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Component bslstl_unorderedmap
[Package bslstl]

Provide an STL-compliant unordered_map container. More...


class  bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >


typedef KEY bsl::unordered_map::key_type
typedef VALUE bsl::unordered_map::mapped_type
typedef bsl::pair< const KEY,
typedef HASH bsl::unordered_map::hasher
typedef EQUAL bsl::unordered_map::key_equal
typedef ALLOCATOR bsl::unordered_map::allocator_type
typedef value_type & bsl::unordered_map::reference
typedef const value_type & bsl::unordered_map::const_reference
typedef AllocatorTraits::size_type bsl::unordered_map::size_type
typedef AllocatorTraits::pointer bsl::unordered_map::pointer
< value_type, difference_type > 
< const value_type,
difference_type > 
< value_type, difference_type > 
< const value_type,
difference_type > 


 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (size_type initialNumBuckets, const HASH &hashFunction=HASH(), const EQUAL &keyEqual=EQUAL(), const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator=ALLOCATOR())
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (size_type initialNumBuckets, const HASH &hashFunction, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (size_type initialNumBuckets, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map ()
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (INPUT_ITERATOR first, INPUT_ITERATOR last, size_type initialNumBuckets=0, const HASH &hashFunction=HASH(), const EQUAL &keyEqual=EQUAL(), const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator=ALLOCATOR())
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (INPUT_ITERATOR first, INPUT_ITERATOR last, size_type initialNumBuckets, const HASH &hashFunction, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (INPUT_ITERATOR first, INPUT_ITERATOR last, size_type initialNumBuckets, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (INPUT_ITERATOR first, INPUT_ITERATOR last, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (std::initializer_list< value_type > values, size_type initialNumBuckets=0, const HASH &hashFunction=HASH(), const EQUAL &keyEqual=EQUAL(), const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator=ALLOCATOR())
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (std::initializer_list< value_type > values, size_type initialNumBuckets, const HASH &hashFunction, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (std::initializer_list< value_type > values, size_type initialNumBuckets, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (std::initializer_list< value_type > values, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (const unordered_map &original)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (const unordered_map &original, const typename type_identity< ALLOCATOR >::type &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< unordered_map > original)
 bsl::unordered_map::unordered_map (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< unordered_map > original, const typename type_identity< ALLOCATOR >::type &basicAllocator)
 bsl::unordered_map::~unordered_map ()
unordered_map & bsl::unordered_map::operator= (const unordered_map &rhs)
unordered_map &operator=(BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef
< unordered_map > rhs)
unordered_map & 
bsl::unordered_map::operator= (std::initializer_list< value_type > rhs)
add_lvalue_reference< VALUE >::type bsl::unordered_map::operator[] (const key_type &key)
add_lvalue_reference< VALUE >::type bsl::unordered_map::operator[] (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< key_type > key)
add_lvalue_reference< VALUE >::type bsl::unordered_map::at (const key_type &key)
iterator bsl::unordered_map::begin () BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
iterator bsl::unordered_map::end () BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
local_iterator bsl::unordered_map::begin (size_type index)
local_iterator bsl::unordered_map::end (size_type index)
void bsl::unordered_map::clear () BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
template<class... Args>
pair< iterator, bool > bsl::unordered_map::emplace (Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
iterator bsl::unordered_map::emplace_hint (const_iterator hint, Args &&...args)
iterator bsl::unordered_map::erase (const_iterator position)
iterator bsl::unordered_map::erase (iterator position)
size_type bsl::unordered_map::erase (const key_type &key)
iterator bsl::unordered_map::erase (const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate
< HASH, LOOKUP_KEY >::value
< EQUAL, LOOKUP_KEY >::value,
iterator >::type 
bsl::unordered_map::find (const LOOKUP_KEY &key)
iterator bsl::unordered_map::find (const key_type &key)
pair< iterator, bool > bsl::unordered_map::insert (const value_type &value)
template<class ALT_VALUE_TYPE >
enable_if< is_convertible
< ALT_VALUE_TYPE, value_type >
::value, pair< iterator, bool >
bsl::unordered_map::insert (BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ALT_VALUE_TYPE) value)
iterator bsl::unordered_map::insert (const_iterator hint, const value_type &value)
template<class ALT_VALUE_TYPE >
enable_if< is_convertible
< ALT_VALUE_TYPE, value_type >
::value, iterator >::type 
bsl::unordered_map::insert (const_iterator hint, BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ALT_VALUE_TYPE) value)
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
void bsl::unordered_map::insert (INPUT_ITERATOR first, INPUT_ITERATOR last)
void bsl::unordered_map::insert (std::initializer_list< value_type > values)
template<class BDE_OTHER_TYPE >
pair< iterator, bool > bsl::unordered_map::insert_or_assign (const KEY &key, BDE_OTHER_TYPE &&obj)
template<class BDE_OTHER_TYPE >
pair< iterator, bool > bsl::unordered_map::insert_or_assign (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< KEY > key, BDE_OTHER_TYPE &&obj)
template<class BDE_OTHER_TYPE >
iterator bsl::unordered_map::insert_or_assign (const_iterator hint, const KEY &key, BDE_OTHER_TYPE &&obj)
template<class BDE_OTHER_TYPE >
iterator bsl::unordered_map::insert_or_assign (const_iterator hint, BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< KEY > key, BDE_OTHER_TYPE &&obj)
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate
< HASH, LOOKUP_KEY >::value
< EQUAL, LOOKUP_KEY >::value,
pair< iterator, iterator >
bsl::unordered_map::equal_range (const LOOKUP_KEY &key)
pair< iterator, iterator > bsl::unordered_map::equal_range (const key_type &key)
void bsl::unordered_map::max_load_factor (float newMaxLoadFactor)
void bsl::unordered_map::rehash (size_type numBuckets)
void bsl::unordered_map::reserve (size_type numElements)
template<class... Args>
pair< iterator, bool > bsl::unordered_map::try_emplace (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< KEY > key, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
iterator bsl::unordered_map::try_emplace (const_iterator hint, const KEY &key, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
iterator bsl::unordered_map::try_emplace (const_iterator hint, BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< KEY > key, Args &&...args)
add_lvalue_reference< const
VALUE >::type 
bsl::unordered_map::at (const key_type &key) const
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map::begin () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map::cbegin () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map::end () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map::cend () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
const_local_iterator bsl::unordered_map::begin (size_type index) const
const_local_iterator bsl::unordered_map::cbegin (size_type index) const
const_local_iterator bsl::unordered_map::end (size_type index) const
const_local_iterator bsl::unordered_map::cend (size_type index) const
size_type bsl::unordered_map::bucket (const key_type &key) const
size_type bsl::unordered_map::bucket_count () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
size_type bsl::unordered_map::max_bucket_count () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
size_type bsl::unordered_map::bucket_size (size_type index) const
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate
< HASH, LOOKUP_KEY >::value
< EQUAL, LOOKUP_KEY >::value,
size_type >::type 
bsl::unordered_map::count (const LOOKUP_KEY &key) const
size_type bsl::unordered_map::count (const key_type &key) const
bool bsl::unordered_map::empty () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate
< HASH, LOOKUP_KEY >::value
< EQUAL, LOOKUP_KEY >::value,
pair< const_iterator,
const_iterator > >::type 
bsl::unordered_map::equal_range (const LOOKUP_KEY &key) const
pair< const_iterator,
const_iterator > 
bsl::unordered_map::equal_range (const key_type &key) const
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate
< HASH, LOOKUP_KEY >::value
< EQUAL, LOOKUP_KEY >::value,
const_iterator >::type 
bsl::unordered_map::find (const LOOKUP_KEY &key) const
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map::find (const key_type &key) const
allocator_type bsl::unordered_map::get_allocator () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
HASH bsl::unordered_map::hash_function () const
EQUAL bsl::unordered_map::key_eq () const
float bsl::unordered_map::load_factor () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
float bsl::unordered_map::max_load_factor () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
size_type bsl::unordered_map::size () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
size_type bsl::unordered_map::max_size () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
template<class KEY , class VALUE , class HASH , class EQUAL , class ALLOCATOR >
bool bsl::operator== (const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &lhs, const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &rhs)
template<class KEY , class VALUE , class HASH , class EQUAL , class ALLOCATOR >
bool bsl::operator!= (const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &lhs, const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &rhs)
template<class KEY , class VALUE , class HASH , class EQUAL , class ALLOCATOR , class PREDICATE >
unordered_map< KEY, VALUE,
bsl::erase_if (unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &m, PREDICATE predicate)
template<class KEY , class VALUE , class HASH , class EQUAL , class ALLOCATOR >
void bsl::swap (unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &a, unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &b) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION(false)


void swap(unordered_map &other)
pair< iterator, bool > 
bsl::unordered_map::try_emplace (const KEY &key, Args &&...args)


template<class KEY2 , class VALUE2 , class HASH2 , class EQUAL2 , class ALLOCATOR2 >
bool bsl::unordered_map::operator== (const unordered_map< KEY2, VALUE2, HASH2, EQUAL2, ALLOCATOR2 > &, const unordered_map< KEY2, VALUE2, HASH2, EQUAL2, ALLOCATOR2 > &)

