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Component balxml_validatingreader
[Package balxml]

Provide a common reader protocol for parsing and validating XML. More...


namespace  balxml

Detailed Description

Provide a common reader protocol for parsing and validating XML.
balxml::ValidatingReader reader protocol for parsing and validating XML
See also:
Component balxml_reader
This component represents an abstract class balxml::ValidatingReader - an XML reader that provides data validation against DTD or/and XML Schemas(XSD). The balxml::ValidatingReader inherits from the balxml::Reader interface and therefore fully compliant with it. In addition, balxml::ValidatingReader provides additional methods to control the validation. The enableValidation method specifies what type of validation the reader should perform. Setting validationFlag to false produces a non-validating reader. Setting it to true forces the reader perform the validation of input XML data against XSD schemas.
Schema Location and obtaining Schemas:
In validating mode the reader should be able obtain external XSD schemas. balxml::ValidatingReader requires that all schema sources must be represented in the form of bsl::streambuf objects. According to W3C standard an information about external XSD schemas can be defined in three places:
  • In an instance document, the attribute xsi:schemaLocation provides hints from the author to a processor regarding the location of schema documents. The schemaLocation attribute value consists of one or more pairs of URI references, separated by white space. The first member of each pair is a namespace name, and the second member of the pair is a hint describing where to find an appropriate schema document for that namespace. The presence of these hints does not require the processor to obtain or use the cited schema documents, and the processor is free to use other schemas obtained by any suitable means. For example, XercesC has a property XercesSchemaExternalSchemaLocation, that informs parser about available schemas exactly in the same format as the attribute schemaLocation in the document instance.
           period="P3M" periodEnding="1999-12-31">
  • In a schema, the include element has a required schemaLocation attribute, and it contains a URI reference which must identify a schema document.
  • Also in a schema, the import element has optional namespace and schemaLocation attributes. If present, the schemaLocation attribute is understood in a way which parallels the interpretation of xsi:schemaLocation in (1). Specifically, it provides a hint from the author to a processor regarding the location of a schema document that the author warrants supplies the required components for the namespace identified by the namespace attribute.
For all mentioned cases, having the URI reference which identifies a schema and an optional namespace, the processor(parser) should obtain bsl::streambuf object for the schema. For this purpose balxml::ValidatingReader interface defines the two level schemas resolution process:
  1. The reader(parser) must lookup schema in internal cache. If the schema is found, it must be used.
  2. Otherwise reader must use the associated resolver to obtain schema (see balxml::Reader::XmlResolverFunctor).
Both the schema cache and resolver should be setup before the method open is called.
Schema Cache:
balxml::ValidatingReader provides two abstract methods to maintain the schema cache:
  • addSchema, add a schema to the cache
  • removeSchemas, clear the cache and remove all schemas
Thread Safety:
This component does not provide any functions that present a thread safety issue, since the balxml::Reader class is abstract and cannot be instantiated. There is no guarantee that any specific derived class will provide a thread-safe implementation.
In this example, we will create a validating parser that parses and validates document again the schema.
  #include <a_xercesc_reader.h>

  #include <balxml_validatingreader.h>
  #include <balxml_errorinfo.h>
  #include <iostream>
  #include <sstream>
The following string describes an XSD schema for the documents we are going to parse:
 const char TEST_XSD_STRING[] =
    "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
    "<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'"
    "            xmlns='http://bloomberg.com/schemas/directory'"
    "            targetNamespace='http://bloomberg.com/schemas/directory'"
    "            elementFormDefault='qualified'"
    "            attributeFormDefault='qualified' >"
    " "
    "<xsd:complexType name='entryType'>"
    "    <xsd:sequence>"
    "    <xsd:element name='name' type='xsd:string'/>"
    "    <xsd:element name='phone'>"
    "        <xsd:complexType>"
    "        <xsd:simpleContent>"
    "            <xsd:extension base='xsd:string'>"
    "                <xsd:attribute name='phonetype' type='xsd:string'/>"
    "            </xsd:extension>"
    "        </xsd:simpleContent>"
    "        </xsd:complexType>"
    "    </xsd:element>"
    "    <xsd:element name='address' type='xsd:string'/>"
    "    </xsd:sequence>"
    " "
    "<xsd:element name='directory-entry' type='entryType'/>"
The following string describes correct XML for a conforming schema. The top-level element contains one XML namespace attribute, with one embedded entry describing a user:
  const char TEST_GOOD_XML_STRING[] =
    "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"
    "<directory-entry xmlns:dir='http://bloomberg.com/schemas/directory'\n"
    "     xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'\n"
    "     xsi:schemaLocation='http://bloomberg.com/schemas/directory  \n"
    "                         aaa.xsd' >\n"
    "    <name>John Smith</name>\n"
    "    <phone dir:phonetype='cell'>212-318-2000</phone>\n"
    "    <address/>\n"
The following string describes invalid XML. More specifically, the XML document is well-formed, but does not conform to our schema:
  const char TEST_BAD_XML_STRING[] =
    "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"
    "<directory-entry xmlns:dir='http://bloomberg.com/schemas/directory'\n"
    "     xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'\n"
    "     xsi:schemaLocation='http://bloomberg.com/schemas/directory  \n"
    "                         aaa.xsd' >\n"
    "    <name>John Smith</name>\n"
    "    <phone dir:phonetype='cell'>212-318-2000</phone>\n"
Now we define a parse method for parsing an XML document and validating against an XSD schema:
int parse(balxml::ValidatingReader *reader,
          const char              *xmlData,
          const char              *xsdSchema)
In order to read the XML, we first need to construct a balxml::NamespaceRegistry object, a balxml::PrefixStack object, and a TestReader object, where TestReader is a derived implementation of balxml_validatingreader.
    balxml::NamespaceRegistry namespaces;
    balxml::PrefixStack prefixStack(&namespaces);

The reader uses a balxml::PrefixStack to manage namespace prefixes so we need to set it before we call open.
    ASSERT(reader->prefixStack() == &prefixStack);
Setup validation


    bsl::istringstream schemaStream(xsdSchema);
    reader->addSchema("aaa.xsd", schemaStream.rdbuf());
Now we call the open method to setup the reader for parsing using the data contained in the in the XML string.
    int rc = reader->open(xmlData, bsl::strlen(xmlData), 0, "UTF-8");
    ASSERT(rc == 0);
Confirm that the bdem::Reader has opened properly
Do actual document reading
    while(1) {
        rc = reader->advanceToNextNode ();
        if (rc != 0) {
process current node here
Cleanup and close the reader.

    ASSERT(reader->prefixStack() == 0);

    return rc;
The main program parses an XML string using the TestReader
int usageExample()
    a_xercesc::Reader  reader;

    int rc = parse(&reader, TEST_GOOD_XML_STRING, TEST_XSD_STRING);
Normal end of data

    int rc = parse(&reader, TEST_BAD_XML_STRING, TEST_XSD_STRING);
Parser error - document validation failed

    return 0;