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Package bdlscm
[Package Group bdl]

Provide versioning information for BDE library components. More...


 Component bdlscm_version

Provide source control management (versioning) information.

 Component bdlscm_versiontag

Provide versioning information for the bdl package group.

Detailed Description

Provide versioning information for BDE library components.
MNEMONIC: Basic Development Library Source Control Management (bdlscm):
See also:
This package provides versioning information that is incorporated into every release of the bdl Package Group Library. This versioning information is in turn available to all clients of bdl both at run-time and by inspection of appropriate .o files. Note that, except for the package name, this version functionality is repeated in every package group within the BDE library suite.
Hierarchical Synopsis:
The bdlscm package currently has 2 components having 2 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components.
  2. bdlscm_version

  1. bdlscm_versiontag
Component Synopsis:
Provide source control management (versioning) information.
Provide versioning information for the bdl package group.