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Component balcl_typeinfo
[Package balcl]

Provide a class describing an option's type and other attributes. More...


namespace  balcl

Detailed Description

Provide a class describing an option's type and other attributes.
balcl::TypeInfo attribute type describing command-line option features
balcl::TypeInfoUtil utility functions for balcl::TypeInfo
See also:
Component balcl_commandline, Component balcl_optiontype
This component provides a single (value-semantic) attribute class, balcl::TypeInfo, that is used to describe several features of a command-line option. Specifically:
  • The type of an option's value (see balcl_optiontype).
  • Optional: The address of a linked variable to hold an option's value.
  • Optional: The address of a function (see balcl_constraint) that imposes a user-defined constraint on an option's value.
For further details see balcl_commandline|Type-and-Constraint Field and balcl_commandline|Example: Type-and-Constraint Field.
This component also provides a utility struct, balcl::TypeInfoUtil, that defines a namespace for functions that extract option values from input streams and for validating those values against the constraints of a balcl::TypeInfo object.
The intended use of this component is illustrated in balcl_commandline|Usage.