Detailed Description

Provide an STL-compliant unordered_map container.
bsl::unordered_map STL-compliant unordered_map container
Canonical Header:
See also:
package bos+stdhdrs in the bos package group
This component defines a single class template, bsl::unordered_map, implementing the standard container holding a collection of unique keys, each mapped to an associated value with no guarantees on ordering.
An instantiation of unordered_map is an allocator-aware, value-semantic type whose salient attributes are its size (number of keys) and the set of KEY-VALUE pairs the unordered_map contains, without regard to their order. If unordered_map is instantiated with a key type or mapped type that is not itself value-semantic, then it will not retain all of its value-semantic qualities. In particular, if the key or mapped type cannot be tested for equality, then an unordered_map containing that type cannot be tested for equality. It is even possible to instantiate unordered_map with types that do not have an accessible copy-constructor, in which case the unordered_map will not be copyable. Note if a hasher and/or equality-comparison functor are supplied at container construction, they are copied to the container, and those copies, rather than the object(s) supplied, are used for hashing and equality comparison of keys.
When comparing unordered map containers for equality, the keys are compared using operator==, rather than the EQUALS parameter function type.
An unordered_map meets the requirements of an unordered associative container with forward iterators in the C++11 standard [23.2.5]. The unordered_map implemented here adheres to the C++11 standard when compiled with a C++11 compiler, and makes the best approximation when compiled with a C++03 compiler. In particular, for C++03 we emulate move semantics, but limit forwarding (in emplace) to const lvalues, and make no effort to emulate noexcept or initializer-lists. The unordered_map implemented here adheres to the C++ standard, except that it may rehash when setting the max_load_factor in order to preserve the property that the factor is always respected (which is a potentially throwing operation).
Requirements on value_type:
An unordered_map is a fully Value-Semantic Type (see bsldoc_glossary) only if the supplied KEY and VALUE template parameters are themselves fully value-semantic. The alias value_type is defined as pair<const KEY, VALUE>. It is possible to instantiate an unordered_map with KEY and VALUE parameter arguments that do not provide a full set of value-semantic operations, but then some methods of the container may not be instantiable. The following terminology, adopted from the C++11 standard, is used in the function documentation of map to describe a function's requirements for the KEY and VALUE template parameters. These terms are also defined in section [] of the C++11 standard.
  'X'    - denotes an allocator-aware container type (e.g., 'map')
  'T'    - 'value_type' associated with 'X'
  'A'    - type of the allocator used by 'X'
  'm'    - lvalue of type 'A' (allocator)
  'p',   - address ('T *') of uninitialized storage for a 'T' within an 'X'
  'rv'   - rvalue of type (non-'const') 'T'
  'v'    - rvalue or lvalue of type (possibly 'const') 'T'
  'args' - 0 or more arguments
The following terms are used to more precisely specify the requirements on template parameter types in function-level documentation.
default-insertable: T has a default constructor. More precisely, T is default-insertable into X means that the following expression is well-formed: allocator_traits<A>construct(m, p)
move-insertable: T provides a constructor that takes an rvalue of type (non-'const') T. More precisely, T is move-insertable into X means that the following expression is well-formed: allocator_traits<A>construct(m, p, rv) Note that since the first field of T is const, T is not move-insertable unless key_type is copy-insertable.
copy-insertable: T provides a constructor that takes an lvalue or rvalue of type (possibly const) T. More precisely, T is copy-insertable into X means that the following expression is well-formed: allocator_traits<A>construct(m, p, v)
move-assignable: T provides an assignment operator that takes an rvalue of type (non-'const') T. Note that since the first element of value_type is const, value_type is not move-assignable. Note that since the first field of T is const, T is not move-assignable unless key_type is copy-assignable.
copy-assignable: T provides an assignment operator that takes an lvalue or rvalue of type (possibly const) T.
emplace-constructible: T is emplace-constructible into X from args means that the following expression is well-formed: allocator_traits<A>construct(m, p, args)
erasable: T provides a destructor. More precisely, T is erasable from X means that the following expression is well-formed: allocator_traits<A>destroy(m, p)
equality-comparable: The type provides an equality-comparison operator that defines an equivalence relationship and is both reflexive and transitive.
Requirements on HASH and EQUAL:
The (template parameter) types HASH and EQUAL must be copy-constructible function-objects. Note that this requirement is somewhat stronger than the requirement currently in the standard; see the discussion for Issue 2215 (http://cplusplus.github.com/LWG/lwg-active.html#2215);
Naturally, if either HASH or EQUAL is to be the default for its type, it must be default-constructible as well.
HASH shall support a function call operator compatible with the following statements:
  HASH        hash;
  KEY         key;
  std::size_t result = hash(key);
where the definition of the called function meets the requirements of a hash function as specified in bslstl_hash|Standard Hash Function.
EQUAL shall support the a function call operator compatible with the following statements:
  EQUAL equal;
  KEY   key1, key2;
  bool  result = equal(key1, key2);
where the definition of the called function defines an equivalence relationship on keys that is both reflexive and transitive.
The HASH and EQUAL function-objects are further constrained, such that for any two objects whose keys compare equivalent by the comparator, shall also produce the same return value from the hasher.
Memory Allocation:
The type supplied as the ALLOCATOR template parameter determines how memory will be allocated. The unordered_map template supports allocators meeting the requirements of the C++11 standard [allocator.requirements], and, in addition, it supports scoped-allocators derived from the bslma::Allocator memory allocation protocol. Clients intending to use bslma style allocators should use the template's default ALLOCATOR type. The default type for the ALLOCATOR template parameter, bsl::allocator, provides a C++11 standard-compatible adapter for a bslma::Allocator object.
bslma-Style Allocators:
If the (template parameter) type ALLOCATOR of an unordered_map instantiation is bsl::allocator, then objects of that unordered map type will conform to the standard behavior of a bslma-allocator-enabled type. Such an unordered map accepts an optional bslma::Allocator argument at construction. If the address of a bslma::Allocator object is explicitly supplied at construction, it is used to supply memory for the unordered_map throughout its lifetime; otherwise, the unordered_map will use the default allocator installed at the time of the unordered_maps construction (see bslma_default). In addition to directly allocating memory from the indicated bslma::Allocator, an unordered_map supplies that allocator's address to the constructors of contained objects of the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE if, respectively, those types define the bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator trait to true.
This section describes the run-time complexity of operations on instances of unordered_map:
  'K'                 - template parameter type 'KEY' of the unordered map
  'M'                 - template parameter type 'VALUE' of the unordered map
  'a', 'b'            - two distinct objects of type 'unordered_map<K, V>'
  'n', 'm'            - number of elements in 'a' and 'b', respectively
  'w'                 - number of buckets of 'a'
  'hf'                - hash functor hashing objects of type 'K'
  'eq'                - equality functor comparing objects of type 'K'
  'A'                 - STL-style memory allocator
  'i1', 'i2'          - two iterators defining a sequence of 'value_type'
  'k'                 - object of type 'K'
  'vt'                - object of type 'bsl::pair<const K, M>'
  'Args&&...'         - variable number of arguments
  't&&'               - movable reference to variable 't'
  'ai1', 'ai2'        - two iterators belonging to 'a'
  'idx'               - bucket index
  '{*}'               - C++11 std::initializer_list
  'distance(i1, i2)'  - number of elements in the range '[i1 .. i2)'
  'distance(ai1,ai2)' - number of elements in the range '[ai1 .. ai2)'
  'distance({*})'     - number of elements in the initializer list
  'z'                 - floating point value representing a load factor

