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Component bslalg_hasstliterators
[Package bslalg]

Provide a tag type used to detect STL-like iterators traits. More...


namespace  bslalg

Detailed Description

Provide a tag type used to detect STL-like iterators traits.
bslalg::HasStlIterators tag type to detect STL-like iterators traits
See also:
bslmf_detecttestedtraits, Component bslalg_typetraithasstliterators
This component defines a tag type HasStlIterators derived from bslmf::DetectNestedTrait type. The type defines a metafunction that detects if a class has STL-like iterators, and provides a type HasStilIterators<TYPE>value which aliases true_type if TYPE has STL-like iterators, and false_type otherwise.
A TYPE that has this trait fulfills the following requirements, where mX is a modifiable object and X a non-modifiable object of TYPE:
  Valid expression     Type              Note
  ----------------     ----              ----
  TYPE::iterator                         Iterator type (has 'operator->',
                                         'operator*', and possibly more
                                         depending on the iterator

  TYPE::const_iterator                   Iterator type (has 'operator->',
                                         'operator*', and possibly more
                                         depending on the iterator
                                         category).  The value type of this
                                         iterator is not modifiable.

  mX.begin()           iterator          Similar to standard containers
  mX.end()             iterator
  X.begin()            const_iterator
  X.end()              const_iterator
  X.cbegin()           const_iterator
  X.cend()             const_iterator