BDE 4.14.0 Production release
Modules | |
Package bdlat | |
Basic Development Library Attribute Types (bdlat) | |
Package bdlb | |
Basic Development Library Basis (bdlb) | |
Package bdlbb | |
Basic Development Library Blobs (bdlbb) | |
Package bdlc | |
Basic Development Library Container (bdlc) | |
Package bdlcc | |
Basic Development Library Concurrency Containers (bdlcc) | |
Package bdld | |
Basic Development Library Datum (bdld) | |
Package bdlde | |
Basic Development Library Data Encoder (bdlde) | |
Package bdldfp | |
Basic Development Library Decimal Floating-Point (bdldfp) | |
Package bdlf | |
Basic Development Library Functors (bdlf) | |
Package bdljsn | |
Basic Development Library JSoN (bdljsn) | |
Package bdlm | |
Basic Development Library Metrics (bdlm) | |
Package bdlma | |
Basic Development Library Memory Allocators (bdlma) | |
Package bdlmt | |
Basic Development Library Multi Thread (bdlmt) | |
Package bdlpcre | |
Basic Development Library PCRE (bdlpcre) | |
Package bdls | |
Basic Development Library System-level utilities (bdls) | |
Package bdlsb | |
Basic Development Library Stream Buffers (bdlsb) | |
Package bdlscm | |
Basic Development Library Source Control Management (bdlscm) | |
Package bdlsta | |
Basic Development Library STAtistics (bdlsta) | |
Package bdlt | |
Basic Development Library Time (bdlt) | |
Provide vocabulary types, messaging, containers, and parsers.
Basic Development Library (bdl)
The 'bdl' ("Basic Development Library") package group contains platform-independent system-level utilities, concrete allocators derived from the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol, vocabulary types for date, time, and calendar values, several containers (e.g., packed containers), and a decimal floating point library.
The 'bdl' package group currently has 19 packages having 9 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the packages. The order of packages within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.
'bdlat': Provide generic functions to manipulate attribute types
'bdlb': Provide basic types and utilities.
'bdlbb': Provide flexible, efficient management of message buffers.
'bdlc': Provide container vocabulary types.
'bdlcc': Provide containers that support concurrent (multi-thread) access.
'bdld': Provide a variant type ('Datum') and supporting utilities.
'bdlde': Mechanisms for standard encodings and hashings, e.g., base64, md5.
'bdldfp': Provide IEEE-754 2008 decimal floating-point types and utilities.
'bdlf': Provide signature-specific function objects (functors).
'bdljsn': Provide a value-semantic JSON type and supporting utilities
'bdlm': Provide metrics registrars.
'bdlma': Provide allocators, pools, and other memory-management tools.
'bdlmt': Provides thread pools and event schedulers.
'bdlpcre': Provide a mechanism to process Perl-compatible regular expressions.
'bdls': Provide platform-independent system-level utilities.
'bdlsb': Provide concrete 'streambuf' implementations.
'bdlscm': Provide versioning information for BDE library components.
'bdlsta': Provide basic statistical computations.
'bdlt': Provide date and time vocabulary types, and related utilities.