  | Operation                                          | Complexity         |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a;    (default construction)   | O[1]               |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(A);                          |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(b); (copy construction)      | Average: O[m]      |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(b, A);                       | Worst:   O[m^2]    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(b&&); (move construction)    | O[1]
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(b&&, A); (move construction) | Best:    O[1]
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[m^2]    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(w);                          | O[n]               |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(w, A);                       |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(w, hf);                      |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(w, hf, A);                   |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(w, hf, eq);                  |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(w, hf, eq, A);               |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(i1, i2);                     | Average: O[N]      |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(i1, i2, A);                  | Worst:   O[N^2]    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(i1, i2, w);                  | where N =          |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(i1, i2, w, A);               |  distance(i1, i2)] |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(i1, i2, w, hf);              |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(i1, i2, w, hf, A);           |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(i1, i2, w, hf, eq);          |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a(i1, i2, w, hf, eq, A);       |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a({*});                        | Average: O[N]      |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a({*}, A);                     | Worst:   O[N^2]    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a({*}, w);                     | where N =          |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a({*}, w, A);                  |       'distance{*}'|
  | unordered_map<K, M> a({*}, w, hf);                 |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a({*}, w, hf, A);              |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a({*}, w, hf, eq);             |                    |
  | unordered_map<K, M> a({*}, w, hf, eq, A);          |                    |
  | a.~unordered_map<K, M>(); (destruction)            | O[n]               |
  | a = b;          (assignment)                       | Average: O[n+m]    |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n+m^2]  |
  | a = {*};        (assignment)                       | Average: O[n+N]    |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n+N^2]  |
  |                                                    | where N =          |
  |                                                    |       distance({*})|
  | a.begin(), a.end(), a.cbegin(), a.cend()           | O[1]               |
  | a.begin(idx), a.end(idx), a.cbegin(idx),           | O[1]               |
  | a.cend(idx)                                        |                    |
  | a == b, a != b                                     | Best:  O[n]        |
  |                                                    | Worst: O[n^2]      |
  | a.swap(b), swap(a, b)                              | O[1]               |
  | a.key_eq()                                         | O[1]               |
  | a.hash_function()                                  | O[1]               |
  | a.size()                                           | O[1]               |
  | a.max_size()                                       | O[1]               |
  | a.empty()                                          | O[1]               |
  | a.get_allocator()                                  | O[1]               |
  | a[k]                                               | Average: O[1]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.at(k)                                            | Average: O[1]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.insert(vt), a.insert(ai1, vt)                    | Average: O[1]      |
  | a.emplace(Args&&...)                               | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.emplace_hint(ai1, Args&&...)                     |                    |
  | a.insert(vt&&), a.insert(ai1, vt&&)                | Average: O[1]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.insert(i1, i2)                                   | Average: O[        |
  |                                                    |   distance(i1, i2)]|
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n *     |
  |                                                    |   distance(i1, i2)]|
  | a.insert({*})                                      | Average: O[        |
  |                                                    |      distance({*})]|
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[        |
  |                                                    |  (n+distance{*})^2]|
  | a.erase(ai1)                                       | Average: O[1]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.erase(k)                                         | Average:           |
  |                                                    |       O[a.count(k)]|
  |                                                    | Worst:             |
  |                                                    |       O[n]         |
  | a.erase(ai1, ai2)                                  | Average: O[        |
  |                                                    | distance(ai1, ai2)]|
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.clear()                                          | O[n]               |
  | a.find(k)                                          | Average: O[1]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.count(k)                                         | Average: O[1]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.equal_range(k)                                   | Average: O[1]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n]      |
  | a.bucket_count()                                   | O[1]               |
  | a.max_bucket_count()                               | O[1]               |
  | a.bucket(k)                                        | O[1]               |
  | a.bucket_size(idx)                                 | O[a.bucket_size(   |
  |                                                    |               idx)]|
  | a.load_factor()                                    | O[1]               |
  | a.max_load_factor()                                | O[1]               |
  | a.max_load_factor(z)                               | O[1]               |
  | a.rehash(k)                                        | Average: O[n]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n^2]    |
  | a.reserve(k)                                       | Average: O[n]      |
  |                                                    | Worst:   O[n^2]    |
Iterator, Pointer, and Reference Invalidation:
No method of unordered_map invalidates a pointer or reference to an element in the unordered map, unless it also erases that element, such as any erase overload, clear, or the destructor (that erases all elements). Pointers and references are stable through a rehash.
Iterators to elements in the container are invalidated by any rehash, so iterators may be invalidated by an insert or emplace call if it triggers a rehash (but not otherwise). Iterators to specific elements are also invalidated when that element is erased. Note that although the end iterator is not an iterator referring to any element in the container, it may be invalidated by any non-'const' method.
Unordered Map Configuration:
The unordered map has interfaces that can provide insight into and control of its inner workings. The unordered map is implemented using a hash table (see bslstl_hashtable), a dynamically sized array of "buckets". If two elements hash to the same bucket (termed a "collision"), then that bucket will house multiple elements. As elements are added to the unordered map, the number of buckets is increased (and the existing elements redistributed) to keep the average number of elements per bucket (the "loading factor") below the specified maximum (the "maximum load factor", 1 by default). Example 2: Examining and Setting Unordered Map Configuration illustrates the use of these interfaces.
Practical Requirements on HASH:
An important factor in the performance an unordered map (and any of the other unordered containers) is the choice of hash function. In general, one wants the hash function to return uniformly distributed values that can be assigned to buckets (see Unordered Map Configuration) with few collisions.
The bsl package provides general purpose, default hash functions for bsl::string, bslstl::StringRef, and the arithmetic types (e.g., int); however, custom defined hash functions may do better, especially if one has information about the distribution of keys; there is considerable literature on designing hash functions.
When a user-defined class is used as a key, hasher must be provided (and equality functor, if equality is not otherwise defined). Two examples, Example 3 and bslstl_unorderedset|Example 1, address this issue by adapting the existing default hash functions for primitive types, an approach that may not always prove adequate.
In this section we show intended use of this component.
Example 1: Gathering Document Statistics:
Unordered maps are useful in situations when there is no meaningful way to order the key values, when the order of the keys is irrelevant to the problem domain (see Example 3), and (even if there is a meaningful ordering) the value of ordering the results is outweighed by the higher performance provided by unordered maps (compared to ordered maps).
Suppose one wished to gather statistics on the words appearing in a large set of documents on disk or in a data base. Gathering those statistics is intrusive (as one is competing for access to the documents with the regular users) and must be done as quickly as possible. Moreover, the set of unique words appearing in those documents may be high. The English language has in excess of a million words (albeit many appear infrequently), and, if the documents contain serial numbers, or Social Security numbers, or chemical formulas, etc., then the O[log(n)] insertion time of ordered maps may well be inadequate. The unordered map, having an O[1] typical insertion cost, is a viable alternative. In many problem domains, sorting, if needed, can be done after the data is gathered.
This example illustrates the use of bsl::unordered_map to gather one simple statistic (counts of unique words) on a single document. To avoid irrelevant details of acquiring the data, several modestly sized documents are stored in static arrays:
  static char document0[] =
  " IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.\n"
  " The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,\n"
  " When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one\n"
  " people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with\n"
  " another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate\n"
  " and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God\n"
  " entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires\n"
  " that they should declare the causes which impel them to the\n"
  " separation.  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men\n"
  " are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with\n"
  " certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and\n"
  " the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments\n"
  " are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent\n"
  " of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes\n"
  " States may of right do.  And for the support of this Declaration,\n"
  " with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we\n"
  " mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred\n"
  " Honor.\n";

  static char document1[] =
  "/The Universal Declaration of Human Rights\n"
  "/ - - - -\n"
  " Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and\n"
  " inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the\n"
  " foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,\n"
  "/Article 30\n"
  "/ - - - - -\n"
  " Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any\n"
  " State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to\n"
  " perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and\n"
  " freedoms set forth herein.\n";

  static char document2[] =
  " The peoples of Europe, in creating an ever closer union among them,\n"
  " are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values.\n"
  "/Article 54\n"
  "/-  -  -  -\n"
  " Prohibition of abuse of rights\n"
  " Nothing in this Charter shall be interpreted as implying any right to\n"
  " engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction\n"
  " of any of the rights and freedoms recognized in this Charter or at\n"
  " their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for herein.\n";

  static char * const documents[] = { document0,
  const int           numDocuments = sizeof documents / sizeof *documents;
First, we define an alias to make our code more comprehensible. Next, we create an (empty) unordered map to hold our word tallies. The output from the printf statements will be discussed in Example 2.
  WordTally wordTally;

  printf("size             %4d initial\n", wordTally.size());
  printf("bucket_count     %4d initial\n", wordTally.bucket_count());
  printf("load_factor      %f  initial\n", wordTally.load_factor());
  printf("max_load_factor  %f  initial\n", wordTally.max_load_factor());
Then, we define the set of characters that define word boundaries:
  const char *delimiters = " \n\t,:;.()[]?!/";
Next, we extract the words from our documents. Note that strtok modifies the document arrays (which were not made const).
For each iteration of the inner loop, that method looks for a map entry matching the given key value. On the first occurrence of a word, the map has no such entry, so one is created with a default value of the mapped value (0, just what we want in this case) and inserted into the map where it is found on any subsequent occurrences of the word. The operator[] method returns a reference providing modifiable access to the mapped value. Here, we apply the ++ operator to that reference to maintain a tally for the word.
  for (int idx = 0; idx < numDocuments; ++idx) {
      for (char *cur = strtok(documents[idx], delimiters);
                 cur = strtok(NULL,     delimiters)) {
Now that the data has been (quickly) gathered, we can indulge in analysis that is more time consuming. For example, we can define a comparison function, copy the data to another container (e.g., bsl::vector), sort the entries, and determine the 20 most commonly used words in the given documents:
  typedef bsl::pair<bsl::string, int> WordTallyEntry;
      // Assignable equivalent to 'WordTally::value_type'.  Note that
      // 'bsl::vector' requires assignable types.

