat "value type" framework must define in the namespace where the type is defined, overloads of the following free function template and free frunction. Note that the placeholder YOUR_TYPE is not a template argument and should be replaced with the name of the type being plugged into the framework:
  template <class RHS_TYPE>
  int bdlat_valueTypeAssign(YOUR_TYPE *lhs, const RHS_TYPE& rhs);
      // Assign to the specified 'lhs' the value if the specified 'rhs'.
      // Return 0 on success and a non-zero value otherwise.  If setting
      // 'lhs' to 'rhs' would violate any preconditions, a non-zero value is
      // returned.  If (template parameter) 'RHS_TYPE' cannot be used to set
      // the value of 'lhs', a non-zero value is returned.

  void bdlat_valueTypeReset(YOUR_TYPE *object);
      // Reset the specified 'object' to that of its default state (i.e., to
      // 'YOUR_TYPE()').
Notice that, unlike other bdlat type infrastructures, the bdlat "value" infrastructure does not require the setting of any traits, or definition of meta-functions, or creation of any typedefs. For example, see bdlat_arrayfunctions and bdlat_nullablevaluefunctions.
There are two significant implications of the contract for bdlat_valueTypeAssign:
  • Interactions with incompatible types are handled at run-time, not compile-time.
  • Users of the bdlat_valueTypeAssign function deal with a wide contract, even if the corresponding operation in YOUR_TYPE has a narrow contract.
Supported Types:
This component provides "value type" support for the following types:
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Implicit "Value Type":
Suppose you had a type that defines a "value".
  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace mine {

  struct MyValueType {
      int    d_int;
      double d_double;

  }  // close package namespace
  }  // close enterprise namespace
Although our definition of MyValueType was rather terse, several methods are implicitly defined by the compiler:
  void f()
      using namespace BloombergLP;

      mine::MyValueType a = { 1, 1.0 };  // aggregate braced initialization
      mine::MyValueType b(a);            // implicit copy constructor

      assert(b.d_int    == a.d_int);
      assert(b.d_double == a.d_double);

      a.d_int    = 2;
      a.d_double = 3.14;

      b = a;                             // implicit copy assignment operator

      assert(b.d_int    == a.d_int);
      assert(b.d_double == a.d_double);
Notice that the implicitly defined methods include a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator thereby implicitly making MyValueType part of the bdlat "value" framework. As such, it can be manipulated using the methods of bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions:
  void myUsageScenario()
      using namespace BloombergLP;

      mine::MyValueType x = {  7, 10.0 };
      mine::MyValueType y = { 99, -1.0 };

      assert(x.d_int    != y.d_int);
      assert(x.d_double != y.d_double);

      int rc = bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions::assign(&x, y);
      assert(0 == rc);

      assert(x.d_int    == y.d_int);
      assert(x.d_double == y.d_double);


      assert(x.d_int    != y.d_int);
      assert(x.d_double != y.d_double);

      assert(int()    == y.d_int);
      assert(double() == y.d_double);
Example 2: Interacting with Other Types:
Suppose you want to enhance mine::MyValueType to allow its value to be assigned from a bsl::pair<int, float> object? Do do so, create your::YourValueType which has an implicit conversion from bsl::pair<int, float>:
  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace your {

  struct YourValueType {

      int    d_int;
      double d_double;

      : d_int()
      , d_double() { }

      YourValueType(const YourValueType& original)
      : d_int   (original.d_int)
      , d_double(original.d_double) { }

      YourValueType(int intValue, double doubleValue)
      : d_int   (   intValue)
      , d_double(doubleValue) { }

      YourValueType(const bsl::pair<int, double>& value) // IMPLICIT
      : d_int   (value.first)
      , d_double(value.second) { }


  }  // close package namespace
  }  // close enterprise namespace
Notice that, having defined a constructor, the compiler no longer generates the constructors that had been generated implicitly. Accordingly, we have added a default constructor and copy constructor. Also, since aggregate initialization is no longer allowed, we have also added a value constructor and slightly modified the syntax of initialization in function g() below:
  void g()
      using namespace BloombergLP;

      your::YourValueType a(1, 1.0);     // value initialization
      your::YourValueType b(a);          // implicit copy constructor

      assert(b.d_int    == a.d_int);
      assert(b.d_double == a.d_double);

      a.d_int    = 2;
      a.d_double = 3.14;

      b = a;                             // implicit copy assignment operator

      assert(b.d_int    == a.d_int);
      assert(b.d_double == a.d_double);

      bsl::pair<int, double> value(4, 5.0);

      a = value;

      assert(4   == a.d_int);
      assert(5.0 == a.d_double);
Since both copy construction and assignment are defined, YourValueType can be handled by the bdlat "value" infrastructure in much the same way as we did for MyValueType:
  void yourUsageScenario()
      using namespace BloombergLP;
      int rc;

      your::YourValueType x( 7, 10.0);
      your::YourValueType y(99, -1.0);

      assert(x.d_int    != y.d_int);
      assert(x.d_double != y.d_double);

      rc = bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions::assign(&x, y);
      assert(0 == rc);

