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Component bdlb_transparentless
[Package bdlb]

Provide a transparent less-than predicate. More...


namespace  bdlb

Detailed Description

Provide a transparent less-than predicate.
bdlb::TransparentLess a transparent less-than predicate.
See also:
bsl_map, bsl_set
This component provides a struct, bdlb::TransparentLess, that defines a functor that can be used as transparent less-than comparator for heterogeneous lookup.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Basic Use of bdlb::TransparentLess:
Suppose we need a container to store set of unique bsl::strings objects. We use bsl::set for our container, which uses bsl::less as default comparator. bsl::less is suitable if we want to search an entry using a bsl::string object as a key. However, if we were to try and search using a bsl::string_view object the code would not compile, even though the comparison operator between bsl::string and bsl::string_view exists. In addition, implicit conversions where they are available, may lead to additional memory allocation for temporary objects. The following code illustrates how to use bdlb::TransparentLess as a comparator for the standard container set, in this case to allow a bsl::set<bsl::string> to be searched with a bsl::string_view.
First, we create several C-strings:
  const char *newYork          = "NY";
  const char *losAngeles       = "LA";
  const char *cityWithLongName = "The abbreviation of really really long "
                                 "name of the city. The name is so long "
                                 "that even its abbreviation definitely "
                                 "exceeds Small String Optimization limit";
  const char *sanFrancisco     = "SF";
Next, we create several allocators to precisely control memory allocation:
  bslma::TestAllocator         ca("container", veryVeryVeryVerbose);
  bslma::TestAllocator         sa("strings",   veryVeryVeryVerbose);
And set one of them as default:
  bslma::TestAllocator         da("default",   veryVeryVeryVerbose);
  bslma::DefaultAllocatorGuard dag(&da);
Then, we create two containers, one with default comparator and another using bdlb::TransparentLess as a comparator: Now, we fill the containers with the strings:
  bsl::string newYorkStr         (newYork,           &sa);
  bsl::string losAngelesStr      (losAngeles,        &sa);
  bsl::string cityWithLongNameStr(cityWithLongName,  &sa);
  bsl::string sanFranciscoStr    (sanFrancisco,      &sa);

  defaultSet.insert(newYorkStr         );
  defaultSet.insert(losAngelesStr      );

  userSet.insert(newYorkStr         );
  userSet.insert(losAngelesStr      );
Finally, we observe that the container created with TransparentLess container (userSet) allows to use string_view object as a key and does not make any implicit conversions:
  bsl::string_view newYorkStrView         (newYork         );
  bsl::string_view cityWithLongNameStrView(cityWithLongName);
  bsl::string_view sanFranciscoStrView    (sanFrancisco    );

  assert(userSet.end() != userSet.find(newYorkStrView         ));
  assert(userSet.end() != userSet.find(cityWithLongNameStrView));
  assert(userSet.end() == userSet.find(sanFranciscoStrView    ));

  assert(0 == da.numBytesTotal());

  assert(userSet.end() != userSet.find(newYork         ));
  assert(userSet.end() != userSet.find(cityWithLongName));
  assert(userSet.end() == userSet.find(sanFrancisco    ));

  assert(0 == da.numBytesTotal());
While the container using the default comparator implicitly converts C-strings to bsl::string objects:
  assert(defaultSet.end() != defaultSet.find(newYork         ));
  assert(defaultSet.end() != defaultSet.find(cityWithLongName));
  assert(defaultSet.end() == defaultSet.find(sanFrancisco    ));

  assert(0 < da.numBytesTotal());