  struct WordTallyEntryCompare {
      static bool lessValue(const WordTallyEntry& a,
                            const WordTallyEntry& b) {
          return a.second < b.second;
      static bool moreValue(const WordTallyEntry& a,
                            const WordTallyEntry& b) {
          return !lessValue(a, b);

  bsl::vector<WordTallyEntry> array(wordTally.cbegin(), wordTally.cend());

  assert(20 <= array.size());

                    array.begin() + 20,
Notice that partial_sort suffices here since we seek only the 20 most used words, not a complete distribution of word counts.
Finally, we print the sorted portion of array:
  for (bsl::vector<WordTallyEntry>::const_iterator cur  = array.begin(),
                                                   end  = cur + 20;
                                                   end != cur; ++cur) {
      printf("%-10s %4d\n", cur->first.c_str(), cur->second);
and standard output shows:
  the         463
  -           398
  of          361
  and         349
  to          306
  in          141
  or          106
  right        93
  be           90
  Article      86
  has          79
  a            76
  shall        69
  for          69
  by           62
  with         50
  Everyone     49
  rights       44
  their        44
  is           43
Notice that "-" (used as an header underscore in our markup) appears in the word count. That could be eliminated by adding - to the set of delimiters; however, that would partition hyphenated words into separate words. In practice, one defines a "stop list" of common words (e.g., "the", "of", "and", "is") that one does not wish to tally. We could easily add "-" to the stop list.
Example 2: Examining and Setting Unordered Map Configuration:
Suppose we wish to examine (and possibly influence) the performance of an unordered map. The unordered map provides several interfaces that allow us to do so. Several of these were used in Example 1 (code repeated below):
  WordTally wordTally;

  printf("size             %4d initial\n", wordTally.size());
  printf("bucket_count     %4d initial\n", wordTally.bucket_count());
  printf("load_factor      %f  initial\n", wordTally.load_factor());
  printf("max_load_factor  %f  initial\n", wordTally.max_load_factor());
First, we examine the metrics of this newly created (empty) unordered map:
  size                0 initial
  bucket_count        1 initial
  load_factor      0.000000  initial
  max_load_factor  1.000000  initial
Notice that even when there are no elements (size is 0) there is one bucket. Since there are no elements, the average number of elements per bucket (the load_factor above) must be 0.
Next, after wordTally has been loaded, we examine its metrics:
  printf("size             %4d\n", wordTally.size());
  printf("bucket_count     %4d\n", wordTally.bucket_count());
  printf("load_factor      %f\n",  wordTally.load_factor());
  printf("max_load_factor  %f\n",  wordTally.max_load_factor());
and find at standard output:
  size             1504
  bucket_count     2099
  load_factor      0.716532
  max_load_factor  1.000000
Notice how the number of buckets has increased. (Sampling this metric as the map was loaded would show that the increase was done in several stages.)
Then, we see that the load factor is indeed below the specified maximum; however we obtain further details of how the buckets are used.
Using the bucket_count method, the unordered map's interface for the number of elements in each bucket, we can easily determine the bucket with the greatest number of elements (i.e., the greatest number of collisions):
  bsl::vector<int> bucketSizes;

  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < wordTally.bucket_count(); ++idx) {

  assert(0 < bucketSizes.size());
  int maxBucketSize = *std::max_element(bucketSizes.begin(),
  printf("maxBucketSize    %4d\n", maxBucketSize);
and find on standard output:
  maxBucketSize       5
We can also count the number of empty buckets, and the number of buckets at maxBucketSize.
  int numEmptyBuckets = static_cast<int>(std::count(bucketSizes.begin(),
  printf("numEmptyBuckets  %4d\n", numEmptyBuckets);

  int numMaxBuckets = static_cast<int>(std::count(bucketSizes.begin(),
  printf("numMaxBuckets    %4d\n", numMaxBuckets);
which shows on standard output:
  numEmptyBuckets  1031
  numMaxBuckets       3
Suppose we are not satisfied with this distribution. (Perhaps the load factor is too high.) We can create a second, differently configured table.
Next, create a new table wordTally2 with twice the bucket count shown by the first table (wordTally), and examine its initial metrics.
  WordTally wordTally2(wordTally.bucket_count() * 2);

  printf("size2            %4d initial\n", wordTally2.size());
  printf("bucket_count2    %4d initial\n", wordTally2.bucket_count());
  printf("load_factor2     %f  initial\n", wordTally2.load_factor());
  printf("max_load_factor2 %f  initial\n", wordTally2.max_load_factor());
Standard output shows:
  size2               0 initial
  bucket_count2    4201 initial
  load_factor2     0.000000  initial
  max_load_factor2 1.000000  initial
Notice that although we requested 4198 buckets (2 * 2099), we created a table with 4201 buckets. (4201 is the smallest prime number greater than 4198).
Then, we load our new table and examine its metrics. For simplicity, we load data from the first table rather than re-tokenize our documents.
  wordTally2 = wordTally;

  printf("size2            %4d\n", wordTally2.size());
  printf("bucket_count2    %4d\n", wordTally2.bucket_count());
  printf("load_factor2     %f\n",  wordTally2.load_factor());
  printf("max_load_factor2 %f\n",  wordTally2.max_load_factor());

  bsl::vector<int> bucketSizes2;

  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < wordTally2.bucket_count(); ++idx) {

  assert(0 < bucketSizes2.size());
  int maxBucketSize2 = *std::max_element(bucketSizes2.begin(),
  printf("maxBucketSize2   %4d\n", maxBucketSize2);

  int numEmptyBuckets2 = static_cast<int>(std::count(bucketSizes2.begin(),
  printf("numEmptyBuckets2 %4d\n", numEmptyBuckets2);

  int numMaxBuckets2 = static_cast<int>(std::count(bucketSizes2.begin(),
  printf("numMaxBuckets2   %4d\n", numMaxBuckets2);
Finally, we see on standard output:
  size2            1504
  bucket_count2    4201
  load_factor2     0.358010
  max_load_factor2 1.000000
  maxBucketSize2      4
  numEmptyBuckets2 2971
  numMaxBuckets2      5
Notice that the loading factor has been (roughly) cut in half; we have achieved our goal. Also notice that the bucket count is unchanged since construction; thus, there were no rehashes during the loading this unordered map. Finally, notice that the number of empty (unused) buckets is significantly higher, and there's been a modest decrease in the largest bucket size, but more instances of them.
Thus, the unordered map provides facilities by which we can make trade-offs in performance characteristics of the containers we create.
Example 3: Inverse Concordance:
If one has a concordance for a set of documents (an index of the position of every unique word in those documents), then words of interest can be efficiently located. Suppose after locating a word of interest one also needs the surrounding words (for context). Searching in the original document requires re-tokenization (time consuming). Alternatively, one can use the concordance to create an inverse concordance to provide a fast lookup of the words at given locations in a document and then examine words near the word of interest.
First, we define the types required (and convenient aliases) to create an unordered map from a word location to the corresponding word. The "key" value will be WordLocation, a pair of int values: the first being the document code number (arbitrarily assigned), and second the word offset in that document (the first word of the document is at offset 0). The "mapped" value of each entry is a bsl::string containing the word at that location.
  typedef bsl::pair<int, int> WordLocation;
      // Document code number ('first') and word offset ('second') in that
      // document specify a word location.  The first word in the document
      // is at word offset 0.
Notice that the WordLocation, the type of the key value, has no natural ordering. The assignment of document codes is arbitrary so there is no reason to consider the words on one document to sort below those in any another.
Then, since there is no default hash function for the WordLocation type, we define one. The document code and the word offset are individually hashed using the default hasher for the int type and those results bitwise exclusive OR-ed a combined result. This trivial combination formula suffices for this problem, but is not a general solution for combining hashes; see Practical Requirements on HASH.
  class WordLocationHash
      WordLocationHash& operator=(const WordLocationHash& rhs);

      // CREATORS
          // Create a 'WordLocationHash' object.

          // Create a 'WordLocationHash' object.  Note that as
          // 'WordLocationHash' is an empty (stateless) type, this operation
          // has no observable effect.

          // Destroy this object.

