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Component balxml_formatter_compactimpl
[Package balxml]

Provide a minimal-whitespace implementation for balxml_formatter. More...


namespace  balxml

Detailed Description

Provide a minimal-whitespace implementation for balxml_formatter.
balxml::Formatter_CompactImplState state of formatter state machine
balxml::Formatter_CompactImplStateId labels for formatter state
balxml::Formatter_CompactImplUtil actions of formatter state machine
This private, subordinate component to balxml_formatter provides an in-core value semantic attribute class, balxml::Formatter_CompactImplState, and a utility struct, balxml::Formatter_CompactImplUtil, that implements XML printing operations using the state value type. These two classes work in conjunction to implement a state machine for printing an XML document having minimal whitespace, given a sequence of tokens to emit. The class balxml::Formatter_CompactImplStateId enumerates the set of labels for distinct states of balxml::Formatter_CompactImplState, upon which most control-flow decisions of balxml::Formatter_CompactImplUtil are based.