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Component bslscm_version
[Package bslscm]

Provide source control management (versioning) information. More...


namespace  bslscm

Detailed Description

Provide source control management (versioning) information.
bslscm::Version namespace for RCS and SCCS versioning information for bsl
This component provides source control management (versioning) information for the bsl package group. In particular, this component embeds RCS-style and SCCS-style version strings in binary executable files that use one or more components from the bsl package group. This version information may be extracted from binary files using common UNIX utilities (e.g., ident and what). In addition, the version static member function in the bslscm::Version struct can be used to query version information for the bsl package group at runtime. The following usage examples illustrate these two basic capabilities.
Note that unless the version method will be called, it is not necessary to #include this component header file to get bsl version information embedded in an executable. It is only necessary to use one or more bsl components (and, hence, link in the bsl library).
A program can display the version of BSL that was used to build it by printing the version string returned by bslscm::Version::version() to stdout as follows:
  std::printf("BSL version: %s\n", bslscm::Version::version());