      // ACCESSORS
      std::size_t operator()(WordLocation x) const
          // Return a hash value computed using the specified 'x'.
          bsl::hash<int> hasher;
          return hasher(x.first) ^ hasher(x.second);
Notice that many of the required methods of the hash type are compiler generated. (The declaration of those methods are commented out and suffixed by an = default comment.)
In addition to a hash functor, the unordered map requires an equality comparison functor. In this example, the unordered map uses operator== method of std::pair by default. If the mapped type has no such method, a equality-comparison functor must be provided explicitly.
Next, we define the type of the unordered map and associated convenience aliases:
  typedef bsl::unordered_map<WordLocation, bsl::string, WordLocationHash>

  typedef InverseConcordance::const_iterator   InverseConcordanceConstItr;
Next, we obtain a concordance for the document set (see bslstl_unorderedmultimap|Example 1). Here, the concordance is provided as a statically initialized array:
  const static struct {
      const char *d_word;
      int         d_documentCode;
      int         d_wordOffset;
  } concordance[] = {
      { "extent",             2,  3597 }, { "to",                 2,  1225 },
      { "to",                 2,  1252 }, { "Every",              2,  1049 }
  const int numConcordance = sizeof concordance/sizeof *concordance;
Then, we create inverseConcordance, an unordered map, and initialize it with values obtained from concordance.
  InverseConcordance inverseConcordance;

  for (int idx = 0; idx < numConcordance; ++idx) {
      bsl::string word         = concordance[idx].d_word;
      int         documentCode = concordance[idx].d_documentCode;
      int         wordOffset   = concordance[idx].d_wordOffset;

      WordLocation                   location(documentCode, wordOffset);
      InverseConcordance::value_type value(location, word);
      bool                           status =
Notice that we expect every insert to be successful, as the concordance should not show more than one word at any location.
Next, suppose we knew the location of the word "unalienable" in the document set (see bslstl_unorderedmultimap|Example 1) and want to know its context?
  "unalienable",  0,  109
We use the find method of inverseConcordance to determine the words within offset delta of "unalienable". Note that we must check the validity of the returned iterator, in case we probe beyond the boundaries of the document.
  const int docCode =   0;
  const int origin  = 109;
  const int delta   =  16;

  for (int offset = origin - delta; offset < origin + delta; ++offset) {
      WordLocation               location(docCode, offset);
      InverseConcordanceConstItr itr = inverseConcordance.find(location);

      if (inverseConcordance.end() != itr) {
          printf("%d %4d: %s\n",
          assert(origin != offset
              || bsl::string("unalienable") == itr->second);
Notice that the assertion confirms that "unalienable" is found in our inverse location at the location we obtained from the concordance.
Finally, we find on standard output:
  0   93: evident
  0   94: that
  0   95: all
  0   96: men
  0   97: are
  0   98: created
  0   99: equal
  0  100: that
  0  101: they
  0  102: are
  0  103: endowed
  0  104: by
  0  105: their
  0  106: Creator
  0  107: with
  0  108: certain
  0  109: unalienable
  0  110: Rights
  0  111: that
  0  112: among
  0  113: these
  0  114: are
  0  115: Life
  0  116: Liberty
  0  117: and
  0  118: the
  0  119: pursuit
  0  120: of
  0  121: Happiness
  0  122: That
  0  123: to
  0  124: secure

Typedef Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef KEY bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::key_type [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef VALUE bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::mapped_type [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::value_type [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef HASH bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::hasher [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef EQUAL bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::key_equal [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef ALLOCATOR bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::allocator_type [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef value_type& bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::reference [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef const value_type& bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::const_reference [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef AllocatorTraits::size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::size_type [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef AllocatorTraits::difference_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::difference_type [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef AllocatorTraits::pointer bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::pointer [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef AllocatorTraits::const_pointer bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::const_pointer [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableIterator< value_type, difference_type> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::iterator [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableIterator< const value_type, difference_type> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::const_iterator [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableBucketIterator< value_type, difference_type> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::local_iterator [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableBucketIterator< const value_type, difference_type> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::const_local_iterator [inherited]

Function Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( size_type  initialNumBuckets,
const HASH &  hashFunction = HASH(),
const EQUAL &  keyEqual = EQUAL(),
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator = ALLOCATOR() 
) [explicit, inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( size_type  initialNumBuckets,
const HASH &  hashFunction,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator 
) [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( size_type  initialNumBuckets,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator 
) [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator  )  [explicit, inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map (  )  [inherited]

Create an empty unordered map having a max_load_factor of 1.0. Optionally specify an initialNumBuckets indicating the minimum initial size of the array of buckets of this unordered map. If initialNumBuckets is not supplied, one empty bucket shall be used and no memory allocated. Optionally specify a hashFunction used to generate the hash values associated with the KEY-VALUE pairs contained in this unordered map. If hashFunction is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type HASH is used. Optionally specify a key-equality functor keyEqual used to determine whether two keys are equivalent. If keyEqual is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type EQUAL is used. Optionally specify the basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type ALLOCATOR is used. If the ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator (the default), then basicAllocator shall be convertible to bslma::Allocator *. If the ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator and basicAllocator is not supplied, the currently installed default allocator is used to supply memory. Note that more than initialNumBuckets buckets may be created in order to preserve the bucket allocation strategy of the hash-table (but never fewer).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( INPUT_ITERATOR  first,
size_type  initialNumBuckets = 0,
const HASH &  hashFunction = HASH(),
const EQUAL &  keyEqual = EQUAL(),
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator = ALLOCATOR() 
) [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( INPUT_ITERATOR  first,
size_type  initialNumBuckets,
const HASH &  hashFunction,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator 
) [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( INPUT_ITERATOR  first,
size_type  initialNumBuckets,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator 
) [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( INPUT_ITERATOR  first,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator 
) [inherited]

Create an empty unordered map, having a max_load_factor of 1.0, and then create a value_type object for each iterator in the range starting at the specified first iterator and ending immediately before the specified last iterator, by converting from the object referred to by each iterator. Insert into this unordered map each such object, ignoring those having a key that appears earlier in the sequence. Optionally specify a minimum initialNumBuckets indicating the minimum initial size of the array of buckets of this unordered map. If initialNumBuckets is 0 or not supplied, and first and last denote an empty range, a single empty bucket shall be supplied. The actual number of buckets the unordered_map is created with shall always be enough to accommodate the number of elements of the range without exceeding the max_load_factor. Optionally specify a hashFunction used to generate hash values associated with the KEY-VALUE pairs contained in this unordered map. If hashFunction is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type HASH is used. Optionally specify a key-equality functor keyEqual used to verify that two keys are equivalent. If keyEqual is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type EQUAL is used. Optionally specify a basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type ALLOCATOR is used. If ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator (the default), then basicAllocator shall be convertible to bslma::Allocator *. If the ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator and basicAllocator is not supplied, the currently installed default allocator is used to supply memory. The (template parameter) type INPUT_ITERATOR shall meet the requirements of an input iterator defined in the C++11 standard [24.2.3] providing access to values of a type convertible to value_type. The behavior is undefined unless first and last refer to a sequence of valid values where first is at a position at or before last. Note that more than initialNumBuckets buckets may be created in order to preserve the bucket allocation strategy of the hash-table (but never fewer).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( std::initializer_list< value_type values,
size_type  initialNumBuckets = 0,
const HASH &  hashFunction = HASH(),
const EQUAL &  keyEqual = EQUAL(),
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator = ALLOCATOR() 
) [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( std::initializer_list< value_type values,
size_type  initialNumBuckets,
const HASH &  hashFunction,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator 
) [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( std::initializer_list< value_type values,
size_type  initialNumBuckets,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator 
) [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( std::initializer_list< value_type values,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator 
) [inherited]

Create an empty unordered map, having a max_load_factor of 1.0, and then create a value_type object for each in the range specified by values argument, ignoring elements having a key that appears earlier in the sequence. Optionally specify a minimum initialNumBuckets indicating the minimum initial size of the array of buckets of this unordered map. If initialNumBuckets is not supplied and values is an empty list, a single empty bucket shall be created. The actual number of buckets the unordered_map is created with shall always be enough to accommodate the number of elements in values without exceeding the max_load_factor. Optionally specify a hashFunction used to generate hash values associated with the KEY-VALUE pairs contained in this unordered map. If hashFunction is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type HASH is used. Optionally specify a key-equality functor keyEqual used to verify that two keys are equivalent. If keyEqual is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type EQUAL is used. Optionally specify a basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type ALLOCATOR is used. If the ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator (the default), then basicAllocator shall be convertible to bslma::Allocator *. If the ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator and basicAllocator is not supplied, the currently installed default allocator is used to supply memory. Note that more than initialNumBuckets buckets may be created in order to preserve the bucket allocation strategy of the hash-table (but never fewer).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  original  )  [inherited]

Create an unordered map having the same value, hasher, key-equality comparator, and max_load_factor as the specified original. Use the allocator returned by 'bslallocator_traits<ALLOCATOR>:: select_on_container_copy_construction(original.get_allocator())' to supply memory. If the ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator (the default), the currently installed default allocator is used to supply memory.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  original,
const typename type_identity< ALLOCATOR >::type basicAllocator 
) [inherited]

