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Component bslstl_forwarditerator
[Package bslstl]

Provide a template to create STL-compliant forward iterators. More...


namespace  bslstl

Detailed Description

Provide a template to create STL-compliant forward iterators.
bslstl::ForwardIterator forward iterator template
Canonical Header:
See also:
Component bslstl_iterator, Component bslstl_bidirectionaliterator, Component bslstl_randomaccessiterator
This component provides an iterator adaptor that, given an implementation class defining a core set of iterator functionality, adapts it to provide an STL-compliant forward iterator interface. The set of requirements for a forward iterator is found in "Table 106: Forward iterator requirements", under the tag "[forward.iterators]". (Note that this reference is sourced in N3092, a C++0x working paper; the actual table number may vary in the actual standard.) Include bsl_iterator.h to use this component.
Given the following "iterator-like" implementation class:
  template <class T>
  class my_IteratorImp {
      // CREATORS
      my_IteratorImp(const my_IteratorImp&);

      // An additional value-constructor should be supplied that can be
      // called by the unspecified container type, providing access to the
      // container's internal data structure that is to be iterated over.
      // This would typically be called by 'begin' and 'end'.

      my_IteratorImp& operator=(const my_IteratorImp&);

      void operator++();

      // ACCESSORS
      T& operator*() const;

  template <class T>
  bool operator==(const my_IteratorImp<T>& lhs,
                  const my_IteratorImp<T>& rhs);
simply add the following two typedefs to any container class that provides my_IteratorImp<T> access, and the container will have STL-compliant forward iterators: Note that the implementation for const_iterator is my_IteratorImp<T> and not my_IteratorImp<const T>, rather the const is added to the return value of operator* by way of conversion to the first template argument.