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Component bdlat_enumfunctions
[Package bdlat]

Provide a namespace defining enumeration functions. More...


namespace  bdlat_EnumFunctions

Detailed Description

Provide a namespace defining enumeration functions.
bdlat_EnumFunctions namespace for calling enumeration functions
See also:
The bdlat_EnumFunctions namespace provided in this component defines parameterized functions that expose "enumeration" behavior for "enumeration" types. See the package-level documentation for a full description of "enumeration" types. The functions in this namespace allow users to:
      o load an enumeration value from an integer value ('fromInt').
      o load an enumeration value from a string value ('fromString').
      o load an integer value from an enumeration value ('toInt').
      o load a string value from an enumeration value ('toString').
Also, the meta-function IsEnumeration contains a compile-time constant VALUE that is non-zero if the parameterized TYPE exposes "enumeration" behavior through the bdlat_EnumFunctions namespace.
This component specializes all of these functions for types that have the bdlat_TypeTraitBasicEnumeration trait.
Types that do not have the bdlat_TypeTraitBasicEnumeration trait may have the functions in the bdlat_EnumFunctions namespace specialized for them. An example of this is provided in the Usage section of this document.
The following snippets of code illustrate the usage of this component. Suppose you had a C++ enum type called MyEnum:
 #include <bdlat_enumfunctions.h>
 #include <bdlb_string.h>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>

 namespace BloombergLP {

 namespace mine {

 enum MyEnum {
     RED   = 1,
     GREEN = 2,
     BLUE  = 3
We can now make MyEnum expose "enumeration" behavior by implementing all the necessary bdlat_enum* functions for MyEnum inside the mine namespace. First we should forward declare all the functions that we will implement inside the mine namespace:

      int bdlat_enumFromInt(MyEnum *result, int number);
          // Load into the specified 'result' the enumerator matching the
          // specified 'number'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value
          // with no effect on 'result' if 'number' does not match any
          // enumerator.

      int bdlat_enumFromString(MyEnum *result,
                               const char *string, int stringLength);
          // Load into the specified 'result' the enumerator matching the
          // specified 'string' of the specified 'stringLength'.  Return 0 on
          // success, and a non-zero value with no effect on 'result' if
          // 'string' and 'stringLength' do not match any enumerator.

      // ACCESSORS

      void bdlat_enumToInt(int *result, const MyEnum& value);
          // Return the integer representation exactly matching the
          // enumerator name corresponding to the specified enumeration
          // 'value'.

      void bdlat_enumToString(bsl::string *result, const MyEnum& value);
          // Return the string representation exactly matching the enumerator
          // name corresponding to the specified enumeration 'value'.

  }  // close namespace mine
Next, we provide the definitions for each of these functions:

  int mine::bdlat_enumFromInt(MyEnum *result, int number)
      enum { SUCCESS = 0, NOT_FOUND = -1 };

      switch (number) {
        case RED: {
          *result = RED;

          return SUCCESS;
        case GREEN: {
          *result = GREEN;

          return SUCCESS;
        case BLUE: {
          *result = BLUE;

          return SUCCESS;
        default: {
          return NOT_FOUND;

  int mine::bdlat_enumFromString(MyEnum    *result,
                                 const char *string,
                                 int         stringLength)
      enum { SUCCESS = 0, NOT_FOUND = -1 };

      if (bdlb::String::areEqualCaseless("red",
                                        stringLength)) {
          *result = RED;

          return SUCCESS;

      if (bdlb::String::areEqualCaseless("green",
                                        stringLength)) {
          *result = GREEN;

          return SUCCESS;

      if (bdlb::String::areEqualCaseless("blue",
                                        stringLength)) {
          *result = BLUE;

          return SUCCESS;

      return NOT_FOUND;


  void mine::bdlat_enumToInt(int *result, const MyEnum& value)
      *result = static_cast<int>(value);

  void mine::bdlat_enumToString(bsl::string    *result, const MyEnum&  value)
      switch (value) {
        case RED: {
          *result = "RED";
        } break;
        case GREEN: {
          *result = "GREEN";
        } break;
        case BLUE: {
          *result = "BLUE";
        } break;
        default: {
          *result = "UNKNOWN";
        } break;
Finally, we need to specialize the IsEnum meta-function in the bdlat_EnumFunctions namespace for the mine::MyEnum type. This makes the bdlat infrastructure recognize MyEnum as an enumeration abstraction:
  namespace bdlat_EnumFunctions {

      template <>
      struct IsEnumeration<mine::MyEnum> {
          enum { VALUE = 1 };

  }  // close namespace 'bdlat_EnumFunctions'
  }  // close namespace 'BloombergLP'
The bdlat infrastructure (and any component that uses this infrastructure) will now recognize MyEnum as an "enumeration" type. For example, suppose we have the following XML data:
  <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
Using the balxml_decoder component, we can load this XML data into a MyEnum object:
  #include <balxml_decoder.h>

  void decodeMyEnumFromXML(bsl::istream& inputData)
      using namespace BloombergLP;

      MyEnum object = 0;

      balxml::DecoderOptions options;
      balxml::MiniReader     reader;
      balxml::ErrorInfo      errInfo;

      balxml::Decoder decoder(&options, &reader, &errInfo);
      int result = decoder.decode(inputData, &object);

      assert(0     == result);
      assert(GREEN == object);
Note that the bdlat framework can be used for functionality other than encoding/decoding into XML. When mine::MyEnum is plugged into the framework, then it will be automatically usable within the framework. For example, the following snippets of code will convert a string from a stream and load it into a mine::MyEnum object:
  template <typename TYPE>
  void readMyEnum(bsl::istream& stream, TYPE *object)
      bsl::string value;
      stream >> value;

      return bdlat_EnumType::fromString(object, value);
Now we have a generic function that takes an input stream and a Cusip object, and inputs its value. We can use this generic function as follows:
  void usageExample()
      using namespace BloombergLP;

      bsl::stringstream ss;
      mine::MyEnum object;

      ss << "GREEN" << bsl::endl << "BROWN" << bsl::endl;

      assert(0           == readMyEnum(ss, &object));
      assert(mine::GREEN == object);

      assert(0           != readMyEnum(ss, &object));