Create an unordered map having the same value, hasher, key-equality comparator, and max_load_factor as the specified original, and using the specified basicAllocator to supply memory. If the ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator (the default), then basicAllocator shall be convertible to bslma::Allocator *.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > >  original  )  [inherited]

IMPLICIT: Create an unordered map having the same value as the specified original object by moving (in constant time) the contents of original to the new unordered map. Use a copy of original.hash_function() to generate hash values for the keys contained in this unordered map. Use a copy of original.key_eq() to verify that two keys are equivalent. The allocator associated with original is propagated for use in the newly-created unordered map. original is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::unordered_map ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > >  original,
const typename type_identity< ALLOCATOR >::type basicAllocator 
) [inherited]

Create an unordered map having the same value, hasher, key-equality comparator, and max_load_factor as the specified original. Use the specified basicAllocator to supply memory. This method requires that the (template parameter) type value_type be move-insertable into this unordered_map (see Requirements on value_type). Note that a bslma::Allocator * can be supplied for basicAllocator if the (template parameter) ALLOCATOR type is bsl::allocator (the default).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::~unordered_map (  )  [inherited]

Destroy this object and each of its elements.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
unordered_map& bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::operator= ( const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  rhs  )  [inherited]

Assign to this object the value, hasher, key-equality functor, and max_load_factor of the specified rhs object, propagate to this object the allocator of rhs if the ALLOCATOR type has trait propagate_on_container_copy_assignment, and return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be copy-constructible (see Requirements on value_type).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
unordered_map& operator= (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<unordered_map> rhs) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION( AllocatorTraits unordered_map& bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::operator= ( std::initializer_list< value_type rhs  )  [inherited]

< Assign to this object the value, hash function, and key-equality comparator of the specified rhs object, propagate to this object the allocator of rhs if the ALLOCATOR type has trait propagate_on_container_move_assignment, and return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. The contents of rhs are moved (in constant time) to this unordered map if get_allocator() == rhs.get_allocator() (after accounting for the aforementioned trait); otherwise, all elements in this container are either destroyed or move-assigned to, and each additional element in rhs is move-inserted into this unordered_map. rhs is left in a valid but unspecified state, and if an exception is thrown, *this is left in a valid but unspecified state. This method requires that the type value_type be move-constructible (see Requirements on value_type). Assign to this unordered map the value of the of the specified initializer list rhs, and return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. This method requires that the (template parameter) type value_type be copy-insertable into this list.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
add_lvalue_reference<VALUE>::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::operator[] ( const key_type key  )  [inherited]

Return a reference providing modifiable access to the mapped-value associated with the specified key in this unordered map; if this unordered map does not already contain a value_type object with key, first insert a new value_type object having key and a default-constructed VALUE object. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) type KEY is copy-constructible and the (template parameter) VALUE is "default-constructible" (see Requirements on value_type).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
add_lvalue_reference<VALUE>::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::operator[] ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< key_type key  )  [inherited]

Return a reference providing modifiable access to the mapped-value associated with the specified key in this unordered map; if this unordered map does not already contain a value_type object with key, first insert a new value_type object having key and a default-constructed VALUE object. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) VALUE is "default-constructible" (see Requirements on value_type). Note that key may be modified; it is guaranteed to be left in a valid state.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
add_lvalue_reference<VALUE>::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::at ( const key_type key  )  [inherited]

Return a reference providing modifiable access to the mapped-value associated with the specified key, if such an entry exists; otherwise throw std::out_of_range exception. Note that this method is not exception-neutral.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::begin (  )  [inherited]

Return an iterator providing modifiable access to the first value_type object in the sequence of value_type objects maintained by this unordered map, or the end iterator if this unordered map is empty.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::end (  )  [inherited]

Return an iterator providing modifiable access to the past-the-end position in the sequence of value_type objects maintained by this unordered map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
local_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::begin ( size_type  index  )  [inherited]

Return a local iterator providing modifiable access to the first value_type object in the sequence of value_type objects of the bucket having the specified index in the array of buckets maintained by this unordered map, or the end(index) iterator if the bucket is empty. The behavior is undefined unless 'index < bucket_count()'.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
local_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::end ( size_type  index  )  [inherited]

Return a local iterator providing modifiable access to the past-the-end position in the sequence of value_type objects of the bucket having the specified index in the array of buckets maintained by this unordered map. The behavior is undefined unless index < bucket_count().

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
void bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::clear (  )  [inherited]

Remove all entries from this unordered map. Note that this unordered map will be empty after calling this method, but allocated memory may be retained for future use.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class... Args>
pair<iterator, bool> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::emplace ( Args &&...  args  )  [inherited]

Insert into this unordered map a newly-created value_type object, constructed by forwarding get_allocator() (if required) and the specified (variable number of) args to the corresponding constructor of value_type, if a key equivalent to such a value does not already exist in this map; otherwise, this method has no effect (other than possibly creating a temporary value_type object). Return a pair whose first member is an iterator referring to the (possibly newly created and inserted) object in this map whose key is equivalent to that of an object constructed from args, and whose second member is true if a new value was inserted, and false if an equivalent key was already present. This method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be emplace-constructible from args (see Requirements on value_type).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class... Args>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::emplace_hint ( const_iterator  hint,
Args &&...  args 
) [inherited]

Insert into this unordered map a newly-created value_type object, constructed by forwarding get_allocator() (if required) and the specified (variable number of) args to the corresponding constructor of value_type, if a key equivalent to such a value does not already exist in this map; otherwise, this method has no effect (other than possibly creating a temporary value_type object). Return an iterator referring to the (possibly newly created and inserted) object in this map whose key is equivalent to that of an object constructed from args. The average and worst case complexity of this operation is not affected by the specified hint. This method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be emplace-constructible from args (see Requirements on value_type). The behavior is undefined unless hint is an iterator in the range [begin() .. end()] (both endpoints included). Note that hint is ignored (other than possibly asserting its validity in some build modes).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::erase ( const_iterator  position  )  [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::erase ( iterator  position  )  [inherited]

Remove from this unordered map the value_type object at the specified position, and return an iterator referring to the element immediately following the removed element, or to the past-the-end position if the removed element was the last element in the sequence of elements maintained by this unordered map. This method invalidates only iterators and references to the removed element and previously saved values of the end() iterator, and preserves the relative order of the elements not removed. The behavior is undefined unless position refers to a value_type object in this unordered map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::erase ( const key_type key  )  [inherited]

Remove from this unordered map the value_type object having the specified key, if it exists, and return 1; otherwise (there is no object with a key equivalent to key in this unordered map) return 0 with no other effect. This method invalidates only iterators and references to the removed element and previously saved values of the end() iterator, and preserves the relative order of the elements not removed.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::erase ( const_iterator  first,
const_iterator  last 
) [inherited]

Remove from this unordered map the value_type objects starting at the specified first position up to, but not including, the specified last position, and return last. This method invalidates only iterators and references to the removed element and previously saved values of the end() iterator, and preserves the relative order of the elements not removed. The behavior is undefined unless first and last either refer to elements in this unordered map or are the end iterator, and the first position is at or before the last position in the iteration sequence provided by this container.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
enable_if< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<HASH, LOOKUP_KEY>::value && BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<EQUAL,LOOKUP_KEY>::value, iterator>::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::find ( const LOOKUP_KEY &  key  )  [inline, inherited]
key Return an iterator providing modifiable access to the value_type object in this unordered map with a key equivalent to the specified key, if such an entry exists, and the past-the-end iterator (end) otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless key is equivalent to the key of at most one element in this unordered map.

Note: implemented inline due to Sun CC compilation error.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::find ( const key_type key  )  [inherited]

Return an iterator providing modifiable access to the value_type object in this unordered map with a key equivalent to the specified key, if such an entry exists, and the past-the-end iterator (end) otherwise.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
pair<iterator, bool> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( const value_type value  )  [inherited]

Insert the specified value into this unordered map if the key (the first element) of the object referred to by value does not already exist in this unordered map; otherwise, this method has no effect (a value_type object having the key equivalent to the key of value already exists in this unordered map). Return a pair whose first member is an iterator referring to the (possibly newly inserted) value_type object in this unordered map whose key is equivalent to that of the object to be inserted, and whose second member is true if a new value was inserted, and false if a value having an equivalent key was already present. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be copy-insertable into this unordered map (see Requirements on value_type).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class ALT_VALUE_TYPE >
enable_if<is_convertible<ALT_VALUE_TYPE, value_type>::value, pair<iterator, bool> >::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ALT_VALUE_TYPE)  value  )  [inline, inherited]
value Insert the specified value into this unordered map if the key (the first element) of the object referred to by value does not already exist in this unordered map; otherwise, this method has no effect (a value_type object having the same key as the converted value already exists in this unordered map) . Return a pair whose first member is an iterator referring to the (possibly newly inserted) value_type object in this unordered map whose key is the equivalent to that of the object to be inserted, and whose second member is true if a new value was inserted, and false if a value having an equivalent key was already present. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be move-constructible (see Requirements on value_type), and that the value_type be constructible from the (template parameter) ALT_VALUE_TYPE. Also note that this one template stands in for three insert functions in the C++11 standard.
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( const_iterator  hint,
const value_type value 
) [inherited]

