BDE 4.14.0 Production release
No Matches
Group bdl


 Package bdlat
 Basic Development Library Attribute Types (bdlat)
 Package bdlb
 Basic Development Library Basis (bdlb)
 Package bdlbb
 Basic Development Library Blobs (bdlbb)
 Package bdlc
 Basic Development Library Container (bdlc)
 Package bdlcc
 Basic Development Library Concurrency Containers (bdlcc)
 Package bdld
 Basic Development Library Datum (bdld)
 Package bdlde
 Basic Development Library Data Encoder (bdlde)
 Package bdldfp
 Basic Development Library Decimal Floating-Point (bdldfp)
 Package bdlf
 Basic Development Library Functors (bdlf)
 Package bdljsn
 Basic Development Library JSoN (bdljsn)
 Package bdlm
 Basic Development Library Metrics (bdlm)
 Package bdlma
 Basic Development Library Memory Allocators (bdlma)
 Package bdlmt
 Basic Development Library Multi Thread (bdlmt)
 Package bdlpcre
 Basic Development Library PCRE (bdlpcre)
 Package bdls
 Basic Development Library System-level utilities (bdls)
 Package bdlsb
 Basic Development Library Stream Buffers (bdlsb)
 Package bdlscm
 Basic Development Library Source Control Management (bdlscm)
 Package bdlsta
 Basic Development Library STAtistics (bdlsta)
 Package bdlt
 Basic Development Library Time (bdlt)

Detailed Description


Provide vocabulary types, messaging, containers, and parsers.


Basic Development Library (bdl)


The 'bdl' ("Basic Development Library") package group contains platform-independent system-level utilities, concrete allocators derived from the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol, vocabulary types for date, time, and calendar values, several containers (e.g., packed containers), and a decimal floating point library.

Hierarchical Synopsis

The 'bdl' package group currently has 19 packages having 9 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the packages. The order of packages within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.

9. bdlmt
8. bdlat
7. bdlt
6. bdlc
5. bdldfp
4. bdlb
3. bdlde
2. bdlf
1. bdlscm
Definition bdlat_arrayutil.h:198
Definition bdlb_algorithmworkaroundutil.h:74
Definition bdlbb_blob.h:442
Definition bdlc_bitarray.h:503
Definition bdlcc_boundedqueue.h:270
Definition bdld_datum.h:730
Definition bdlde_base64alphabet.h:118
Definition bdldfp_decimal.h:712
Definition bdlf_bind.h:976
Definition bdljsn_error.h:143
Definition bdlm_instancecount.h:101
Definition bdlma_alignedallocator.h:276
Definition bdlmt_eventscheduler.h:522
Definition bdlpcre_regex.h:748
Definition bdls_fdstreambuf.h:412
Definition bdlsb_fixedmeminput.h:145
Definition bdlscm_version.h:121
Definition bdlsta_linefit.h:110
Definition bbldc_basicisma30360.h:112

Package Synopsis

'bdlat': Provide generic functions to manipulate attribute types

'bdlb': Provide basic types and utilities.

'bdlbb': Provide flexible, efficient management of message buffers.

'bdlc': Provide container vocabulary types.

'bdlcc': Provide containers that support concurrent (multi-thread) access.

'bdld': Provide a variant type ('Datum') and supporting utilities.

'bdlde': Mechanisms for standard encodings and hashings, e.g., base64, md5.

'bdldfp': Provide IEEE-754 2008 decimal floating-point types and utilities.

'bdlf': Provide signature-specific function objects (functors).

'bdljsn': Provide a value-semantic JSON type and supporting utilities

'bdlm': Provide metrics registrars.

'bdlma': Provide allocators, pools, and other memory-management tools.

'bdlmt': Provides thread pools and event schedulers.

'bdlpcre': Provide a mechanism to process Perl-compatible regular expressions.

'bdls': Provide platform-independent system-level utilities.

'bdlsb': Provide concrete 'streambuf' implementations.

'bdlscm': Provide versioning information for BDE library components.

'bdlsta': Provide basic statistical computations.

'bdlt': Provide date and time vocabulary types, and related utilities.