      assert(x.d_int    == y.d_int);
      assert(x.d_double == y.d_double);


      assert(x.d_int    != y.d_int);
      assert(x.d_double != y.d_double);

      assert(int()   == y.d_int);
      assert(float() == y.d_double);
However, since conversion from another type, bsl::pair<int, double>, is provided, the bdlat "value" infrastructure can also use that type to set the value of objects.
      bsl::pair<int, double> value(4, 5.0);

      rc = bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions::assign(&y, value);
      assert(0 == rc);

      assert(value.first  == y.d_int);
      assert(value.second == y.d_double);
Unsurprisingly, such assignments do not work for arbitrary other types (for which conversion is not defined). What is notable, is that this code does compile and fails at run-time.
      // Assign an incompatible type.
      rc = bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions::assign(&y, bsl::string("4, 5.0"));
      assert(0 != rc);
Installing an Atypical "Value" Type:
Suppose someone defines a pernicious "value" type, their::TheirValueType, having neither copy constructor nor copy assignment operator:
  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace their {

  class TheirValueType {

      // DATA
      int    d_int;
      double d_double;

      TheirValueType(const TheirValueType& original);   // = delete
      TheirValueType& operator=(const TheirValueType&); // = delete

      // CREATORS
      : d_int()
      , d_double() { }

      void setValue(const bsl::string& valueString);

      // ACCESSORS
      int       intValue() const { return d_int;    }
      double doubleValue() const { return d_double; }

  void TheirValueType::setValue(const bsl::string& valueString)
       bsl::string::size_type pos = valueString.find(',');
       BSLS_ASSERT(bsl::string::npos != pos);

       d_int    = bsl::atoi(valueString.c_str());
       d_double = bsl::atof(valueString.c_str() + pos + 1);

  }  // close package namespace
  }  // close enterprise namespace
Such a type can be used after a fashion (objects created, states changed, state changes observed), albeit using syntax that is significantly different than we used for MyValueType and YourValueType:
  void h()
      using namespace BloombergLP;

      their::TheirValueType a;               // default constructor

      assert(0   == a.   intValue());
      assert(0.0 == a.doubleValue());

  //  their::TheirValueType b(a);       // Error, no copy constructor

      their::TheirValueType c;
  //  c = a;                            // Error, no copy assignment operator

      a.setValue("2, 3.14");

      assert(2    == a.   intValue());
      assert(3.14 == a.doubleValue());
Since TheirValueType lacks both copy construction and assignment, that type is not implicitly supported by the bdlat "value" infrastructure.
However, the TheirValueType can be made compatible with that infrastructure if "they" define the required overloads of bdlat_valueTypeAssign and bdlat_valueTypeReset in their namespace:
  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace their {

  int bdlat_valueTypeAssign(TheirValueType        *lhs,
                            const TheirValueType&  rhs)

      bsl::ostringstream oss;
      oss << rhs.intValue() << ", " << rhs.doubleValue();

      return 0;

  int bdlat_valueTypeAssign(TheirValueType     *lhs,
                            const bsl::string&  rhs)

      return 0;

  // Overload for any other 'RHS_TYPE' to return an error.
  template <class RHS_TYPE>
  int bdlat_valueTypeAssign(TheirValueType  *lhs,
                            const RHS_TYPE&  rhs)

      return -999;  // Pick a distinctive non-negative value.
  void bdlat_valueTypeReset(TheirValueType *object)

      bsl::ostringstream oss;
      oss << int() << ", " << double();


  }  // close package namespace
  }  // close enterprise namespace
Notice that three overloads of bdlat_valueTypeAssign are defined above:
  • The first, the overload that allows TheirValueType to be "assigned" to itself is required by the bdlat "value" infrastructure.
  • The second, the overload that allows "assignment" from a bsl::string is not technically required by the infrastructure, but is a practical requirement because bsl::string is the only way TheirValueType can be changed from its default value.
  • Finally, we provide an overload templated on an arbitrary RHS_TYPE so that, if any other types are passed, the code will compile (as required) but also unconditionally fail (as required).
With these points of customization in place, TheirValueType can now be manipulated by the bdlat "value" infrastructure in much the same manner as was done for MyValueType and YourValueType:
  void theirUsageScenario()
      using namespace BloombergLP;

      their::TheirValueType x;
      their::TheirValueType y;

      int rc;

      rc = bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions::assign(&x, bsl::string(" 7, 10.0"));
      assert(0 == rc);

      rc = bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions::assign(&y, bsl::string("99, -1.0"));
      assert(0 == rc);

      assert(x.intValue()    != y.intValue());
      assert(x.doubleValue() != y.doubleValue());

      rc = bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions::assign(&x, y);
      assert(0 == rc);

      assert(x.intValue()    == y.intValue());
      assert(x.doubleValue() == y.doubleValue());


      assert(int()   == y.intValue());
      assert(float() == y.doubleValue());

      // Assign an incompatible type.

      bsl::pair<int, double> value(4, 5.0);
      rc = bdlat_ValueTypeFunctions::assign(&y, value);
      assert(   0 != rc);
      assert(-999 == rc);