Insert the specified value into this unordered map if the key (the first element) of the object referred to by value does not already exist in this unordered map; otherwise, this method has no effect (a value_type object having the key equivalent to the key of value already exists in this unordered map). Return an iterator referring to ether the newly inserted value_type object or to the existing object whose key is equivalent to the key of value. The average and worst case complexity of this operation is not affected by the specified hint. This method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be copy-insertable into this unordered map (see Requirements on value_type). The behavior is undefined unless hint is an iterator in the range [begin() .. end()] (both endpoints included). Note that hint is ignored (other than possibly asserting its validity in some build modes).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class ALT_VALUE_TYPE >
enable_if<is_convertible<ALT_VALUE_TYPE, value_type>::value, iterator>::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( const_iterator  hint,
) [inline, inherited]
value Insert the specified value into this unordered map if the key (the first element) of the object referred to by value does not already exist in this unordered map; otherwise, this method has no effect (a value_type object having the same key as the converted value already exists in this unordered map) . Return an iterator referring to ether the newly inserted) value_type object or to the existing object whose key is equivalent to the key of value. The average and worst case complexity of this operation is not affected by the specified hint. This method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be move-constructible (see Requirements on value_type) and that the value_type be constructible from the (template parameter) ALT_VALUE_TYPE. The behavior is undefined unless hint is an iterator in the range [begin() .. end()] (both endpoints included). Note that hint is ignored (other than possibly asserting its validity in some build modes). Also note that this one template stands in for three insert functions in the C++11 standard.
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
void bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( INPUT_ITERATOR  first,
) [inherited]

Create a value_type object for each iterator in the range starting at the specified first iterator and ending immediately before the specified last iterator, by converting from the object referred to by each iterator. Insert into this unordered map each such object whose key is not already contained. The (template parameter) type INPUT_ITERATOR shall meet the requirements of an input iterator defined in the C++11 standard [24.2.3] providing access to values of a type convertible to value_type. The behavior is undefined unless first and last refer to a sequence of valid values where first is at a position at or before last. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be copy-constructible (see Requirements on value_type).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
void bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert ( std::initializer_list< value_type values  )  [inherited]

Create a value_type object for each element in the specified values. Insert into this unordered map each such object whose key is not already contained. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be copy-constructible (see Requirements on value_type).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class BDE_OTHER_TYPE >
pair<iterator, bool> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert_or_assign ( const KEY &  key,
) [inherited]

If a key equivalent to the specified key already exists in this unordered_map, assign the specified obj to the value associated with that key, and return a pair containing an iterator referring to the existing item and false. Otherwise, insert into this map a newly-created value_type object, constructed from (key, std::forward<BDE_OTHER_TYPE>(obj)...)), and return a pair containing an iterator referring to the newly-created entry and true.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class BDE_OTHER_TYPE >
pair<iterator, bool> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert_or_assign ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< KEY >  key,
) [inherited]

If a key equivalent to the specified key already exists in this unordered_map, assign the specified obj to the value associated with that key, and return a pair containing an iterator referring to the existing item and false. Otherwise, insert into this map a newly-created value_type object, constructed from (std::forward<KEY>(key), std::forward<BDE_OTHER_TYPE>(obj)...)), and return a pair containing an iterator referring to the newly-created entry and true.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class BDE_OTHER_TYPE >
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert_or_assign ( const_iterator  hint,
const KEY &  key,
) [inherited]

If a key equivalent to the specified key already exists in this unordered_map, assign the specified obj to the value associated with that key, and return an iterator referring to the existing item. Otherwise, insert into this map a newly-created value_type object, constructed from (std::forward<KEY>(key), std::forward<BDE_OTHER_TYPE>(obj)...)), and return a pair containing an iterator referring to the newly-created entry and true. Use the specified hint as a starting point for checking to see if the key already in the unordered_map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class BDE_OTHER_TYPE >
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::insert_or_assign ( const_iterator  hint,
BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< KEY >  key,
) [inherited]

If a key equivalent to the specified key already exists in this unordered_map, assign the specified obj to the value associated with that key, and return an iterator referring to the existing item. Otherwise, insert into this map a newly-created value_type object, constructed from (std::forward<KEY>(key), std::forward<BDE_OTHER_TYPE>(obj)...)), and return an iterator referring to the newly-created entry. Use the specified hint as a starting point for checking to see if the key already in the unordered_map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
enable_if< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<HASH, LOOKUP_KEY>::value && BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<EQUAL,LOOKUP_KEY>::value, pair<iterator, iterator> >::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::equal_range ( const LOOKUP_KEY &  key  )  [inline, inherited]
key Return a pair of iterators providing modifiable access to the sequence of value_type objects in this unordered map having the specified key, where the first iterator is positioned at the start of the sequence, and the second is positioned one past the end of the sequence. If this unordered map contains no value_type object having key, then the two returned iterators will have the same value, end(). The behavior is undefined unless key is equivalent to at most one key in this unordered map. Note that since an unordered map maintains unique keys, the range will contain at most one element.

Note: implemented inline due to Sun CC compilation error.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
pair<iterator, iterator> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::equal_range ( const key_type key  )  [inherited]

Return a pair of iterators providing modifiable access to the sequence of value_type objects in this unordered map having the specified key, where the first iterator is positioned at the start of the sequence, and the second is positioned one past the end of the sequence. If this unordered map contains no value_type object having key, then the two returned iterators will have the same value, end(). Note that since an unordered map maintains unique keys, the range will contain at most one element.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
void bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::max_load_factor ( float  newMaxLoadFactor  )  [inherited]

Set the maximum load factor of this unordered map to the specified newMaxLoadFactor. If newMaxLoadFactor < loadFactor(), this operator will cause an immediate rehash (in violation of the C++11 standard); otherwise, it has a constant-time cost. The behavior is undefined unless 0 < newMaxLoadFactor.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
void bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::rehash ( size_type  numBuckets  )  [inherited]

Change the size of the array of buckets maintained by this unordered map to at least the specified numBuckets, and redistribute all the contained elements into the new sequence of buckets, according to their hash values. After this call, load_factor will be less than or equal to max_load_factor. This operation has no effect if rehashing the elements into numBuckets would cause this map to exceed its max_load_factor.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
void bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::reserve ( size_type  numElements  )  [inherited]

Increase the number of buckets of this set to a quantity such that the ratio between the specified numElements and this quantity does not exceed max_load_factor. Note that this guarantees that, after the reserve, elements can be inserted to grow the container to size() == numElements without rehashing. Also note that memory allocations may still occur when growing the container to 'size() == numElements'. Also note that this operation has no effect if numElements <= size().

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class... Args>
pair<iterator, bool> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::try_emplace ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< KEY >  key,
Args &&...  args 
) [inherited]

If a key equivalent to the specified key already exists in this unordered_map, return a pair containing an iterator referring to the existing item and false. Otherwise, insert into this map a newly-created value_type object, constructed from std::forward<KEY>(key) and the specified args, and return a pair containing an iterator referring to the newly-created entry, and true. This method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE are emplace-constructible from key and args respectively. For C++03, VALUE must also be copy-constructible.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class... Args>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::try_emplace ( const_iterator  hint,
const KEY &  key,
Args &&...  args 
) [inherited]

If a key equivalent to the specified key already exists in this unordered_map, return an iterator referring to the existing item. Otherwise, insert into this map a newly-created value_type object, constructed from key and the specified args, and return an iterator referring to the newly-created entry. Use the specified hint as a starting point for checking to see if the key already in the unordered_map. This method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE are emplace-constructible from key and args respectively. For C++03, VALUE must also be copy-constructible.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class... Args>
iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::try_emplace ( const_iterator  hint,
BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< KEY >  key,
Args &&...  args 
) [inherited]

If a key equivalent to the specified key already exists in this unordered_map, return an iterator referring to the existing item. Otherwise, insert into this map a newly-created value_type object, constructed from std::forward<KEY>(key) and the specified args, and return an iterator referring to the newly-created entry. Use the specified hint as a starting point for checking to see if the key already in the unordered_map. This method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE are emplace-constructible from key and args respectively. For C++03, VALUE must also be copy-constructible.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
add_lvalue_reference<const VALUE>::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::at ( const key_type key  )  const [inherited]

Return a reference providing non-modifiable access to the mapped-value associated with the specified key, if such an entry exists; otherwise throw a std::out_of_range exception. Note that this method is not exception-neutral.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::begin (  )  const [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::cbegin (  )  const [inherited]

Return an iterator providing non-modifiable access to the first value_type object in the sequence of value_type objects maintained by this unordered map, or the end iterator if this unordered map is empty.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::end (  )  const [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::cend (  )  const [inherited]

Return an iterator providing non-modifiable access to the past-the-end position in the sequence of value_type objects maintained by this unordered map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_local_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::begin ( size_type  index  )  const [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_local_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::cbegin ( size_type  index  )  const [inherited]

Return a local iterator providing non-modifiable access to the first value_type object in the sequence of value_type objects of the bucket having the specified index in the array of buckets maintained by this unordered map, or the end(index) iterator if the bucket is empty. The behavior is undefined unless index < bucket_count().

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_local_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::end ( size_type  index  )  const [inherited]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_local_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::cend ( size_type  index  )  const [inherited]

Return a local iterator providing non-modifiable access to the past-the-end position in the sequence of value_type objects of the bucket having the specified index in the array of buckets maintained by this unordered map. The behavior is undefined unless index < bucket_count().

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::bucket ( const key_type key  )  const [inherited]

Return the index of the bucket, in the array of buckets maintained by this unordered map, where values having a key equivalent to the specified key would be inserted.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::bucket_count (  )  const [inherited]

Return the number of buckets in the array of buckets maintained by this unordered map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::max_bucket_count (  )  const [inherited]

Return a theoretical upper bound on the largest number of buckets that this unordered map could possibly manage. Note that there is no guarantee that the unordered map can successfully grow to the returned size, or even close to that size, without running out of resources.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::bucket_size ( size_type  index  )  const [inherited]

Return the number of elements contained in the bucket at the specified index in the array of buckets maintained by this unordered map. The behavior is undefined unless index < bucket_count().

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
enable_if< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<HASH, LOOKUP_KEY>::value && BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<EQUAL,LOOKUP_KEY>::value, size_type>::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::count ( const LOOKUP_KEY &  key  )  const [inline, inherited]

< Return the number of value_type objects within this unordered map that have a key equivalent to the specified key. The behavior is undefined unless key is equivalent to at most one key in this unordered map. Note that since an unordered map maintains unique keys, the returned value will be either 0 or 1.

Note: implemented inline due to Sun CC compilation error.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::count ( const key_type key  )  const [inherited]

Return the number of value_type objects contained within this unordered map having the specified key. Note that since an unordered map maintains unique keys, the returned value will be either 0 or 1.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
bool bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::empty (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this unordered map contains no elements, and false otherwise.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
enable_if< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<HASH, LOOKUP_KEY>::value && BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<EQUAL,LOOKUP_KEY>::value, pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> >::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::equal_range ( const LOOKUP_KEY &  key  )  const [inline, inherited]

< Return a pair of iterators providing non-modifiable access to the sequence of value_type objects in this unordered map with a key equivalent to specified key, where the first iterator is positioned at the start of the sequence, and the second is positioned one past the end of the sequence. If this unordered map contains no value_type objects having a key equivalent to key, then the two returned iterators will have the same value, end(). The behavior is undefined unless key is equivalent to at most one key in this unordered map. Note that since an unordered map maintains unique keys, the range will contain at most one element.

Note: implemented inline due to Sun CC compilation error.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::equal_range ( const key_type key  )  const [inherited]

Return a pair of iterators providing non-modifiable access to the sequence of value_type objects in this unordered map having the specified key, where the first iterator is positioned at the start of the sequence, and the second is positioned one past the end of the sequence. If this unordered map contains no value_type object having key, then the two returned iterators will have the same value, end(). Note that since an unordered map maintains unique keys, the range will contain at most one element.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class LOOKUP_KEY >
enable_if< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<HASH, LOOKUP_KEY>::value && BloombergLP::bslmf::IsTransparentPredicate<EQUAL,LOOKUP_KEY>::value, const_iterator>::type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::find ( const LOOKUP_KEY &  key  )  const [inline, inherited]

< Return an iterator providing non-modifiable access to the value_type object in this unordered map with a key equivalent to the specified key, if such an entry exists, and the past-the-end iterator (end) otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless key is equivalent to at most one key in this unordered map.

Note: implemented inline due to Sun CC compilation error.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
const_iterator bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::find ( const key_type key  )  const [inherited]

Return an iterator providing non-modifiable access to the value_type object in this unordered map with a key equivalent to the specified key, if such an entry exists, and the past-the-end iterator (end) otherwise.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
allocator_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::get_allocator (  )  const [inherited]

Return (a copy of) the allocator used for memory allocation by this unordered map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
HASH bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::hash_function (  )  const [inherited]

Return (a copy of) the unary hash functor used by this unordered map to generate a hash value (of type size_type) for a key_type object.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
EQUAL bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::key_eq (  )  const [inherited]

Return (a copy of) binary the key-equality functor used by this unordered map that returns true if two key_type objects are equivalent, and false otherwise.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
float bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::load_factor (  )  const [inherited]

Return the current ratio between the size of this unordered map and the number of buckets. The load factor is a measure of how full the container is, and a higher load factor typically leads to an increased number of collisions, thus resulting in a loss of performance.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
float bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::max_load_factor (  )  const [inherited]

Return the maximum load factor allowed for this unordered map. Note that if an insert operation would cause the load factor to exceed the max_load_factor, that same insert operation will increase the number of buckets and rehash the elements of the container into those buckets (see rehash).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::size (  )  const [inherited]

Return the number of elements in this unordered map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
size_type bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::max_size (  )  const [inherited]

Return a theoretical upper bound on the largest number of elements that this unordered map could possibly hold. Note that there is no guarantee that the unordered map can successfully grow to the returned size, or even close to that size, without running out of resources.

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class HASH , class EQUAL , class ALLOCATOR >
bool bsl::operator== ( const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  lhs,
const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two unordered_map objects have the same value if they have the same number of key-value pairs, and for each key-value pair that is contained in lhs there is a key-value pair contained in rhs having the same value, and vice versa. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be equality-comparable (see Requirements on value_type).

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class HASH , class EQUAL , class ALLOCATOR >
bool bsl::operator!= ( const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  lhs,
const unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two unordered_map objects do not have the same value if they do not have the same number of key-value pairs, or for some key-value pair that is contained in lhs there is not a key-value pair in rhs having the same value or vice-versa. Note that this method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE both be equality-comparable (see Requirements on value_type).

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class HASH , class EQUAL , class ALLOCATOR , class PREDICATE >
unordered_map<KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::size_type bsl::erase_if ( unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  m,
PREDICATE  predicate 

Erase all the elements in the specified unordered_map m that satisfy the specified predicate predicate. Return the number of elements erased.

template<class KEY , class VALUE , class HASH , class EQUAL , class ALLOCATOR >
void bsl::swap ( unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  a,
unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR > &  b 

Exchange the value, hasher, key-equality functor, and max_load_factor of the specified a object with those of the specified b object; also exchange the allocator of a with that of b if the (template parameter) type ALLOCATOR has the propagate_on_container_swap trait, and do not modify either allocator otherwise. This function provides the no-throw exception-safety guarantee if and only if both the (template parameter) types HASH and EQUAL provide no-throw swap operations; if an exception is thrown, both objects are left in valid but unspecified states. This operation guarantees O[1] complexity. The behavior is undefined unless either a was created with the same allocator as b or ALLOCATOR has the propagate_on_container_swap trait.

Variable Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
void swap (unordered_map& other) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION( AllocatorTraits pair<iterator, bool> bsl::unordered_map< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR >::try_emplace(const KEY &key, Args &&...args) [inherited]

< Exchange the value, hasher, key-equality functor, and max_load_factor of this object with those of the specified other object; also exchange the allocator of this object with that of other if the (template parameter) type ALLOCATOR has the propagate_on_container_swap trait, and do not modify either allocator otherwise. This method provides the no-throw exception-safety guarantee if and only if both the (template parameter) types HASH and EQUAL provide no-throw swap operations; if an exception is thrown, both objects are left in valid but unspecified states. This operation guarantees O[1] complexity. The behavior is undefined unless either this object was created with the same allocator as other or ALLOCATOR has the propagate_on_container_swap trait. If a key equivalent to the specified key already exists in this unordered_map, return a pair containing an iterator referring to the existing item, and false. Otherwise, insert into this map a newly-created value_type object, constructed from key and the specified args, and return a pair containing an iterator referring to the newly-created entry and true. This method requires that the (template parameter) types KEY and VALUE are emplace-constructible from key and args respectively. For C++03, VALUE must also be copy-constructible.


template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>, class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<bsl::pair<const KEY, VALUE> >>
template<class KEY2 , class VALUE2 , class HASH2 , class EQUAL2 , class ALLOCATOR2 >
bool operator== ( const unordered_map< KEY2, VALUE2, HASH2, EQUAL2, ALLOCATOR2 > &  ,
const unordered_map< KEY2, VALUE2, HASH2, EQUAL2, ALLOCATOR2 > &   
) [friend, inherited]